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How to Become a Successful Wedding Planner

The popularity of weddings presents good opportunity for event planners. The job is highly competitive and very lucrative.
Majority of wedding planners are small medium enterprises. To gain knowledge you need practical experience or tutelage. You should have organizational skill to perform different functions of a wedding planner
The job entails finding a suitable venue, organizing the caterers, specialty linen providers and Officiant. Other functions involve hiring the photographer, master of ceremony, florist, ushers and security.
The business is easily done part-time alongside you regular job. However, if you want to operate full–time then include catering and consultancy service.
Organizing a wedding is capital intensive and stressful so hiring a planner reduces cost and guarantees better efficiency. The success of the event rests on the shoulder of the wedding planner.
There are a few things you need to put in place to become a wedding planner
How to Become a Successful Wedding Planner
There are many ways to become a wedding planner. You could obtain a degree or certificate in event planning.
Other ways include self tutelage, reading books, attending seminars or joining a professional association. You can get a bachelors degree in related field such as hotel management, public relations or interior decoration.
Another method is applying for internship with event planners. You need to be an extrovert and have good communication and business skill.
 Event planning is dynamic and easily applicable to musical concerts, political gathering and corporate events. You also need to perfect your negotiation skill and network with other professional in the industry.
Skills Required by Wedding Planners
  • Ability to Negotiate
  • Business Knowledge
  • Planning and Organizational Skills
  • Practical Experience
  • Certification
Register the Business
Once you have acquired adequate knowledge of event planning. Register your business a sole proprietorship or Limited Liability Company.
Get a personal identification number for tax purposes and insurance cover. There are certain laws and permits you need to run an event planning business.
Visit you state or local government council to find out what applies in your country.
Network with Industry Players
It is important to network with people in your niche. This will provide access to support services such as caterers, security agents, musicians, florists and decorators.
Functions of a Wedding Planner
A wedding planner coordinates the entire reception. They are in-charge of the budget, venue and professionals such as caterers, florist, cake maker, entertainment and security.
The amount of money you make depends on your ability to negotiate and type of society engagement. The grander the event the more money you make.
The Job Description
  • Contact vendors
  • Coordinate catering
  • Transport
  • Security
  • Decoration
  • Florist
  • Photographers
  • Venue
Create a Portfolio
Create a portfolio of weddings you have organized. The portfolio should include high definition photographs of aspects of the event.
Focus on table arrangement, décor and interior design and location. Another important addition to the portfolio is an edited video recording.
How to Find Clients
The business is cut throat so you need lots of publicity to find clients. Use traditional print methods such as production of flyers, complementary cards.
Other methods are printing glossy brochures, signage boards and billboards. Approach event centers, hotels and hospitality centers.
event planning business
Build a Website
Hire a web developer to build your website and get a good host plan. Choose a top level domain name and introduce lots of photographs on your site.
The website should target your immediate location and drive traffic to site. Use classified websites, yellow pages, Facebook advertisements and Adwords.
The amount of funding you need depends on your business template. Home based planners require little funds to setup an office.
Everything used during the event could be leased or outsourced. Write a business plan and create a practical startup budget.
A wedding planner needs to recreate the vision of the client. Every event is different and unique to the couples taste. You need lots of flexibility and creativity to become a successful event planner.

Start a Wedding Calligraphy Business

Calligraphy is a form of writing done in a stylized way. The visual art is accomplished using specialized writing implements.
The form transverses various art presentations such as invitation cards, billboards, logo designs, book covers. There are slight variations between hand lettering, typography and calligraphy.
Many cultures have calligraphy as an integral part of tradition such as Indian tradition, Chinese, Islamic, Japanese and Korean tradition. Others are western lettering, Tibetan, Mongolian and Georgian calligraphy.
Modern interpretation of the beautiful art form has found a synergy with graphic designs, wedding invitation cards, documents and certificates. This has brought about lots of business opportunities for calligraphers in today’s modern world.
Calligraphy is applicable as a home based business and you earn sizeable income on the job. Here are a few ideas on how to start a wedding calligraphy business
image source-pixabay
How to Start a Wedding Calligraphy Business
Become a Calligrapher
You need to learn the art form to become a calligrapher. If you already posses beautiful handwriting you are already on your way.
Calligraphy involves precision wrist and arm movement and knowledge of stylized letters. You could learn through books, online resources, trade workshops or professional courses.
Strong discipline and regular practice will provide the needed results. To succeed you need to develop a passion for the business and gain business knowledge.
Custom Calligraphy Services
A calligrapher has a wide range of service they can offer. Custom services includes envelop dressing, quotes, certificate lettering and wedding invitations. Others are lettering on envelops and stationery.
A List of Customized Calligraphy Services
  • Wedding stationery
  • Wedding cards
  • Envelops
  • Hand-lettered logo designs
  • Religious art
  • Documents
  • Certificates
  • Maps
  • Marriage proposals
  • Specialized items
Calligraphy Tools
Calligraphy primary tool is the pen fitted with different kinds of tips. The tips are flat, rounded, pointed, multi or fitted with steel brushes.
The pen uses either oil based or water based ink depending on the calligrapher’s preference. Other tools are templates, ruled paper, erasing agents and ball point pen.
Different types of calligraphy brushes and pens are fountain pen, ball point pen and qalam. Others are ink brushes, dip pen and quill.
Techniques and Style
Although techniques differ common elements are the ink brushes, density of ink and the papers texture. Calligraphers generally use very high quality paper.
The writer introduces ink to the paper with different strokes that are bold, stretch or light to create the letters. Calligraphy styles are personal and individual to the creator. Major influences in calligraphy art are Chinese writing, Mongolian, Japanese and English lettering.
Create a Portfolio
You need to create a portfolio of your works for clients. The visual presentation is an important marketing tool.
Startup Costs
You can start a home based calligraphy business with less than $300. The major expenditure is purchasing the tools for the trade and advertisement. The job of the calligrapher is writing the inscriptions while the client supplies the items.
Build a Website
It is very important to build your own calligraphy website. The website provides an online presence and a store that never closes.
Showcase your designs and writing skills and take orders. Add an about us page, location, email address and dedicated phone number.
Take online orders through credit card payment or PayPal. You need a good domain name and host plan for your website.
The business is basically a one man show and you don’t need any staff. Hence proper artistic, marketing and accounting knowledge is essential to the success of your enterprise. However you need an employer identification number for tax purposes.
The website you build provides several marketing opportunities. You could advertise your website on free/paid classified websites.
List your business in yellow pages and directories. Or use social media channels to increase traffic to your website.
Make sure your site is optimized and easy to navigate. Other offline marketing strategy is through newspaper publications and print media

Specialty Rental Linens Store

The flax plant is the main source of linen material. The fabric is luxurious, elegant and used to make tablecloth, chair covering and decorative arrangements.
Linen is sewn into elegant formal wear, dresses and shirts. Although other fabric characterized as linen bear similar characteristics they are not distinctively close to flax fibers.
Flax fibers have been in use for thousands of year’s especially in ancient Egypt. To start a specialty linen store you need moderate funding. This is because the fabric attract premium price in the open market.
A specialty rental linen store caters to social events including weddings and banquet industry. There are two types of linen in the market the coarse fabric and fine fabric.
Linen Products
To become an event design professional you need to understand the industry.Common products made out off linen are handkerchiefs, tablecloths, chair covers, undergarments and napkins. Others are formal wear, shirts, gowns, dresses, lingerie, and bed linens.
A List of Linen Products
  •  Handkerchiefs
  • Tablecloths
  • Chair covering
  • Lingerie
  • Shirts
  • Dresses
  • Gowns
  • Formal wear
  • Bed linens
  • Napkins
  • Undergarments
  • Luggage inner lay
  • Upholstery
Properties of linen fabric
The elegant fabric is soft, smooth, fine and cool to touch.  The fabric has very poor elasticity, natural luster and comes in a range of brilliant colors.
These unique qualities are why event planners gravitate towards this fabric for decorative purposes. The linen varies in thickness and creases easily if subjected to rigorous folding. The method of harvesting either mechanical or hand impacts on the final product.
Common Specialty Rental Linen Designs
The specialty rental professional needs to create interesting designs and décor for events. Common linen designs are basic poly round linens, basic banquet linen and square linens. Others are specialty topper, specialty 120’s and runners.
Choose the Niche
You could focus on design of specialty chair covers and table linens. Or purchase and stock linen material and become a retailer of the fabric.
To design the fabric you need knowledge of fashion design, business ad marketing skill. The next step is to open a full-service rental business focused on glamour events.
The special event-linen you produce should be properly designed and practical.  Offer your clients full services and an extensive range of couture quality fabrics.
A list of Specialty Rental Linens
  • Table runners
  • Decor accessories
  • Chair covers
  • Tablecloths
  • Napkins
  • Chair sashes
Register the Company
Register the company as a sole proprietorship or Limited Liability Company. Get insurance cover, personal tax identification number and permits. You need a trade license to operate the business.
Prepare a Budget
Prepare a workable budget that accommodates purchase of fabrics, décor and staff wages. Other considerations are marketing, transportation and maintenance.
Although initial setup funds are high it gradually reduces once you purchase the fabric. Other things that need funds are transportation, storage, marketing and labor. You could try target savings or reach out to a core investor. Secure micro-finance loans and provide business plan and collateral.
Write a Business Plan
Write a specialty rental linens store business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study to find a good location for your business.
Study what your competitors are offering and create a portfolio. Locate the business close to residential areas or a popular event center.
Promote the Business
You need lots of exposure to attract clients. The business is highly competitive so make sure your prices are moderate and fair.
Use print and broadcast media to launch many advertisement campaigns. Publicize your company in wedding and design magazines, top journals and cable television programs.
The more exposure and branding your business get the bigger your clientele. You need lots of networking with wedding planners, event centers and marriage registries.
Your customer base includes hotels, catering outfits, corporate events and weddings. Others are social functions, event centers and milestone anniversaries.

How to Attract Sponsorship for Live Musical Event

Are you planning to organize a musical live performance or music carnival? You will need lots of funding to organize a successful gig.
Live musical performances are huge earners for event promoters if done properly. The job is challenging and requires good organizational and management skills.
Funding is needed to lease equipment, workers wages, security and marketing. Marketing, promotion and branding consumes about 35% of total investment.
The primary obligation between a sponsor and organizer is brand representation and funding. To attract funds you need to first identify potential sponsors or partners. Before seeking sponsors there a few things you need to put in place.
Set-up the Company
You need to set-up the company or organization to facilitate the event. You could register the company and choose a business name.
Other requirements are permits to host the event, inventory, engineers and invited artists. The next step is to choose an ideal location or venue for the event. Finally seek sponsors to aid fund raising for aspects of the preparation.
Inventory and Cost Consideration
You need to calculate exactly how much you need to host the event. Cost consideration includes equipment, stage, engineers, lighting and artist fees. Others are promotional and marketing considerations.
A list of inventory
  • Select a suitable venue
  • Lease speakers and sound equipment
  • Lease elevated stage
  • Lighting
  • Provide security
  • Print promotional items and tickets
  • Artist wages
How to Attract Sponsorship for Live Musical Event
Sponsors Criteria
Things that sponsors look at include size of audience and target market. If the target market falls within the sponsors preferred demography there is likelihood of participation.
Benefit to Sponsor
Before a sponsor decides to fund or participate in an event they need to understand the benefits. Most companies focus on enhancing visibility, image and identify with consumers of the brand. Brand visibility is a very attractive proposal for sponsorship interest.
Sponsorship Fees
 The fees depend entirely on the promoter of the event and the amount of money involved.  Although a promoter could assign different amounts to specific requirements, the sponsor is bound only by the amount they wish to contribute.
The sponsor could decide to contribute in kind such as making their products available free or discounted. They could also decide to contribute a lump sum depending on their corporate strategy. Some even contribute both in kind and financial backing.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and condition could be subjected to contractual agreement. The two sides should agree on a consensus determinant on how much they wish to contribute. The promoter needs to use the services of a lawyer to draft the sponsorship document.
The parties to the contract are the sponsor and event promoter. And the objective of the sponsorship contract should be clearly indicated.
Objectives include sponsors agreement, duration of the agreement and method of endorsement. This also includes the type of promotional material, brand image, trademark or name. The agreement should also specify the contributory amount or quantity of product on day of event.
The Promoter’s obligations
In the contract the promoter’s obligations should be clearly understood. The main obligations usually revolve around product branding, attendance, marketing material and promotion. Other obligations are organizing a successful event and attracting a huge crowd.
Sponsors compensation includes proper product branding and exposure to the audience. The promoter is obligated to provide a successful show and provide lots of promotion.
Brand Awareness
The promoters of the event need to provide good opportunity for brand awareness.  They can use different methods to create brand awareness.
A common method is through traditional printing of banners, flyers, billboards and posters. Other methods are through radio jingles, television advertisement and road shows.
T-shirt, face caps and wristbands are also good branding opportunities. Sometimes the deal include event accessibility and ticketing
Length of Contract
A contractual agreement could focus on a one time deal or multiple events. The agreement may focus only on local events or extend to international events.
There also has to be a clear indication of sponsorship exclusivity or multiple sponsors. This is to avoid conflicting brand or competitive brands in the same event.
There are serious consequences when an event fails to take place. Therefore both parties should agree on a consensus form of restitution.
You can add provisions in the contract such as confidentiality, integrity, applicable law, jurisdiction and third party. You also need to ensure the protection of copyright imagery.
Where to Find Sponsors
Major sponsors of events are beer companies, manufacturing companies, fashion industry and telecommunications. Other type of sponsorship is through crowd funding.
How to Write a Sponsorship Letter
The first step is to identify the company you want to approach. Then write a proposal indicating sponsorship request.
Provide details of type of event, expected audience and musical groups invited to perform at the event. State in your letter the benefit to the sponsor, such as product banding and promotions. Include further details of promotional channels such as print or electronic media. In your letter show competence, credentials and other successful events you organized.

Wedding Hall Decoration Business

wedding hall
A huge amount of work goes into the preparation of a wedding. This includes selecting a venue, making the cake, food and drink selection.
Other things are hiring a hall decorator, security, master of ceremony a disc jokey or live band. Wedding related business makes huge earnings servicing different sector of the industry.
One highly lucrative sector is starting a wedding hall decoration business. The business entails a keen eye for matching colors and creativity.
It requires specialized knowledge, funding and a passion for the business. Startup costs include purchase of equipment, leasehold, staff wages and transportation.
Others are registering the enterprise, branding and having an effective marketing strategy. The benefits of owning a wedding hall decoration business is work flexibility, low startup and quick turnaround.
There are a few things to consider before launching your hall decoration enterprise.
Determine the Type of Service
The wedding decorator apart from beautifying the hall could offer added service. Some services include renting chairs and tables.
The primary service is to make the tables attractive, chairs and venue. You should provide covers for the chairs, tables, decorative items and provide flowers.
Register the Business
Register the business as a limited liability company. Although it also works as a sole proprietorship prevent undue litigation by choosing the LLC format.
Create a brand name that portrays class, sophistication and elegance. Get a personal identification number and insurance cover.
Source your inventory form reputable vendors or lease them. The next step is to get a lawyer to create a contract form.
This is essential especially if you are dealing with dishonest individuals. Make sure any appointment is carried out in your office before to visiting the venue.
The type of outfit you choose impact on the amount of funding required. You can run a decoration business from home or an office environment.
Home based freelancers only need storage for equipment and an office space. This removes the cost of renting an office in a commercial area.
However an office location provides a face for your business. The majority of funds are needed for equipment, maintenance, transportation cost and marketing.
Apply for loans through any micro-finance bank in your locality. You need collateral, a business plan and some startup funds.
Write a Business Plan
The business plan defines your company structure. It clearly shows your mission, goals and objectives.
You could hire a professional to write the plan or use online resources. Once you have the plan carry out a feasibility study of wedding hall decorators in your area. Study their business template, customer base and charges.
Get Certified
You need to master hall decoration skills such as color combinations, table positions, decorations. There a different course on interior décor, hall décor, hospitality and event planning. Increase your knowledge through books, seminars, trade workshops and online courses.
Create a Portfolio
How are your customers going to know your proficiency if not through recommendations or a portfolio? Create a portfolio of events you decorated and use as a sales pitch.
Provide high definition photographs of such events gather testimonials and include your certificate. A good visual presentation usually does the trick. It also provides a platform to showcase trending styles and prices.
Wedding Hall Decoration Equipment
  • Office equipment- Computer, modem, chairs, table, telephone
  • Balloons
  • Different colored Linen cloth
  • Table cloth
  • Chair covers
  • Artificial flowers
  • Real flowers
  • Fancy flower vase
  • Staplers and pins
  • Confetti
  • Tiara
  • Elastic bands and ropes
Prepare a small marketing budget that accommodates printing and electronic media. Print letterhead papers, flyers, complementary cards and signage board.
The cards are very useful especially when strategically place on the decorated tables. Many wedding decorates have gained lots of patronage using this simple method.
Other marketing techniques are referrals, radio jingles, television advertisements and classified websites.
wedding officiant business
Build a Website
You need a website to attract patronage. Select a good domain name and host plan. Use digital imagery on your site including service description and prices.
Add an About Us page, office address and dedicated phone number. Make sure your website is targeted to your desired demography and customer base. Don’t forget to use social media to boost traffic to your website. 

The Pros and Cons of Starting a Hall Decoration Business
To effectively decorate a hall you need lots of creativity. The business falls under interior decoration, creative arts and event planning.
The job scope is huge and involves selection of curtains, table spreads, floral arrangement and seat placement. Other duties of a hall decorator are finding the best venues and choosing a color scheme.
The business is challenging and very profitable. A hall decorator can make six figures income annually. The business requires passion, knowledge of décor and good organizational skill.
Startup Cost
The startup cost depends on your inventory. The cost could spiral out of control or strictly budgeted. The majority of expenditure is spent on inventory and logistics. To succeed you need to create a brand and offer quality service.
Advertise your hall decoration business through newspaper and magazine publications. Use catchy radio jingle, television advertisement and print. Print posters, banners, flyers and complementary cards. Use social media to spread the word and free online classified websites.
Build a Portfolio
Put together a portfolio of your work to present to clients. This is an effective method to showcase past jobs and get new assignments. Make sure the images are high definition and a good representation of your work
Build a Website
It is very important building a website for your business. The website should have high definition image of halls you decorated. Add descriptions, locations about us page, address and dedicated line.
The Pros of Starting a Hall Decoration Business
  • The amount of Startup Depends on your Inventory
  • The Business is highly profitable
  • You need interior decorative skills
  • You are not required to have an education
  • There are lots of job opportunities
  • There are lots of services to offer clients
The Cons of Starting a Hall Decoration Business
  • The hall decoration business is highly competitive
  • You spend lots of money advertising
  • Logistics and transportation are a major factor
  • The job is seasonal and depends on celebratory occasions
  • You need adequate storage facility
Hall Decoration Service
The type of service you offer depends on the client. Common services involve providing chairs and tables. Others are using curtains, blinds, table cloth and chair covers.
More include balloon decorations, confetti, flowers and ribbon decoration. Register the business as a LLC and create a brand logo. Use and lawyer to draft a good contract form to avoid misunderstanding.
Hall Decoration Equipment
There are lots of equipment’s used by hall decorators. Common equipment’s are table cloths, chair covers, chairs and artificial flowers. More are vases, flowers, balloons, confetti, staplers and rubber bands.
  • Office equipment
  • Flowers
  • Table cloth
  • Curtains
  • Confetti
  • Chair covers
  • Staplers
  • Linen cloths
  • Elastic bands
  • Balloons
  • Artificial flowers
The inventory and transportation takes up the majority of funds. Other funding requirements are marketing, labor and office rent.
Before launching the enterprise write a hall decoration business plan and carry out a feasibility study. The study should include competitors, possible venues, prices and locations.
Learn the Trade
It is important you learn how to decorate halls. You would become an apprentice, attend seminars or workshops. Other ways include online courses and reading books. A certified hall decorator would get more clients than the competition.

How to Become a Bridal Makeup Artist

woman with makeup
image source-pexels
Among the many support services that function around weddings, bridal makeup artistry is important. The bride and groom before, after and during wedding celebration are frequently photographed and recorded.
The bride needs to look her best to the admiration of friends and family. The bridal makeup artist does her magic and transforms the bride into the sinus of all eyes.
 Brides apply makeup regularly during the entire ceremony. So they hire the services of professional makeup artists to remain beautiful and alluring. 
The job requires excellent skill, good interpersonal charisma, a business sense and top notch service. The startup costs are small and majority of investment involves purchase of kit, further skill acquisition, transportation and marketing.
There are different kinds of makeup related jobs such as theatrical makeup artists, multimedia and performance makeup artistry. The job supports the modeling industry, photography, animation, theater and events.
The job is highly profitable and thespians earn an average of $20 per hour. Sometimes they charge a flat rate for their services.
The job could be done full-time or part-time depending on your business model. To become a professional makeup artist you need training, startup funds and an effective marketing strategy.
Here are a few ideas on how to launch your makeup business.
Things to Consider
  • You need to get certified
  • Gain experience
  • Choose products carefully
  • Create a makeup kit
  • Develop a range of service
  • Develop a comprehensive price list
  • Create a portfolio
  • Have an online presence
  • Register the enterprise
  • Consider public liability insurance, tax
  • Develop business skills
  • Develop an effective marketing strategy

How to Become a Bridal Makeup Artist
Get Certified
The first step to becoming a bridal make up artist is obtaining a certificate. There are numerous schools of cosmetology and technical workshops.
Develop the skill through books, online courses and practical training. Things cosmetologist know revolves around skin type, color hues, products and face type.
To operate you are required to have a certified license and in some states pass a standard examination. Practical training is essential for better understanding of what the work entails.
Once you have developed the skill and obtained a certification you are ready to establish your enterprise.
Create a Makeup Kit
Purchase the right equipment and put together a kit. The kit is an essential part of your job description.
The kit is essential for outside engagements and functions. Make sure you purchase only the most essential makeup items to get the job done. Then follow strict work ethics and safety protocols when applying and maintaining the gear.
makeup kit
Items in a Makeup Kit
  • Cotton wool pads
  • Makeup
  • Brush set
  • Makeup sponge
  • Remover
  • Disposable mascara wands
  • Facial wipes
Create a Portfolio
You need to create a portfolio of your work for prospective clients. You could also do practical demonstrations for your clients.
The portfolio should contain high definition photographs of women you serviced. This is essential because the imagery demonstrates your skill level, proficiency and technique.
To obtain the photographs carry along a professional photographer to document the bride before and after the makeup is applied. You might require the consent of the bride to use the photographs in your portfolio.
Where to locate your Makeup Business
Although the business works both home based and online you need a physical location. You could create a space at home or lease a shop.
A shop would provide regular patronage from residents. You could also sell makeup to your customers alongside the bridal makeup business.
Register your makeup business as a sole proprietorship enterprise. Get public liability insurance and other tax related provisions.
Some of the products you sell could require value added tax returns. A good location for the business is in a residential area or shopping mall.
Make sure your pricing is competitive and fair by carrying out a feasibility study of other makeup artist’s products and prices.
Funding the Enterprise
Gradually build up your inventory to reduce huge expenditure on makeup. To rise funds try target saving or borrow from friends and family.
Your business template determines the amount of startup funds you need. Home based businesses require fewer funds than a shop or office environment.
If you plan to build a website, factor cost of domain name, host plan, online marketing and website developer fees.
Getting Work as a Makeup Artist
To get work as a makeup artist you need an effective marketing strategy. Use traditional print media to create glossy brochures, complementary cards, flyers and signage boards.
Invest some funds for newspapers and bridal magazine advertisement. You can network with event centers, hair salons, spas, florists and wedding favor shops.
Other professionals to liaison with are wedding photographers, dressmakers, bridal shops including wedding Officiant. Reference strategies are a huge way to get regular gigs.
Build a Makeup Website
You could increase awareness and patronage through a make-up website or blog. Showcase your proficiency through high definition images.
The website should target your preferred client’s demography. Make sure the website is optimized and include a phone number, address and About Us page.
Add terms of service including type services you render. Increase traffic to your website through social media channels such as Facebook and Google+. Include your company in local listing, yellow pages and online classified websites.