Paintball Business Ideas: How to Start a Paintball Company

Paintball business is highly profitable and has many revenue earning sub-sectors. The business could be grouped under sports, leisure activity, outdoor games and recreation.
Paintball is a game designed to eliminate contestants by firing gelatin paint-balls at the opponents. The mode of delivery is pistol and rifle that deploy the paint through a compressed air mechanism.
Paintball companies organize hunts, tournaments, group activity in indoor and outdoor fields. The fun lovers usually wear customized military outfits to create mood and effect.

There are lots of paintball business ideas to consider in the industry. Many entrepreneurs focus on opening a recreational field.
However sub-sectors in the industry include gear rentals, coaching classes and sales of equipment. There are strong legislation guiding paintball companies including age restrictions and police control.
Different Paintball Business Ideas
There are basically six income steams in the paintball industry. They are running a field facility, organizing coaching classes including selling paintball gear and accessories. The others are online sales of equipment, manufacturing equipment, repair and maintenance.
Manufacturing Paintball Gear
If you are interested in investing in the paintball industry you could consider manufacturing. The paintball equipment are customized and standardized to certain requirements.
Specialized equipment's are customized jerseys, safety hats, gelatin balls and firing mechanisms. To start making the gear understand the manufacturing process and acquire appropriate machinery.
You could focus on certain gear and develop high quality products. Apply branding, marketing and target wholesalers, retailers.
Start Wholesale, Retail of Paintball Gear
You could decide to open a store or shop and sell anything related to paintball business. Stock your store with gear, outfits and lots of paint-balls. You need a good location, moderate funding, staff and a good business model.
Paintball Repairs
Paintball repair shops are specialized businesses. They focus on gear repair, refurbishment and sales of new equipment.
Find a good location for your shop and use signage boards to attract patronage. You need to invest in hand tools and other equipment to make your job easier. You also need to acquire knowledge on how to repair such specialized gear.
Online Paintball Store
Create a paintball website to sell your gear to the world. Make sure the website has high definition photographs, description of items and a checkout area.
There are two ways to run an online store. You could use an affiliate arrangement with larger companies or have a physical store. The method you use in shipping the items depends on your business model
Paintball Coaching Classes
Many paintball enthusiasts regularly need to acquire new skills. There are also new people interested in learning how to use the equipment.
A good location for your coaching class is close to a paintball field. Coaching involves lots of practical teaching and on hands approach.
How to open a Paintball Facility
To open a facility you need a large open space or field. There are two ways to go about this leasing the field or outright purchase.
The field should be fitted with safe obstacles and fun activities. You need storage to keep your equipment, staff and proper facility management.

How to start a Paintball Business

Determine the Business Model
Before you invest hard cash know your area of interest. The sector you choose determines the location, type of equipment, staff and company structure.
Write a Paintball Facility Business Plan
If you are interested in opening a paintball facility you need a business plan. Make sure the plan has an executive summary, management experience, location, design and objectives.
Include a mission, vision statement, facility capacity, type of equipment and safety arrangement. What are your key to success, games options and overhead?
Register the Enterprise
Register the business as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company. Carry out a feasibility study and locate your target customers. You need a business license, insurance cover and tax clearance certification.
Locating the Company
Paintball fields are usually located away from residential areas. However a massive warehouse could be turned into a field.
Underutilized fields, vacant farm lands are good locations for fields. Manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers could be subject to zoning.
paintball equipment
Purchase Equipment
The amount of sophistication of the equipment depends on the cost, functionality and manufacturer. Purchase good quality equipment from top manufacturers of paintball gear.
There are inventory you need to buy such as paintball guns, camouflage outfits and safety goggles. Other gears are knee, elbow pads, safety helmets or caps.
The guns are spring or gravity fed and uses compressed air action. Purchase your items in bulk to reduce cost and increase profit margin. To find dealers conduct a simple search online, use yellow pages or locate fields in your area.
A List of Paintball Equipment
  • Camouflage Outfits
  • Safety Goggles
  • Safety Helmets, Mask
  • Elbow and knee Pads
  • Paintball Pistols
  • Pods, pod packs
  • Athletic supporters
  • Auotcocker
  • Paintballs- spherical gelatin capsules
  • Paintball Barrels
  • Vehicles used for scenario play
The business is competitive so make sure you offer the best cost saving prices. Calculate your prices based on overhead, fixed and working capital, administrative fees, leasehold and playtime. Hire experience staff with knowledge of the game.
Safety Protocols
It is important to put in place safety protocols to avoid litigation. Design the field to prevent injuries and unnecessary accidents.
You need a good insurance cover for the business. Get a lawyer to draft play ethics, behavior, violations, consequences and rules.
Common rules involve enforcing participants to wear safety gear, minimum strike distance, ramping and overkill. Other rules are non-contact, wiping, hits.
Marketing the Company
You need lots of advertisement to attract patronage. Organize demonstrations, discounts, giveaways and other fun activities.
Use traditional advertisement such as distribution of flyers, business cards and newsletters. Create huge billboards, signage boards and use electronic media such as television and radio.
You could network with other entertainment centers in your area such as parks, recreational companies and theme parks.


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