How to Start Resume Writing Business

 Resume writers are always in demand because people needs jobs. Every year new graduates join the job market alongside millions of unemployed.
Starting a resume writing service is very lucrative and interesting. It requires very low startup and is practicable from home. You can work from a dedicated space or office environment. The business does not require staff, supplies or business registration.
Job Requirements
To become resume writer you need to develop the skill. You need to have excellent writing skill, training and professional certification. You need good interpersonal skill and credibility.
Although you are not required to have any certification there are few things that add to your credibility. You can join professional association of resume writers or any national or state association related to your discipline. There are also online courses, local test that add value.
Focus on Niche
You can offer general service or focus on a niche. The niche could be on public or private institutions, small businesses or other career choices. You can add private coaching to your services.
You can choose a business name and register the as sole proprietor. Use business name search tool to find a catchy name. Make sure the name is keyword rich and available.
The next step is to register domain name and build a website. The portfolio website would provide an opportunity to showcase your talent. Find out if there are any permits or licensing in your locality.
Open a Separate Bank Account
It is not a bad idea to open a separate account for your business. Open a current accounting for your business name and consider different payment options. You could accept debit, credit card payment. Accept direct bank transfer and PayPal.
Study your competitor’s prices and services. You need to create a price schedule for your services. Other requirements are writing policies, good questioner and duration of service.
Other considerations are performing interview, coaching and type of resume. Offer your clients digital or hard copy resume and determine more services such s follow up letter, cover letters.
Buy Office Equipment
You need basic office equipment to start the business. Equipment you need is a computer, printer, scanner and fax machine. You need dedicate phone, stationeries, templates, internet connection and résumé software
You need to advertise your services and use newspaper publications. Use job magazine publications and print flyers, posters and banners.
Use newsletters including social media and online advertisement. Focus your marketing campaign at job seekers and new graduates. Use online job sites to get regular gigs.


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