How to Become a Dance Instructor

A dance teacher’s main constituency is schools and private individuals. They can operate a private dance studio or offer schools special dance programs.
They teach foundation movements, dance techniques and choreography. The business involves deep knowledge of dance, education and stamina.
The career is rewarding and moderately challenging. To succeed you need to maintain a good professional image and build a solid reputation. Here are things to consider before starting a career in dance.
How to Become a Dance Teacher
A dance teacher could work public or private establishment. They can also open a studio to teach the discipline.
To become a teacher you need training, education qualification and certification. Try to join dance groups, aerobic classes and work on your fitness level. To gain knowledge attend dance workshops, dance seminars ands dance conventions.
How to Become a Dance Teacher
  • Training
  • education qualification
  • certification
  • join dance groups
  • attend aerobic classes
  • work on your fitness level
  • attend dance workshops
  • dance seminars
  • dance conventions
  • how to become aerobic instructor
Conduct Research
 Conduct research on the industry to learn the best teaching practice. You could establish a gym or work in private or public schools. Another way is to join an establish gym as an instructor.
Get Trained
You can obtain a bachelors degree in theater arts or bachelor’s degree in dance education. Other ways is to join a dace group or studio. Attend training programs in demonstrative teaching techniques, directed teaching. You can increase knowledge by acquiring a master degree program in dance.
You need a teacher’s certificate in dance education. There are many dancer certificate programs and examinations. You need dance skill, practice and consider internship.
Some states have administered examinations. Take continual courses and attend professional workshops to deepen your knowledge. There are also professional associations and bodies to join.
Dance Styles Different
The instructor should be knowledgeable of different dance styles. Common disciplines include ballet, freestyle and jazz. Others are tap, contemporary dance and waltz.
  • Ballet
  • Freestyle
  • Jazz
  • Tap
  • contemporary dance
  • waltz
Create Dance Classes
Once certified and active you need to create dance classes. Make sure the routines are fun, interesting and practicable. You can focus on specific niche or offer different dance styles.
The amount of money you earn depends on many factors. Some include number of students you teach, public or private students. Some instructors charge group fees, flat fees or earn per hour. They offer hourly private lesion or are on a retainer fee.
Where to Find Work
Common clients are public and private schools. You can teach community college or at local dance studios. Teaching opportunities include health clubs, theater, gyms and cruise ships. To get jobs network with industrial players, use referrals and word of mouth.


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