How to Become Vulcanizer in Nigeria

The vulcanizing business is highly lucrative and easy to establish. You need low startup capital, basic knowledge of the trade, equipment, good location.
The reason why the trade is so lucrative is because of the millions of vehicles on Nigerian roads. Most vehicles are either used or second hand vehicle imported into the country.
Other reasons include bad roads, substandard tyres and poor maintenance culture. The average motorist would rather patronize a vulcanizer than change the tyres themselves.
The way the business is practiced in Nigeria looks unattractive however the earnings are huge.  Vulcanizer in a good location can make N5000 - N10, 000 daily with little overhead.
What Vulcanizing Entails
The business entails changing tyres, fixing bad ones, gauging the air pressure. They use specialized tools to inflate tyres, remove rim and patch holes. They also sell new/old tyres, tubes to customers.
How to Become a Vulcanizer
The primary way artisans become vulcanizer is through apprentice arrangement. The young men serve their principle for a year before going out on their own.
The boss teaches the apprentice the rudiments and organizes a freedom party. They provide startup equipment and funds to encourage the apprentice. Other ways to learn the trade is through trade institutions, vocational school or practical workshops.
  • One the job experience
  • Practical workshops
  • vocational training
  • Trade institutions
  • Apprentice  
Vulcanizing Equipment
The basic equipment are pumping machine, tyre patches, car jack, iron bar. Others include adhesive material, spanners, sealants, tubes pliers, blades and glue. You can purchase the entire inventory with bout N50, 000 naira. You might need a generating set or power source for your pumping machine.
  • pumping machine
  • tyre patches
  • iron bar
  • adhesive material
  • spanners
  • sealants
  • tubes pliers
  • blades
  • glue
  • carjack
Find a Good Location
Your primary customers are vehicle owners so most vulcanizing shops are beside the road. It is not an uncommon practice to see two old tyres suspended on a stick to signify the presence of a vulcanizer. The best locations are junctions, intersections, busy streets.
You don’t have to incorporate the business. You might decide to take a health insurance policy and pay tax. It is mandatory to join a vulcanizing association in your area to avoid harassment and problems. There are also association fees including local government levies.


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