Matchmaking Business Model: How to Start a Matchmaking Business

The matchmaker’s job is to bring two people together in a love connection. The enterprise is highly lucrative because it deals with human situations.
Helping people meet potential life partners is very rewarding. Matchmaking involves socializing, networking and relationship skills. 
They achieve this through profiling, questioners, preferences and intuition. The agencies earn huge income from subscriptions, membership fees and other monetary sums.
There are no special requirements to start a matchmaking service except passion. The business model is simple and it does not require huge start-up funds.
You could launch the enterprise from home, a small office or online. Here are a few ideas on how to start a matchmaking business.
Types of Matchmaking Service
There are three types of matchmaking services in the industry. We have the online dating websites and blogs. The other two are traditional matchmakers and relationship agencies.
Online Match Making Service
The online website model involves members registering on the site either fee or for an annual fee. Free websites in this category offer premium membership at a cost including preference listing.
To launch an online matchmaking service you need a search engine optimized website. Select a top domain name that reflects your services.
On the website collect registration fees, preference listing and advertisement. To attract patronage advertise the website in yellow pages, social media channels and Adwords.
Make sure the website is attractive and collate data from members such as their preferences, age, sex, ethnicity and location. Provide other services such as send a message or gift to a person including phone number options.
How to Open a Dating Agency
Traditional Matchmakers
Traditional matchmakers have been around for ages. They bring people together through proactive ways such as print or newspaper advertisement.
This business model is highly lucrative because they charge higher fees and meet the clients directly. They pull their resources and network to find eligible partners for their clients.
Relationship Agencies
Relationship agencies work in similar ways to traditional ones. The difference is that the agency has a wider reach and larger data base. Both traditional and relationship agencies carry out face-face consultation and matchmaking.
Matchmaking Business model
Determine the Business model
To start your matchmaking enterprise you need to determine your business model. Are you going part-time or full time, traditional or online?
Once you know which strategy works best then you can proceed. The secret to success is identifying a niche targeted at specific audience.
Common niche groups are based on qualification, age, earnings, ethnicity and physical attributes.
Learn the Trade
It is important to gain knowledge on how to run a successful dating service. Ways of acquiring knowledge are through job experience, online resources, books and educational programs.
Match Making Service Business Plan
Before you become a dating and relationship coach you need a matchmaking business plan. Your plan needs to identify a target age, group and demography.
Highlight your goals, target audience and business model. Common dating agencies are either terrestrial, online or a hybrid.
Try to conduct a feasibility study of your immediate environment. What are you competitors doing and how successful are they. This information should provide some insight to how the industry works.
Legalize the Business
Acquire the appropriate licenses and permits to run a dating service. Register your business name and get insurance cover. Make sure your lawyer prepare all legal documentation.
Lease an Office
Lease a small office to meet clients if you choose to run a traditional agency. Make sure the office has a reception area and consultancy room.
Online dating services could operate from the comfort of your home. All you need is a computer/laptop and internet connection.
It costs moderate amount to fund a dating agency. Funds are needed for lease payment, staff wages, advertisement and data storage.
Traditional matchmakers periodically organize events for their clients. Make sure you keep track of expenses, overheads and profit.
Come up with a list of your services and fixed prices. Dating services charge membership fees, listing fees, gift exchange fees and registration fees. Make sure your prices are fair and reflective of your effort and success rate.
Contract Agreements
Having a contract agreement is an essential part of matchmaking business. Make sure the legalities are perfected by a lawyer. Instead of a contract, online dating agencies have terms and condition for use of the site.
 A Basic Questioner Form
Match makers use questioners to gather relevant information from their client. The information is used to pair individuals into suitable couples.
 Although each agencies questioner is different they contain similar fields. Common questioner parameters are listed below.
1 Name
2 Age
3 Sex
4 Occupation
6 Education and Career
7 Religion
8 Appearance
9 Hobbies
10 Match Criteria
11 Preferences
12 Married or Single
13 What are they looking for in a relationship?
To start a matchmaking enterprise you need to understand the business. Register your firm and get a good business name.
Apply for soft loans or try target savings. Offer fair prices and track your finances. Provide good service and spend on advertisement.


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