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Business Process Outsourcing: How to Start a Business Process Outsourcing Company

Business processing outsourcing is closely related to the function of outsourcing. It is a contractual agreement between two parties to manufacture or perform a service.
The contracting of a service to a third party is called business processing outsourcing. Large companies especially in Europe and America have found PBO a useful business initiative.
BPO is usually used for Back office services include accounting, finance, human resources and minor front end operations. Others are services like customer relations and contact center services.
BPO provides a seamless operational format for companies to contract a small part of their operation to a third party. They hire outside partners to perform certain non core functions.
 The front office functions generally outsourced are secretarial work, filling documents, accounting and other non core services. Advancement in technology has increased the prospect of hiring highly technical or qualified professionals to do the job.
Others business outsourced are manufacturing, graphic designers, marketers, labor, sewing and paralegal services. BPO has two formats one is outsourcing within the same country referred to as ‘near shore’ outsourcing or outside the country ‘off shore’.
Often manufacturing and information technology are the most common forms of the process
Why Outsource Part of your Business
The major reasons for companies to adapt BPO as a business template are many. The structure effectively reduces the cost of labor, invariably increasing revenue. Other reasons are the ability to hire cheaper highly qualified professionals including reducing overhead such as tax, health insurance, rent, and payroll.
Business process outsourcing increases efficiency and competitiveness in your chosen sector. It also increases company flexibility, cost efficiency, and direct quality control.
India is a major player due to highly qualified workforce and advancement in technology.  This has a great impact on offshore services provided in the country.
 Other production based services are garment, packaging and some labor services. The service trade accounts for billions of dollars in foreign exchange to India.

Other major BPO countries are the Philippines, South Africa and China. A major benefit of BPO is quick and responsive changes in capacity and less investment in assets.
 It allows the company more time to focus on core operations without much bureaucracy. More benefits of operating this process include speed and efficiency, growth potential ad less capital expenditure.
When to Outsource
With all the benefits of efficiency and reduced cost a company might decide to try BPO. The process is not limited to large conglomerates because small and medium companies can also benefit.
The big question is when to use business process outsourcing to re-position your company. Sometimes a company discovers a huge growth in their customer base and administrative functions. This is good but might affect the productivity and capacity of an overworked staff.
The company has to decide on either reducing productivity or re-position the business. They can decide to hire more staff which means more payrolls, heath insurance and overhead costs.
Outsourcing the job to qualified freelancers reduces these costs exponentially.  Another reason companies consider this format is when undertaking a new project.
Instead of adding more workload on in-house staff they can contract the job to freelancers. A major factor that contributes to company deciding on BPO is growth.
Delegating non core jobs through contractual agreements is an effective business strategy. There are many competent qualified professionals willing to do the job for less.
A small enterprise might contract virtual assistants, bookkeepers, project managers, graphic designers and web developers. The need of the enterprise depends on the scope of work and contractual agreement.
What to Outsource
BPOs provide a free-for-service business model such as software development. To free employees from non core administrative process a third party vendor is needed.
You need to determine your core competence, capacity and value before outsourcing any part of your operation. The major tasks carried out by your staff is a no go area because any major drift might adversely affect the company.
There are categories of jobs a company can outsource such as tasks that involve specialized knowledge like information technology. Others are highly repetitive jobs like data entering and skilled jobs like financial analysts.
More examples of repetitive jobs are sewing jobs, assembly, accounts, inventory and sorting. Highly specialized jobs revolve around professionals in certain fields, IT and product development.
Companies might need the services of a highly skilled executive with vast knowledge of financial analysis and business operation. The person could be a retired top member of staff as a consultant.
Who to Hire
Finding reliable and efficient outsource providers is easier in today’s global economy. A few ways to find competent hands is through technology like the internet, networking, and recommendations.
Other ways to find companies to work with is through classified advertisements, and professional bodies. Online resources that help in this regard are freelance websites like freelancers, and ODesk
An amazing thing about business process outsourcing is the flexibility of the process. Your contract is not localized to one country and you cam have people working in different countries and locations.
Before going into contract you need to gather the best information about the company. Seek previous clients and get vital information on the company’s service delivery and work ethics.
Focus on your specific needs to determine the best candidate for the job.
What is Expected?
Once you have settled on a company create a contract that outlines your expectations.  Trust is an important factor in outsourcing your business process. The whole point of BPO is to delegate non crucial business to partner companies.
Cost Considerations
Cost differs according to the involvement and scope of work. Things to consider are highly technical professionals, location and wages.

factory workers
Outsourcing Problems
It is not all about smelling the roses because there are a few problems that may arise. The major problems with BPOs are over dependency on the offshore company, poor contractual agreement, and poor service delivery.
Other problems are security risks pertaining to information technology, language, patent theft, loss of independence and weak running costs. You need to effectively manage risks to control the business process.
Among all the prevailing problems the most difficult is poor contractual agreement. Generally BPO contracts run from 3 years to 5 years.
Despite the problems BPO provides new business opportunities for growth, development and cost management. Another advantage is the time zone of offshore BPOs that allow extended working hours.
The benefits out way the problems because it allows highly trained professionals contribute to the growth of your enterprise.
How to start a BPO Company
The main function of a BPO company is getting regular jobs. To start this business you need to find your niche.
Then register your company as a limited liability company. Once that is done hire appropriate staff for your organization. The most difficult task is getting top companies to hire your services.
Before approaching any company make sure you have the right equipment and staff to successfully deliver the job. To set up your business you need a business plan, finance, location, qualified staff and marketing.
Outsourcing is beneficial to both parties providing growth for companies and jobs for countless workers. Are you interested in finding companies that outsource their non core operations then learn more.

Hair Extension Business Ideas: Hair Extensions Business and Different Types of Hair Extensions

You can easily turn your passion into a profitable business with hair extension. Worldwide hair extension is big business raking several Billion dollars annually.
The insatiable interesting in hair has made this business venture very lucrative.  Americans and Europeans are the biggest users of hair and it’s equally popular in the Africa.
There are different types such as the curly, waxy and the most popular ones the straight hair.
Why is Hair Attachments so Popular
The truth is that the product helps a woman look beautiful, it adds to her glamour and personality. There is nothing wrong in keeping your natural hair.
Natural hair is easier to maintain, less expensive and simple. However, hair attachments offer much more innovative styles, fun and complement the woman’s natural features.
Most beauty stores in Africa that offer weaving, fixing and braiding stock hair extensions.  You find two major types which are the either long lasting or a temporary fix.
Category of Hair
Different hair falls into various groups like the micro link, micro bead or loop hair. Others are weave hair, tape hair and fusion hair extensions. They have different characteristics however the core function is to add beauty and glamour to the features.
Before you venture into hair products you need to learn about the product. Listed below are a few facts about hair attachments.
The Different Types in the Market
There are many types such as micro ring, clip-in and sew-in. Other types are pre-bonded hair, glued hair and pre-bonded hair.
Sew in Hair
Sew-in hairs are generally weaved and tightly braided into the scalp. This type is common in Africa and preferred because of its permanency and durability.
The hair is sew along the braid unto the scalp and can last up to five months. The hair needs monthly cutting and straightening to remain beautiful.
Pre-tape Hair
Pre-tape hair come in small sections with a strip clue attached to the top. It adds instant volume to the hair by attaching it to the root of the hair. The duration of this type of extension is about a month.
Pre-bonded Hair
Pre-bonded hair has a bond attached to the top of the extension. Some even have keratin formula that helps protect the hair.
The method used for pre-bonded hair is the extensions bonded to root by using heat to melt the adhesive. Pre- boned hair is long lasting but need maintenance very two months.
Micro Ring
Micro rings are attached to your hair via a tiny ring and clapped to the root. The major attraction to this type is easy adjustment of the hair and low maintenance cost.
black long hair
Cost of Hair Extensions
Hair extensions are pricey and they start at $150 upwards to$ 2500 USD. They come in two basic variants synthetic hair and natural hair.
The prices are based on the type of hair, products quality, durability and length. Other considerations are the volume, color and texture. The cost varies according to your location, type of extension and styling.
Hair type Extensions
Cost of Hair
Total cost
Partial head of hair
Plus cost of hair
Full head of hair
Plus cost of hair
Full head of hair
Plus cost of hair
High-quality human hair
Length and origin
Additional costs are based on maintenance of the hair extension such as monthly trimming ad shaping. Extension replaced or reapplied including re-coloring or removal costs.
Inexpensive extensions are clip in, temporary extensions and discounted extensions.

Bonding Methods
Bonding methods used for hair extensions are braiding and sewing. Others are pining, fusion including weaving of the hair. The extension is natural or colored according to the customer’s choice.
The stylist might trim, cut and style the attachment to complement the customers features.
Sourcing Extension
There are many major players in the business. You need to identify top manufacturers that produce the product and get their franchise.
Major markets for the product are Asian countries and India. You should determine the best type that complements your marketing plan and finance.
Starting the Business
Interested in stating a hair extension business then follow these simple steps. First get finance for the business, open a store, source your product and market the business.
You also need a business plan and budget before commencing with the project.
Business Plan
A business plan is very essential because of the intricacies in the job. You need to factor capital, location, business structure, sourcing your goods and government regulations.
Other things in your plan are taxation, import and export license, promotion and marketing. Once all the parameters are covered then you can start by registering your company.
Register your Company
Register your company name, location, share structure and mode of business. You then need to decide on supplying your local market or exporting your product.
Other considerations are entering the wholesale, retail or manufacturing aspect of the enterprise.
Financing your Business
The type of hair attachment you are interested in stocking dictates the amount of money you need. The industry is capital expensive tough and difficult to break into.
The hairs don’t come cheap so entrepreneurs interested in this enterprise needs proper financing. You can get finance via bank loans, friends and family or personal savings.
Other methods of obtaining finance are through core investment, venture capitalists or partnership. You can join a corporative association and seek soft loans to finance your business venture.
If you are not averse to having share holders in your business then sell equity in your business to raise start-up cash.
Source your Product
The major manufacturers of hair extensions are Asian countries. India is the number one hair producers in the world. This is because Indian hair is regarded as premium hair around the world.
The industry is massive in India and you even find temples where hair is donated. The long luxurious hair attracts higher value in the open market. To source your products find major manufacturers and request samples. If you have the luxury to travel go directly to major dealers and buy the product.
Get a Shop
A shop that deals in extensions will attract patrons especially if you have high quality stock. The business can be done from home but you need lots of advertisement and mobility to reach customers.
High brow areas attract high brow customers so choose your location carefully. Locate your enterprise in a busy commercial area for better patronage.
You can sell to other retail outfits include beauty stores and hair dressing salons.
Marketing your Business
There are a few way to market your hair extension business both online and offline. Here are a few ways to boost sales and attract lots of customers.

Sell to Stylists
The major buyers of hair extensions are stylists or boutiques. The big ones have the money to purchase high quality attachments in bulk.
Hair Salons buy lots of attachments form retailers and wholesalers to use on their customers. They even source their products from individuals returning from foreign trips.
Advertise your Wears
Advertisement is the best way to reach individual customers, salons and bulk purchase. You can place classified advertisements in newspapers, handbills, and posters.
Other methods are electronic media such as television and radio. Dealers in hair attachment cover lots of ground selling to individual stores.
Once they have established a good reputation for high quality goods you will have a list of eager buyers.
Build a Website
A website is a useful resource to get paying customers for your product. Websites reach an amazing number of people worldwide taking your business international.
You can also use free online classified advertisements or guest blogging to create awareness. Your website or blog should have lots of photographs of your products and prices. The site needs a payment gateway and checkout for online purchases.
You can build your website yourself or hire a professional to create a befitting site for your products. Statistics have shown that most businesses experience a 30% increase in patronage through online commerce.
Use Word of Mouth
Word of mouth is a powerful tool to get recommendations. Hair Salon patrons talk a lot and friends listen, they are curious about beautiful extensions and hair styles.
Spread the word and watch your profit climb to greater heights.
Recap on how to start a hair extension business
1             Write a comprehensive business plan
2             Register your company
3             Learn about hair attachment
4             Source proper financing
5             Rent a shop
6             Source your goods
7             Do effective marketing

Printing Business Ideas: How to Start a Printing Business

We’ve been into the printing business for 24 years starting our enterprise in 1992. The business has evolved over the years from letter-set machines and graphic designers studiously arranging our art work.
To advanced computers and laser jet printer revolutionized the industry. Even the huge offset printing machines became smaller and smarter.
The capital requirements depend on the size and scope of the operation. A large press start-up capital goes from $30,000-$100,000.
It will cost around $10,000-$50,000 startup funds for a small to middle sized operation. There is room for freelancers with little or no funds to cash in on the venture.
The venture is relatively easy once you understand the rudiments and workings of the enterprise.  To get started in the print industry you need to understand the stages and methodology of the art.
Let’s first focus on how printing works before delving into the business aspect.
typesetting typewriter
How does it Work
Most jobs follow basically the same process and procedure. There might be slight variations but they are generally the same.
It does not matter if the subject matter is a handbill, poster, business card, billboard, book cover or pamphlet. The general processes will achieve the same result.
The Art Work
The printing process starts with the art work of the job you receive. In the past graphic artist used light boards to cut and paste words and letters to form a template.
The job was back braking and caused eye problems because of the fluorescent bulb used in the process. A single art work of a complementary card could take an entire day to arrange. Even company logs were done by other artists before adding it to the design.
Then, we had the computer, Microsoft Word, PageMaker and Corral draw. What took days became possible in a matter of minutes.
Once a job is accepted the computer is used by a graphic designer to create the art work. The art work represents how the finished product will look before going through the press.
Once the art work is finished it goes down the production line. Are you interested in design learn more about graphic design businesses.
The art work needs to go through the lithography process. The process involves converting the art work into a plated form.
These are special plates that receive the image through heat transfer. Lithography is similar to taking a photograph and developing it in the dark room.
For the process to work the lithographer takes an image of the art work with a special camera. The negative is then placed on the plate and exposed though light and heat transfer. The plate is then washed with a special chemical and a gum or fixer is applied.
The Camera
The camera used to expose the film is similar to regular cameras because it also has a lens. The art work is taken to the dark room a photo taken and exposed unto a film.
The process of taking the photograph is about five minutes. The lithographer then washes the film with special chemicals. The exposed film is then affixed to the plate and placed on the plate making machine.
Plate Making Machine
The process of applying light and heat to the plate is done by the plate maker. The film is exposed unto the plate and the image is impressed. The lithographer then washes the plate with a base chemical to reveal the impression.
printing machine
The Offset Machine
There are different specifications of plates from the 201 to cord plates. The same applies to types of printing machines and the size of plates they accommodate.
Regardless of the size or type of machine the plate goes through the same application. The operator affixes the plate to the machine applies color and the machine prints out the paper.
There are four basic color groups used for printing the yellow, magenta red, blue and black. Although there are other colors the major colors are able to produce any printout.
Handbills, complementary cards, letterhead papers and posters go through this process. Once the printing is done the paper is left to dry then the cutting and trimming.

Cutting Machine
The cutting machine is a heavy duty machine that cuts and trims paper. It is capable of cutting an entire rim of paper in half. The machine works through high voltage electricity, wheels, pedals and knobs to arrange and cut paper.
The Modern Method
Printing has developed even further than heat transfer and plating. There are some computers that send signals to machines jumping straight to impression.
The impression is the printing stage of the process. The machine does direct transfer and is best used in making banners and posters.
paper roll
Digital Printing
Printing has gone digital making it easier to do with less capital. The press owner needs less skilled staff to operate the enterprise.
The smaller equipment's are manageable, easy to handle and cost less than former offset printers.  All that is required is a computer and the digital equipment.
To start the enterprises consider the location, equipment, staff strength and marketing. You need capital to run the business for at least six months.
You can source funds from bank loans, a core investor or personal savings. Your office should have a secretary, computer graphic artist and print operator.
You need to register your business with the corporate affairs commission as a limited liability company. Join any association that has to do with printing or publishing.
Chose a Niche
Printing business is broad based and has may niche groups. You can choose to do offset print, digital or screen print which is manual impression of negative to different surfaces.
Screen printing
Screen printers convert art work to negative films. The negative films are then exposed unto a special mesh then impressed on a surface manually with ink.
Screen print niche covers impression on cups, plates, buckets handkerchiefs and plastic containers.  The tools used in screen printing are basic cheap and easy to handle.
You need a little practical experience to develop the simple skill. The screen printer needs only two equipment one to create the negative and the mesh.
Offset Printing
Offset printing has been explained earlier and is capital intensive. Many printing firms prefer this mode of printing because of its ability to produce large quantity of printed material.
Handbills, pamphlets, posters and letter headed paper are items commonly produced through offset method. Offset printers need lots of office space for their large machinery.
Equipment used includes computers, lithography machines, and offset machines.
List of things needed to start the enterprise
1             You need an office
2             Rent a large workshop for your machines
3             Buy a lithography machine
4             Buy an offset machine
5             The camera
6             You need a plate making machine
The price of the job is based on different parameters. Every stage of the production process is calculated and included in the final bill.
When calculating the price of jobs consider the typesetting, graphic work and cost of plate. Other things added are cost of impression, paper, transportation, cutting and labor cost.
Once you have done the arithmetic’s you add 28% of the overall figure to the final estimate. It looks a little complicated but you will get the hand of it eventually.
Quality of Work
You need to produce high quality work to attract customers. Create beautiful designs and use high quality machinery to print your jobs.
Try to meet deadlines because some jobs are time sensitive. Such jobs are obituaries, birthdays, wedding programs, anniversaries and corporate events.
The best marketing you can do is locating your office in a busy area. To attract customers use billboards and sign posts in front of your building.
Other methods are newspaper advertisements and hand bills. Offer your services to religious groups like churches or schools and missionaries. Another way is to build a website or blog to have an online presence.
To start the job find a good location and decide on you niche. Hire staff, buy equipment and do effective marketing to attract customers.
Freelancers take the job and use established press houses to produce the finished product. They pay for every step of the process from paper, computer graphics, plate, impression and trimming.
Here is an article on business without money

Tie-Dye Business Ideas: Starting a Tie-Dye Business Venture

Tie-dye originated from an ancient resist-dyeing methodology now modified. The celebrated technique follows a basic process of pleating, twisting and folding of the fabric. The fabric also goes through binding and crumpling to create amazing effects and concentric patterns on the fabric.
Resist refers to the manipulation of the chosen fabric before applying the dye. The reason for such elaborate folds is to prevent and control the areas the dye colors.
More modern techniques go even further by applying an initial dye including multiple sequential dye and resist. They may introduce advanced techniques like stenciling, additional resist, stitching and discharge
The great attraction to fabrics created through tie-dye methods are the bright colors, bold patterns and concentric designs. The materials are dyed in various colors to create a simple yet enduring garment.
Hundred Tie,Dye Patterns and Techniques
Entrepreneurs interested in tie-dye business can create unique designs for individual client’s or mass produce the designs. There are many color schemes used in mass production such as monochromatic colors, plain motifs, indigo and simple prime colors.
The cloth has many traditional variants in different countries. The methodology might differ slightly but the outcome is generally the same. Each technique is unique yet basic and follows the same rules of binding, twisting, stitching and dyeing the fabric.
The patterns of the folds determine the impact of color on the fabric and the outlook. A master tie-dye creator can determine the final outcome of the garment due to years of experience.
Sometimes a little experimentation creates amazing designs and patterns. The process is easy and a great way to create fabulous materials.
The business is considered a creative art and craft enterprise. The entrepreneur tends to make lots of money running a cloths dyeing enterprise.
Fabrics used in the Dyeing Process
Not every fabric is used in the process because some are more resistant than others. The best ranges of fabric favored are natural fabrics such as linen, ramie, rayon. Others in this category are hemp, and cotton fabrics. The higher the cotton in the fabric the better it is for dyeing.
Synthetic and protein based fabrics are dyed using acid dyes. These categories of dyes have low acidity and are very effective. Acid dyes are safe to use while vat dyes are chemically reduced before applying them on fabric. The main reason is because vat dyes are insoluble in water.
Things to consider before starting a cloths dyeing business
Learn the Basics
Creating such elaborate patterns require knowledge of dyes, folding techniques and color fixers. The best way to learn is through books and apprentice programs. To master the skill you need lots of experimentation and practice.
Top cloths dyers because of years of practice are able to accurately visualize the outcome of patterns. They are able to mix different color hues to achieve stunning designs.
1             You need a dyeing surface like a table or bench
2             A removable covering  such as a plastic tarp
3             Plastic sheets
4             Rubber gloves for the hands
5             Eye protection goggles
6             Dust masks
7             A pullover work cloths
8             Buckets
9             Pitcher or jugs
10          Containers like bottles, cups or vases
11          Ties such as rubber bands, twine, zips, ropes
12          Pipettes
13          Teaspoons
14          Measuring cups
15          Chemicals used in tie-dye
Some chemicals used in tie-dye are sodium carbonate or soda ash, ludigol, dye powders and Synthrapol SP Detergent. While common fabrics used for tie dye are wool, silk, cotton, nylon and batik
Economic Benefit of Tie-Dye Fabrics
The fabrics have lots of economic benefits to both business owner and customers. The initial cost of the material is cheap but  increases in value after the dye process. Dye specialist sells their finished products at 100% more than the initial cost of the material.
Let’s say your plain white cotton cloth costs $20 after the dye process the value doubles to $40. This shows a clear profit margin of about 75% after removing the dye and labor cost.
Apart from huge profit another economic benefit is self employment and entrepreneurship. Lots of people are looking for jobs and this business does not require huge start-up capital.
Customers don’t mind paying for the fabric because they are far cheaper than other fabrics in the market.
Get Finance
Tie-dye business is not capital intensive and you can start with less than $1000. The major expense is buying the material, equipment and labor costs.
You can easily work from home or a workshop environment. You don’t need bank loans to start this business just target save in commercial banks.
If you are cash strapped get soft loans from family members and friends. Another method of getting soft loans is through membership in cooperative societies.
Join one and become an active member before applying for a loan. Such societies use the collective savings to invest in projects and facilitate loans for members.
Register your Company
Your company should be registered with the corporate affairs commission in your country. Register your enterprise as a limited liability company or sole proprietorship.
A registered company gives your enterprise a corporate identity.
Prepare a Workshop
The job is a little messy because it involves dyes and soaking action. You should prepare a working area to apply the dyes and dry out the wet cloths.
Dyeing is done in stages and the entire process takes five steps. There is also the modern direct application or dye technique. Make your work space an open area with spread lines to dry the fabric.
Make your Product
Make sure your product is of the highest quality. Create simple motifs and use multiple bold colors to express your design.
The fabric you use is also important to achieve a beautiful piece of cloth. Good quality designs will always find an eager market.
Marketing your Wears
You need to effectively market your creations to the general public. Marketing takes different forms like showcasing your cloths at fairs, flee markets and craft shows.
Another way is to rent a shop to sell your fabrics. Approach fabric traders especially retailers and offer your fabric at a discount.
Other marketing tools include advertisement publications, media shows and radio jingles.  Why not organize a small fashion show to introduce your fabrics to buyers.
There many other marketing tools available to the smart businessman. Advertise on websites like to attract new customers.
Build a Website
A website will take your local store to the international market. Tie-dye materials are highly regarded and attract high premium prices.
Showcase the different designs and materials to your teeming audience. To sell online include a shopping cart and payment system. Encourage local purchase by adding your business address and contact information.Hair Extension Business 

How to Write a Tie –Dye Business Plan
Tie-Dye Business is the designing of fabrics using dye to achieve amazing looking materials. The methodology of making tie-dye is old however new modern techniques are used in the mass production.
 Tie and dye fabrics are created using simple hand tool or semi automated machinery. Manufacturers use print templates and color dyes to create beautiful patterns on the fabrics.
Other reagents are used to add colors to the fabric for an alluring shine. To establish a tie-dye company you need to write a comprehensive business plan to guide the enterprise.
Try to choose the quality fabrics, dyes, lease property, secure funding and organize the company structure.
Things to consider when writing a business plan include product, management, objective, mission, and goals.
How to Write a Tie-Dye Business Plan
The products are tie and dye fabric made using hand tools or semi-automated technology. The materials are produced with options for customization and bulk purchase.
The quality of fabric involves mostly cotton and other high-end fabric capable of retaining dye. The goal is to produce high quality tie-dye materials for the general public
Per-designed template and cost saving methods will be deployed to produce affordable print. Other patterns for special occasions such as anniversaries, weddings and holidays will be available and customized appropriately.
Hire qualified and skilled labor with knowledge of tie-dye making. The company needs qualified graphic artists to create amazing designs and templates.
Other staff includes consultants, accountant and sales staff. Skilled and experienced labor is necessary to establish a powerful brand name.
Competitive Edge
The competitive edge involves better pricing and alluring designs. The company should develop a large number of print templates and secure strategic partnership agreements.
You can offer your clients high quality designs and fabrics for deeper market penetration. Other comparative advantage is customization and effective use of skilled labor.
Major objective involves brand recognition for quality tie-dye fabrics. Others are to achieve profitability, growth and expanded customer base within two years. Others are strict control on design and implementation including cost consideration.
The tie-dye mission involves high quality products at competitive prices. This provides a platform to dominate the market and establish a trusted brand name.
Keys to Success
Offer high quality designs and products that meet customer’s expectations. You can stock large number of templates and designs including high quality fabric.
Put in place a good accounting department, product control mechanism and technology to develop a competitive brand.
Company Summary
Register your startup business as a limited liability company. This effectively limits the liability to the company without recourse to personal assets.
Company Ownership
The ownership structure depends on the company format. You might have a chief executive office or founder. It also depends on sole proprietorship or partnership arrangement.
Start-up Summary
Funding is required for fixed and working capital expenses. The total assets depend on the cash requirements, non-cash assets and additional cash raised.
The total liabilities include long term liabilities and capital needs. Liabilities such as outstanding bills interest rates and current borrowing.
Total investment depends on core investors, founder, capital, and additional investment.
Total stat-up Expenses and Requirements
To start your company you need to buy or lease a property. Take inventory of stationary, marketing material, office equipment, legal and insurance cover. Others are website development, computer equipment and templates.
Product and Services
The product is high quality tie-dye fabrics including customization to meet client’s demands. The tie- dye methodology is through manual fabric manipulation, binding and dye applications.
Semi –automated technology is also used during the production process. Fabrics of choice are high grade fabric able to retain dye and provide an appealing product.
The technology and craftsmanship is aided by quality designs and vibrant colors. Graphic designs are cataloged and stored to create verity of patterns and templates.
Market Analysis Summary
The tie-dye fabrics are purchased according to the designs and fabric available after production. However bulk purchase and customization is part of the marketing strategy.
Ready- made fabric remains the core business despite the segmentation of services.
Designs are created by graphic artist based on geometric and concentric patterns. Other images include holidays, celebrations and anniversaries based on demand and customization.
Target Market
Your target markets are fabric wholesalers and retail outlets. Offer your fabrics to supermarkets, cloths stores, malls and small cloths shops.
Tie-dye is popular with both men and women. The fabric is sewn into shirts, skirts, dresses, blouse, trousers and shorts. Native women use them as wrappers and head ties.
Service Business Analysis
The company makes tie-dye fabric in various designs through pre-designed templates. Sales are in bulk to wholesale and retail merchants.
 Individuals willing to purchase or order bulk purchase are also included in the service. Designs are predetermined or customized to customers needs.                                        
The competition depends on your geographical location and companies in your area. The tie-dye business is not saturated and offers investors huge opportunities in the garment industry.
 The technology depends on funding and expertise of the tie-dye company. Major competitors are found in Asian countries, India and China.
To establish your brand make sure you produce good designs with clear image, colors and quality fabric.
Strategy and Implementation Summary
Leverage on high quality designs and good fabrics. Use skilled labor and semi-automated technology.
Strategic marketing to two sectors, bulk purchase and customized order provides a lager market share and competitive advantage. Other strategy includes competitive pricing and effective marketing campaigns.
Competitive Advantage
Quality prints created by professional graphic designers
Large catalogue of designs and print material
Use of high quality dye and colorants
Good fixers and quality materials
Use of appropriate equipment and machinery
Sales Strategy
Sales strategy involves a gradual growth in customer base and sales outlet. You need to apply different marketing strategies to reach paying customers.
The use of different templates and customized ones is a good sales strategy. You can hire sales representatives to work on commission based on purchase orders.
Marketing Strategy
The main purpose of a marketing strategy is increased visibility of product. Advertise your products in print and electronic media.
 You can pint flyers, poster, billboards, office signboards and complementary cards. Use popular magazines and newspapers to advertise your products.
Catalogue your company’s milestone to have a clear view of goals and achievements. The milestones should cover profitability, sales, bulk purchase and establishing a company store.
Website Building and Marketing
Use a web developer to build an attractive easy to navigate website.  Use the site to present designs, description and prices.
Create a shopping cart to receive orders. Factor cost of domain name, host plan, cost of web developer and marketing plan.
Use online directories, search engine submissions, social media and guest blogging to attract traffic to your website. Also factors costs of advertisement on Facebook and Google Adwords.
Management Summary
Top management in your company includes founder, strategic partners and accountant. The experience of the managers predetermines the success of the enterprise.
Other personnel are graphic designer, printer, consultants, and store manager. Others are cleaners, drivers and marketers.
Financial Planning
Make sure your plan is based on current interest rates on loans and tax rate. Others are long-term interest rates and yearly.
Break even analysis should indicate projected monthly profit-loss. Others are yearly profit analysis, gross monthly margins and gross yearly margins
Pro forma profit and losses are calculated based on sales, cost of goods, and direct costs. While the total cost of sales is calculated on depreciation, rent, utilities payroll and insurance cover.
Calculate your profit before tax using interest expenses, tax incurred, net profit and profit before sales
Projected Cash Flow
Operational cash are long-term liabilities, sales of current assets, new investment and sales tax. Others are sale of long term assets and additional cash received.
In your business plan don’t forget expenditure, projected balance sheet and business ratio. Writing a comprehensive business plan is important to the success of your enterprise.