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How to Start a Tissue Paper/Toilet Roll Company

The toilet paper is a consumer product used in every household. This essential product is used for hygiene purposes and to clean dirty surfaces.
Tissue paper manufacturing is a lucrative venture because of the huge market base. The industry n Nigeria is thriving due to the ban of importation. Although the locally made products lack quality, they are getting better each day.
Why start a Tissue Paper Business
As stated earlier tissue paper major attraction is its high demand. They are used in parties, restaurants, fast food outlets, hotels and homes.
They are common in schools, offices and hospitals. Some more reasons include few staff, easy management and simple manufacturing process. There are also export opportunities to neighboring countries and ready supply of raw materials.
tissue paper

  • high demand
  • huge market base
  • good profit making potential
  • few staff
  • easy management
  • simple manufacturing process
  • export opportunities
  • ready supply of raw materials
  • availability of locally fabricated machinery
There are some challenges associated to the business. The major difficulty is electricity. Power is a major challenge in Nigeria including utility bills.
The machine needs regular maintenance and startup is huge. The locally fabricated machine breakdown easily and require constant repair. Others are huge competition, working capital and tax.
 Register the Business
Try to choose a good business name and register the company. Make it a limited liability company. Find a production site in an industrial or commercial area. Make sure the shop has adequate space to accommodate machinery and inventory.
Tissue Paper Machinery
The entrepreneur could purchase either a locally fabricated machines or automated machines. The local machines are usually manual and semi-automated.
The local machines are low cost with low production capacity. The machine have lots of replacement parts and is easy to maintain.
The automated machine produces huge amount of papers daily. The machine consists of tissue sealing machine and cutting machine.
Other machinery is air compressor machine, tissue paper rewinding machine. The local machines are fragile and consist of core making machine and rewinding machine. The machine also includes a rugged band saw cutting machine.
  • locally fabricated machines or automated machines
  • tissue sealing machine
  • cutting machine
  • air compressor machine
  • tissue paper
  • rewinding machine
  • core making machine
  • rewinding machine
  • band saw cutting machine
  • Starting a Corrugated Packaging Business
The Raw Material
The raw material is abundant and easily sourced. The primary raw material is the jumbo roll. Find a trustworthy supply and purchase at competitive price.
The amount of money invested depends on the size of the operation. The cost of a plant ranges from N3 – N25 million naira. Approach a commercial bank or bank of industry for loans.
Marketing and Staffing
You need to hire qualified and experienced staff. The staff includes machine operator, cleaner, driver and apprentice.
The best marketing strategy is networking and building customer base. Use electronic and print media to spread the word.
Use yellow pages, website and social media networks. There is no serious brand awareness because people generally purchase alongside other essentials.
The manufacturer needs to reach out to wholesalers and retailers. They should offer discounts, bulk purchase, and promotions. The company can hire sale representative to work on commission per order.

How to Start a Lottery Business in Nigeria

Stating a lottery business is very challenging and highly lucrative. You need serious capital investment, technical assistance and creative thinking.
There many guidelines, taxation, state and federal regulations. Lottery is gambling and involves the selection of numbers.
The business is legal in some countries and a huge revenue earner for the governments. And in other countries there is an outright ban on such activities.
Before setting up your enterprise you need to study federal and state laws in your country. The organizers of lotteries have different format such as purchase of tickets, selection of numbers and multiple entries.
The prize money could be fixed, based on multiplier numerics, fixed percentage of the receipt or 50% of the revenue. The chance of winning lotto varies and is determined by various factors. The game is patronized by low and middle class workers dreaming of big fortune and luck. Here are ideas on how to start a lottery business.
What you need to start a Lottery Business
There are a few things you need to start the business. You need funds, insurance cover, certificate of incorporation and operational license. Others are employment agreement, business plan, non disclosure agreement and business license.
  • funding
  • insurance cover
  • certificate of incorporation
  • operational license
  • employment agreement
  • business plan
  • non disclosure agreement
  • business license
  • technology
How to Start a Lottery Company
Locating the Business
The location is critical to the success of the enterprise. The choice location should have access to your potential customers.
To find ideal locations carry out a feasibility study and conduct a survey. Write a lottery business plan and study your competitors.
Ideal geographical locations are urban towns with huge population. Make sure the location is easily accessible and convenient for your customers.
Apart from establishing a terrestrial office you need to leverage on the internet. Online gambling accounts for 50% of sales of a lottery company.
To go online you need a license from your regulatory body. Make sure the category of license you apply for accommodates both terrestrial and online games. Common types of internet games are SMS, USSD, online games and mobile.
Lottery Technology
Every lottery company needs serious investment in technology. The technology is needed to provide secure services, data storage and game systems. They should be well secured with latest software
Licensing and Permit
This licensing and permit procedure is based on the national lottery regulatory commission of Nigeria. To operate a lottery the company is required to have an operational license and permit.
The company must submit a letter of application to the director general National Lottery Regulatory Commission. The letter should contain an express of interest in a named lottery business.
The next step is to obtain a prescribed form with a non refundable fee. The fee is determined by the commission based on the category of lotto you want to establish. You submit the completed application form you need with the following documents.
Documents that Accompany an Application Form
The documents are a certificate of incorporation and particulars of directors (Form C07). Others are a copy of memorandum and article of association.
More documents are evidence of capital base from your bankers and organizational profile. Add evidence of technology to play the lotto, detailed accounting, security system and administration.
You are required to submit evidence of clearance from relevant agencies and detailed rules of your intended lottery game.
  • a certificate of incorporation
  • particulars of directors Form C07
  • a copy of memorandum and article of association
  • evidence of capital base from bank
  • organizational profile
  • evidence of technology to play the lotto
  • detailed accounting
  • security system
  • administration
  • evidence of clearance from relevant agencies
  • detailed rules of your intended lottery game
Post Grant of License or Permit
 The company should establish a Price Fund account for the named lottery. The statutory payment of 20% of prize value made to the National Lottery Trust Fund to safeguard lottery players.
The high risk factor requires a good insurance policy. Some insurance policies to consider are liability insurance, contractual bonus sports insurance and price insurance.
Others are redemption rebate insurance and workers compensation insurance. Find out from an insurance expert the right policy to take.
Lottery Categories
There are different types of lottery games, however the basic principle are the same. Lotto’s generally revolve around matching numbers drawn by the lotto company.
You have the daily lotto, mini lotto and standard lotto. Others are the multi-state lotto, quick picks, scratchers and the seven number lotto.
The standard lotto is when a player picks six numbers from a specific range of numbers like (Baba Ijebu). Daily lotto’s are drawn one a daily bases while multi state lotto’s offers large jackpot prices.
There are some lottery categories covered by the national lottery regulatory commission. The categories are online lotteries, promotional lotteries and sports lottery.
Others are USSD lotteries, charitable lottery, and lottery concierge services. They also accommodate short messaging service(SMS)lottery.
  • daily lotto
  • mini lotto
  • standard lotto
  • multi-state lotto
  • quick picks
  • scratchers
  • 7 number lotto’s
  • standard lotto
  • online lotteries
  • promotional lotteries
  • sports lottery
  • USSD lotteries
  • charitable lottery
  • lottery concierge services
  • short messaging service (SMS)lottery
How Lotteries are funded
There are two ways lottery companies fund price money. The use an insurance company to underwrite the game or uses gamers funds. To use gamers funds they need to sell enough tickets to cover the price payouts.
What Differentiate your Company?
The business is highly challenging and securing a license is difficult. To succeed you need to create a buzz and differentiate your company for competitors.
A simply way is to offer gamers better odds or price money. Another way is to make the ticket affordable and easy to buy.
Payment and Prices
The mode of payment for huge lottery prices depends on the organizers. Contrary to expectation in the United States of America there are two options.
The winner may chose to collect a lump sum or annuity payment. The lump sum payment is significantly lower than the advertised winning.
This could account for a reduction in earning to 1/3rd the actual prize money. This is also because of tax on winning. However in some countries the winning do not attract any personal tax especially for those who choose annuity payment.
One of the most important aspects of the business is marketing. You need to reach your target audience and attract participation.
It is important you have a marketing budget and create a website. Use direct marketing, television advertisement and radio.
Use newspaper publications, banners and billboards. Increase awareness through social media platforms and web advertisement. Use email marketing, provide incentives and enlist sales agents.

How to Start Plastic Recycling Company in Nigeria

Plastic recycling companies process million of tons of reusable plastic. They offer a cost effective solution to waste management and environmental issues.
The material recovery system includes sorting, separation and size reduction. Other processes are cleaning, repurposing and pelletizing. The company needs huge startup funds for equipment and to purchase raw materials.
water bottle
Plastic Recycling Startup Requirements
To start write a plastic recycling business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study and survey. Find an ideal location and secure a permit.
Register the business as a limited liability company and get insurance cover. Hire machine operators, casual staff, sale manager, truck driver and accountant. Other requirements are purchase of machinery and equipment.
Types of Plastics
Did you know that most plastics are recyclable? However plastics such as polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride are not accepted in some plants.
Knowing your plastic is important in the industry. Common recyclable plastic are Polystyrene, Polypropylene and high density polyethylene including polyethylene Terephthalate.
Polyethylene Terephthalate otherwise known as PET can be recycled. It is commonly used in the manufacture of plastic bottles and consumer products. The product is not ideal for reuse because of growth of bacteria and leaching.
  • Polypropylene
  • polyvinyl chloride
  • Polystyrene
  • Polypropylene
  • high density polyethylene
  • polyethylene terephthalate
The plastic recycling plant uses a variety of equipment. They deploy sorting equipment, grouping equipment and size reduction equipment.
The sorting equipment comprises sensors, ejectors, user interface and computing system. The size reduction machines use granulators, single or multi-shaft shredders.
The plastic goes through washing equipment, separating and pelletizing machine. Advanced separators use laser spectral analyzers while pelletizing machine converts used plastic into pellets.
  • sorting equipment
  • grouping equipment
  • size reduction equipment
  • washing equipment
  • separating
  • pelletizing machine
How Plastic is Processes
To process plastic they are sorted according to type of resin. In advanced countries the resin identification code is used to identify them.
The sorting process could be done manually or through mechanized means. The automatic sorting machine is fast and effective. The machine uses a complex system to carry out the sorting process. However, low to minimum processing plants use the visual identification process.
The processing of plastic starts with the sorting then shredding. Impurities are eliminated, resultant material melted and extruded as pellets.
There are other methodology such as the heat compression process and waste plastic Pyrolysis. More are thermal depolymerization, compatiblization and distributed recycling.
The compatibilization process involves the mixed recycling of different plastics through the aid of chemical bridging agents. The heat compression technique mixes and loads tumblers and is capable of recycling any plastic. There are energy concerns on the highly mechanized process.
Recycle Plant Permit
There are rules and regulation guiding plastic recycle plants. The rules guide the development and infrastructure. There is also impact assessment and operation of the proposed plant.
The plastic recycle plan needs a land use permit and comply with environmental laws. Others are permit from local enforcement agency, state and local government. The permits are focus on environmental issues and compliance. The recycle center material is evaluated for residual content, sorting, location and process. 

Documents to Secure Term Loans in Nigeria

Every business needs funding to consolidate and grow. Others require the money to execute contracts or purchase inventory.
To secure loans you need a strong revenue base, business longevity, proof of profit and good credit. Although there are many loan providers, bank loans are the most affordable.
A bank term loan allows borrowing a set amount upfront and interest payment. They are used to access large loans for longer terms.
The most common type of loan is line of credit. A line of credit offered to assist in a cash flow emergency. New businesses encounter problems accessing loans because of few customer, poor credit and competitors.
Sources for External Finance
There are many sources for long term external finance for SMEs. You have mortgage financing, loan facilities, savings and debentures. Other strategies include hire purchase, leasing, shares and grants. Short term sources are trade credit, factoring and overdrafts.
  • mortgage financing
  • loan facilities
  • savings
  • debentures
  • hire purchase
  • leasing
  • offering shares
  • grants
  • trade credit
  • factoring
  • overdrafts
Why Businesses need Finance
There are many reasons what businesses need funds. They need financing for startup, working capital or expansion. Startup funding is sourced for advertisement, equipment or securing a premises.
Others are working capital for staff wages, equipment maintenance and supplies. Expansion involves opening more branches or adding physical structures. More reasons are debt restructuring, growth funding and starting a business.
Reasons Businesses Seek Finance
  • working capital
  • asset purchase
  • growth funding
  • start a business
  • debit restructuring
Types of Credit
There are three types of credit offered by money lenders. You have the secured lines of credit, unsecured lines of credit and short-term lines of credit.
  • secured lines of credit
  • unsecured lines of credit
  • short-term lines of credit
Types of Business Loans
Before seeking loan facilities you need to know the type of loan. There are a number of loans perfect for small medium enterprises.
You have loans for established companies, government loans and online loans. Common types of business loans are short term loans and term loans.
Short term loans are small loans serviced over a short period not exceeding 3 to18 months. Micro finance banks and alternative lenders prefer offering their clients short term loans.
Term loans a huge loans for capital projects or expansion. The facility has a set term and payback period. Other types of loans are business lines of credit, equipment loans and financing. More loan types are merchant cash advances, invoice financing and business credit cards.
  • short term loans
  • term loans
  • business lines of credit
  • equipment financing
  • merchant cash advances
  • invoice financing
  • business credit cards
Secured Term Loans
To access secure term loans your business should have an annual turnover of N500 million or less. The loan facility is especially made for capital projects, asset management and acquiring new technology.
According to First Bank Nigeria you can apply for an amount not exceeding N40 million naira. The facility is limited to 50% of last six months turn over. You also have a maximum tenor of 3 years (36 months).
Loan Features
  • Company should have an annual turnover of N500 million or less
  • Loan is made for capital projects
  • The applicant can apply for an amount not exceeding N40 million naira
  • limited to 50% of last six months turn over
  • Loan facility has a maximum tenor of 36 months
Benefits of the Loan
The loan facility aids businesses in cash flow management. The loan is paid in installments and ideal for capital projects. It offers a convenient repayment plan that accommodates quarterly or monthly payment over 36 months. You are offered competitive rates.
Accompanying Documents
To access the loan you need the following accompanying documents. You need an application letter and retail loan form.
Add a proforma invoice, current utility bills and complete company profile. Other requirements are latest audited account by a public accountant and KYC requirement to open a corporate account. You are also required to include a six 6 months bank statement.
  • application letter
  • retail loan form
  • proforma invoice
  • current utility bills
  • complete company profile
  • latest audited account
  • other KYC requirement to open a corporate account
  • a six 6 months bank statement
Document for Business Incorporation and Profile
To access loans you need to present company incorporation documents. The documents generally show business structure, assets, core business and management team.
The document should include title of assets, proof of insurance, proof of tax payment and six moths’ payment slips. Other documents are marketing plan, bill of quantity (Builders), management profile and lease agreement. There might be slight variation in documentation depending on the bank and type of loan.

How to Start an Insurance Company in Nigeria

Setting up an insurance company is a herculean task that requires huge funding and appropriate licensing. To form a general or life insurance agency, the company must have a minimum of N1.5 billion naira of which 50% is paid up share capital.
The business should be incorporated by the Corporate Affairs Commission and registered by appropriate regulatory agencies. The insurance company is mandated to have re-insurance for claims and compensation purposes.
Very large claims are serviced through the aid of reinsurance companies. Other requirements include state permits, license, tax issues and startup funding.
Determine the Insurance Risk to Offer
You need to determine the type of insurance risk to offer clients. There are a huge number of insurance types and product list. They could be vehicle insurance, life insurance, general or home insurance. Here is a list of different types of insurance.
Category of Insurance
There are different types of facilities offered by insurance companies. You have categories in food insurance, health, liability, agriculture and property insurance.
Others are self insurance, deposit insurance, mortgage insurance, and life insurance. Major categories are flood, general, trade, credit and bancassurance. More are multiple-peril insurance, travel, vehicle and home insurance..
Types of Insurance
  •  food insurance
  • Health
  • Liability
  • Agriculture
  • property insurance
  • self insurance
  • deposit insurance
  • mortgage insurance
  • life insurance
  • flood
  • general
  • trade
  • credit
  • bancassurance
  • multiple-peril insurance
  • travel
  • vehicle
  • home insurance
  • how to start your own private bank
Register the Business
The first step to owning an insurance company is to register the business. You need a business name and incorporation.  
Register the business with the corporate affairs commission as a public liability company. The next step is to register the business with the regulatory agencies. The regulatory agency for insurance firms in Nigeria is the Nigerian Insurance Commission (NAICOM)
How to Register with NAICOM
General Insurance Registration Requirements
The applicant must obtain a form from the National Insurance Commission. They need a certificate of incorporation from the CAC.
The applicant needs to provide evidence of payment of N30, 000,000 registration fees to NIC. This sum might have been reviewed after date of this publication.
You need a true copy of memorandum and article of association. Other requirements are certified true copy of form CO2, CO6 and CO7.
The CO2 is the share allotment form, CO6 situation of registration office and CO7 the particulars of directors in your company. You need to present a statutory insurance company business plan and feasibility study.
The plan should highlight estimated transactions in the next 5 years. You need a certificate of statutory deposit of N1.5 billion naira of which 50% is paid up share capital.
The applicant needs to provide a statement on method of profit distribution between shareholders and policy holders. More requirements are evidence of valid reinsurance treaty, retrocession arrangement.
You then submit a specimen letter of proposal form, policies, terms and conditions. You need to fashion a table of premium rates and why.
Other documentation is copy of appointment letter of proposed chief executive. Then add a declaration by the chief executive on location of principle office of the registered company.
More things to submit is an affidavit by each director, manager, CEO and secretary to their qualification/non qualification. The company then submits qualifications, names, and addresses of each executive director of proposed departments.
You need to show evidence of their experience, expertise in insurance matters.  The chief executive must acknowledge through a declaration notice to serve and consent.
The company also submits the curriculum vitae and credentials of directors and chief executive. Show evidence of disengagement of proposed chief executive from previous employment.
Finally a declaration by chief executive and two directors through the signing of the application form.
Requirements for Registration
  • Must  obtain a form from the National Insurance Commission
  • a certificate of incorporation from the CAC
  • Evidence of payment of N30, 000,000 registration fee to NIC
  • a true copy of memorandum and article of association
  • a certified true copy of  form CO2, CO6 and CO7.The CO2
  • present a statutory insurance company business plan and feasibility study
  • a certificate of statutory deposit of N1.5 billion naira of which 50% is paid up share capital
  • provide a statement on method of profit distribution between shareholders and policy holders
  • evidence of valid reinsurance treaty
  • submit a specimen letter of proposal form, policies, terms and conditions
  • a table of premium rates
  • a copy of appointment letter of proposed chief executive
  • a declaration by the chief executive on location f principle office of the registered company
  • an affidavit by each director, manager, CEO and secretary to their qualification/non qualification
  • submits qualifications, names , addresses of each  executive directors of proposed departments
  • show evidence of their experience, expertise in insurance matters
  • chief executive must acknowledge through a declaration notice to serve and consent
  • submit the curriculum vitae and credentials of directors and chief executive
  • show evidence of disengagement of proposed chief executive from previous employment
  • a declaration by chief executive and two directors through the signing of the application form
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  • how to start a commercial loan brokerage busines
Head Office
You need to setup a head office for the company. The location should be in a financial district. The staff should be highly qualified and motivated. Marketing considerations are electronic, print and online resources.