Starting a Call Center Business

Starting a call center is moderately challenging and profitable. You can work full time or part time depending on your business structure. It is practicable as a one man business or large agency.
Some things to consider are type of equipment, staff, location, license and funding. You also need to connect with companies that need your services. You can start a call center with $2000 to $10,000.
Call Center Business
How to Start a Call Center agency
Write a Business Plan
You need to write a call center business plan the carry out a feasibility study. Determine the type of center, lease office space and procure equipment. You also need adequate funding and qualified staff. Make sure you plan accommodates growth and expansion.
Determine the Type of Call Center
A  call center has different job specifications and operational structures. The different types of call centers are domestic, outbound and inbound call centers. You also have the international call centers.
Most centers are classified based on ownership structure. The outbound ones are usually outsourced to domestic or international partners.
Outsourcing operation in different country is cost effective. The company cut costs on training, staff, equipment, leasehold.  In-house centers are operated by the company.
Types of Call Centers
  • Domestic
  • Outbound
  • inbound call centers
  • international call centers
Size of the Call Center
Other classifications are based on mode of communication, size. Virtual or home based centers are usually small one man businesses.
You have small, medium or large centers. The number of agents in each center determines the size of the operation.  Large center could have upwards of 400 staff while medium center has about 50 agents.
  • Virtual
  • home based centers
  • small
  • medium
  • large centers
Type of Communication
The mode of communication defines the operation. We have basically two types of communication. Centers use either web enabled system or telephone. The phones are used to make or receive calls.
Web based software and agents chat in real time or use email contact. Staff requirements are maintenance staff, technical staff, phone operator and hardware engineers.
The equipment depends on the type of call center. You need a dedicated telephone, computer, USB headset and modem for high speed internet connection.
Others are cloud based solutions, CRM package, virtual contact center by Five9 and software. More are Hands free headset, smart dialer, on-screen caller info, office supplies.
Call Center Equipment
  • dedicated telephone
  • computer
  • USB headset
  • 3G/4G modem
  • cloud based solutions
  • CRM package
  • virtual contact center by Five9
  • software
  • Hands free headset
  • smart dialer
  • on-screen caller info
  • office supplies
Find out if your state requires an operational license. Most call centers need to obtain telemarketers license and vice versa. The center mangers are also mandated to get individual license.
The cost also depends on the state fee from free to application fees of $6000. You might need a surety bond from an insurance company.
Other considerations in regards to obtaining a license are number of agents, company article of association, driving license and work history.
More include no criminal record, litigation history, home or office address. It is important your incorporate the business as a limited liability company. Some states require individual sales person’s registration.
To secure partnership contact different companies that outsource. You need a state operational license and search online for opportunities.
You can contact businesses or call centers that outsource. Use advertisement, networking to attract good clientele. Try to join a professional body or organization in your industry.


contact franchise business company like multilink they help out in setting up ivr and call centers.

Nice blog shared! It will be very helpful for those, who want to start a call center business with best Outbound Call Center Software Solution .

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