How to Start Commercial Popcorn Business in Nigeria

The question is 'why start a popcorn business'? The answer is also easy. The business is very simple and you can earn 100% profit on each product.
The business is profitable and you need very little startup capital. You can start small and upscale as the business grows.
The news gets better because the product is in high demand and there are many sales outlets. Every age group loves the simple snack and its ideal for leisure activities. The equipment is basic, raw material abundant and is practicable from home.
Pros for Starting a Popcorn Business
  • earn 100% profit on each product
  • the business is profitable
  • very little startup capital
  • easy to upscale
  • the product is in high demand
  • many sales outlets
  • every age group loves the snack
  • ideal for leisure activities
  • the equipment is basic
  • raw material abundant
  • practicable from home
The equipment to make the snack is simple and basic. You need popcorn making machine and adequate supply of the raw material.
There are two types of machines the manual and electric machine. The manual machine is reliant on gas and requires occasional handle turns.
They are cheap, cost effective however the price of gas could spiral if unchecked. You need a gas cylinder and cooker to operate the manual machine.
The more convenient one is the electric powered popcorn machine. It is cleaner and faster. The electric machine is costlier and you need to factor utility bills. There is a third machine that is a hybrid between the gas and electric machine.
  • the manual popcorn machine
  • electric popcorn machine
  • hybrid popcorn machine
  • sealing machine
  • label
  • nylon bags
Sealing Machine
If you wish to go commercial and sell huge amount of popcorn you need proper packaging. The common way is to package the popcorn in nylon bags or seal. The sealing machine is ideal for mass production and branding. There are simple hand sealers and table top sealing machines.
Branding is important in the popcorn business. This is because the product is the same except minor differentiations like quantity of sugar, butter or salt. To brand your product print a small label and place inside each bag. The label should contain the product name, logo, office address and phone number.
Nylon Bags
If you can’t afford to buy a sealing machine you can use nylon bags. Although this is a simple practical solution it is not ideal for large commercial ventures.
Raw Materials
 The raw material is a special type of corn. The popcorn has a tough exterior and soft inner core that pops when heated. You can use the rice popcorn or pearl popcorn.
Popcorn is made by adding ingredient for a rich delicious taste. Some add only sugar to make sugar tasting popcorn. While other prefers adding only salt, butter or milk. The producer needs to find their own flavor or taste to differentiate their product.
To reach customers you need commercial outlets for your produce. Focus on supermarkets, small grocery stores, provision stores and snack bars. You can sell to students, theater lovers or hire sales gents to hawk your products. Best locations are busy areas with heavy human presence.
Profit margin
You can generally make 100% profit selling popcorn. However finding regular customers is the big challenge. You can start the business with less than N40, 000 naira.
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