25 Small Business Ideas for Teachers

There are many business ideas for Teachers because the profession has a lot to do with imparting knowledge. Teachers are also good public speakers and organizers.
The teaching profession pays better than in the past and teachers are finding additional sources of income through entrepreneurship. Teachers can start small businesses that complement the day jobs and put money in their pocket.
They can take advantage of summer holidays and weekends to dabble in business. Some have found some of the business ventures highly profitable.
Here is a list of top of business ideas for teachers
Publish Educational Material
Teachers are in the best position to know the schools curriculum. They can leverage on this knowledge to publish educational material.
The material could be a subject that he teaches making it more simplified for students. The teacher has three options on how to circulate the material.
The first is to present it to educational certification body. If the book is adopted  by the ministry of education it will be available in most schools. You can see clearly the financial reward with that arrangement.

The second method is for the school to adopt the material for study. The third way is selling the book to students taking that subject.
private tutor
Private Tutoring
Private tutoring is the most common way teachers earn money outside the class. The accept students to after school tutoring in there homes or classroom.
Parents readily appoint tutor because they want there children to excel in their studies. Another reason parents pay teacher to teach their wards is if they seem to lag in class.
Private tutoring is financially rewarding however the teacher should only accept a limited number of pupils.
After School Lessons for Students
After school lesson is similar to private tutelage but the difference is the lessons are carried out in the school complex. The lessons have the sanction of the school and only students that pay for the service get to stay behind.
The school shares lesson fees with the teacher involved. The advantage of this arrangement is the student learns directly from the same teacher.
mark exams
Marking Examinations
Marking examinations is tedious but worth the effort. Teachers are already proficient at marking examinations.
All they need to do is offer your services to notable examination bodies. Examination bodies are always on the look out for qualified teachers to mark the examinations.
Skill Training
Although good grades are fine students need Individual life coaches to teach interpersonal skills, soft skills and comportment. The teachers help the student overcome personal hurdles and challenges while preparing them for the job market.
Online Tutoring
Online tutoring is similar to regular tutoring but a different medium of presentation. Online tutoring uses videos lectures, charts and continuous assessment.
The teacher can join an established program or develop his own.
Organize Seminars
Teachers and lecturer are the most sort after people for seminars. Teachers make great coaches and are able to pass on the message easier than non teachers.
There are two ways a teacher can make money from seminars. They are either contacted to lecture in a seminar or organize the seminar themselves.
Write an eBook
The teacher is in the best position to write books related to the subject he teaches. Write an ebook on the subject you teach, promote the book to your students and other institutions.
Students same grade class despite being in a different school would most likely buy the publication. A good eBook publisher will pay you your royalty every month without fail.

Sell Educational Videos
Educational videos are the rave of the moment because students prefer videos. Most educational videos sell like hot cake because they reduce the stress involved in reading.
Create the videos on a subject you are familiar with. Make your educational video fun while teaching the core subject to eager students.
Sell Audio Tapes
Audio tapes sell even better than video tapes and are easy to make. Some students religiously seek audiotapes of lectures to listen too in their spare time.
Make your audio tape clear and concise for easier assimilation.
used books
Sell Used Books
Find rare books and sell for huge profit. Teachers are surrounded by books, locate an out of print masterpiece and earn big payout.
You need to understand which books are valuable or not. A very old book does not necessary mean it’s of any value.
Learn more on how to 
sell used books for profit
Start a Professional Resume Business
Job applicants suffer rejection despite having the prerequisite qualification and skill. The main reason is because of a poorly written resume.
Teachers can start a professional resume writing business to aid job applicants. You make a small amount of money but provide an invaluable service.
Other services in this scope of business are job application letter and letter of introduction.
teach music
Teach music
Music teachers can offer private tutelage and group seasons. The teacher can organize field studies and visits to the theater or concert.
Music teachers have many sources of income to tap into such as making caller tunes and techno music. If the teacher has a good singing voice he can cut a single.

Language Teachers
Do you teach languages like French, Spanish or Portuguese? Then you can teach language online and offline.
Apart from teaching private pupils language, translation jobs abound. Another way is to offer your services to travel companies and airlines.
Language teachers are at liberty to translate books into a language of their choice.
Freelance Writing
Take writing jobs online and get paid once the customer approves your work. There are many freelance websites that accept writing jobs.
The jobs are placed on a board and a writer takes on the assignment. Such writing assignments have a word count and are time based.
See if you are can write under pressure login and sign up with iwritter.com. They have lots of writing jobs and they pay via PayPal. The payment threshold isn’t high and you can decide to cash out once or twice a month.
gym teacher
Gym Teachers
Start a small community gym and make it a hub for youths. Youths have lots of boundless energy so make your gym cool enough to attract patrons.
Health and fitness is big business worth billions of dollars. There are many businesses for a gym teacher such as an instructional videos and health drink business.
The gym instructor can organize football matches or any sports he fancies. Competitive sports attract spectators and spectators pay admission fees.

Corporate Training
Corporate training businesses are big money spinners.  Corporate organizations spend lots of money on training and retraining staff.
Build a sold reputation in this business and it might just replace your day job.
Build a Website
People build websites for various reasons for leisure, entertainment or business purposes. Find your voice and interest and the website will be profitable.
There are different types of websites like niche website, news, general articles and e-commerce website.
freelance journalist
Freelance Journalism
Home your writing skill into freelance journalism and earn steady income. Not every writer in the newspaper firm is in direct paid employment.
Top daily’s accept freelance journalist and give the prolific ones a special page. You will be expected to contribute articles once a week.
To get on the band wagon present a portfolio of your work. If your writing is up to their standards they will give you a trial.
Craft Teacher
Craft is big business both online and offline. Create unique items and sell to tourists and art lovers. Sell your craft at exhibition fairs, open market and novelty stores.
Sell on ebay.com, olx.com and other classified portals. The uniqueness and quality of your work will make or break this business.
summer camp
Summer Camps
Summer camps are ideal for relaxation, sports, games and learning. The camps allow teacher better access to their students weaknesses and strengths.
The week long activates are beneficial to teachers and students alike.
Home Economics Teacher
Home economic teachers are ideal business people. They have lots of skill in baking, cooking delicious meals and general home improvement
A home economic teacher can start a fast food business and bake cakes for occasions. They could do laundry and house cleaning business effectively.
Accounting and Economics Teacher
Accounting teachers need to upgrade there certificate by getting a top professional accounting certification. The certification allows them work as chartered accountants.
Chartered accountants make lots of money because almost every company needs the services of an accountant.
Accounting teachers can moonlight as chartered accountants and earn reasonable money.
Zoology and Botanists
Teachers that are into zoology and botany are best suited for zoological gardens. Zoological gardens attract lots of visitors monthly.
Botanists work with different fauna making the good gardeners.
Online Paid surveys
This business venture is the least interesting one in the list. There are tons of survey websites online some legit some fraudsters.
Online surveys pay people to take surveys for top companies. The survey companies are hired by business organizations to conduct survey,
The survey company then presents the survey to its registered members and those that fall within the age/sex and demography.
 USA residents get the best survey jobs because most of the customers are in USA. To do surveys you need to open a dedicated email address to receive them.
Then you sign up fill the personal form and wait for surveys. People that make headway doing surveys sign up to many survey websites.
You need to sign up to at least 20 survey websites to make any money. If you want my honest opinion stay clear of surveys and never pay any survey website money.
Small business ideas for teachers
1             Make arts and Craft
2             Become a freelance journalist
3             Build a unique website
4             Start a corporate training firm
5             Start a gym
6             Try freelance writing
7             Become a language coach
8             Teach music
9             Work with seminar organizers
10          Skill training
11          Write professional resume for cash
12          Buy and sell used books
13          Sell audio tapes
14          Sell video tapes write a book
15          Start marking examination papers
16          Offer after school tuition
17          Start private lessons
18          Publish educational materials
19          Try online tutoring
20          Write an eBook
21          Take surveys
22          Start a botanical garden
23          Bake cakes
24          Become a chartered accountant
25          Summer camp rocks
Teachers have lots of money making advantages over other profession because of the nature of teaching. The teacher should discover his interests and build a business venture of hid choice.
Sometimes the business becomes huge and the teacher has a choice to leave regular employment to the tough world of commerce.

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