Start a Wedding Calligraphy Business

Calligraphy is a form of writing done in a stylized way. The visual art is accomplished using specialized writing implements.
The form transverses various art presentations such as invitation cards, billboards, logo designs, book covers. There are slight variations between hand lettering, typography and calligraphy.
Many cultures have calligraphy as an integral part of tradition such as Indian tradition, Chinese, Islamic, Japanese and Korean tradition. Others are western lettering, Tibetan, Mongolian and Georgian calligraphy.
Modern interpretation of the beautiful art form has found a synergy with graphic designs, wedding invitation cards, documents and certificates. This has brought about lots of business opportunities for calligraphers in today’s modern world.
Calligraphy is applicable as a home based business and you earn sizeable income on the job. Here are a few ideas on how to start a wedding calligraphy business
image source-pixabay
How to Start a Wedding Calligraphy Business
Become a Calligrapher
You need to learn the art form to become a calligrapher. If you already posses beautiful handwriting you are already on your way.
Calligraphy involves precision wrist and arm movement and knowledge of stylized letters. You could learn through books, online resources, trade workshops or professional courses.
Strong discipline and regular practice will provide the needed results. To succeed you need to develop a passion for the business and gain business knowledge.
Custom Calligraphy Services
A calligrapher has a wide range of service they can offer. Custom services includes envelop dressing, quotes, certificate lettering and wedding invitations. Others are lettering on envelops and stationery.
A List of Customized Calligraphy Services
  • Wedding stationery
  • Wedding cards
  • Envelops
  • Hand-lettered logo designs
  • Religious art
  • Documents
  • Certificates
  • Maps
  • Marriage proposals
  • Specialized items
Calligraphy Tools
Calligraphy primary tool is the pen fitted with different kinds of tips. The tips are flat, rounded, pointed, multi or fitted with steel brushes.
The pen uses either oil based or water based ink depending on the calligrapher’s preference. Other tools are templates, ruled paper, erasing agents and ball point pen.
Different types of calligraphy brushes and pens are fountain pen, ball point pen and qalam. Others are ink brushes, dip pen and quill.
Techniques and Style
Although techniques differ common elements are the ink brushes, density of ink and the papers texture. Calligraphers generally use very high quality paper.
The writer introduces ink to the paper with different strokes that are bold, stretch or light to create the letters. Calligraphy styles are personal and individual to the creator. Major influences in calligraphy art are Chinese writing, Mongolian, Japanese and English lettering.
Create a Portfolio
You need to create a portfolio of your works for clients. The visual presentation is an important marketing tool.
Startup Costs
You can start a home based calligraphy business with less than $300. The major expenditure is purchasing the tools for the trade and advertisement. The job of the calligrapher is writing the inscriptions while the client supplies the items.
Build a Website
It is very important to build your own calligraphy website. The website provides an online presence and a store that never closes.
Showcase your designs and writing skills and take orders. Add an about us page, location, email address and dedicated phone number.
Take online orders through credit card payment or PayPal. You need a good domain name and host plan for your website.
The business is basically a one man show and you don’t need any staff. Hence proper artistic, marketing and accounting knowledge is essential to the success of your enterprise. However you need an employer identification number for tax purposes.
The website you build provides several marketing opportunities. You could advertise your website on free/paid classified websites.
List your business in yellow pages and directories. Or use social media channels to increase traffic to your website.
Make sure your site is optimized and easy to navigate. Other offline marketing strategy is through newspaper publications and print media


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