How to Have a Better Work Life Balance

Popular work life is fast changing with the advent of online resources. You have ¼ of the workforce embracing self employment and work from home jobs.
There are many freelance jobs, consultancy jobs and independent contractors. The work scope covers every industry from constructions, manufacturing, agriculture and social services.
Small business ventures account for 1/3 business worldwide. According to available statistics freelancers would account for 55 million of the workforce in 2019.
The reality is that the business climate is fast changing and evolving. Working for yourself is not a bed of roses and involves lots of planning, discipline and balance.
You still have to take care of the same utility bills, medical expenses and living costs. Self employment brings up more challenges such as regular wages, work stability and insecurity.
In addition you face lots of competition, top brands, customer service and poor funding. Before venturing into self employment there are things you need for a good work life balance.
1. Network with Professionals
It is very important working with professional’s in related field. This will reduce your job scope and offer your clients better service.
By making use of freelancers you tend to expand your scope and offer professional serves to your clients. Contract professionals to manage your workload then network for better efficiency or productivity.
A young self employed entrepreneur in the digital marketing industry was asked how many people on his payroll. His answer was 100 people segmented into 5 regular staff, 80 freelancers, 5 interns and 10 national Youth corp. members.
The face of business is changing and you can have a large workforce from the comfort of your home.
2. Segment Work from Free Time
The self employed individual occasionally has a hard time differentiating personal and professional hours. To succeed you need to differentiate your working hours from rest period.
You could allot working hours from 8 AM to 5 PM and close shop. Don’t get into work after office hours or you will burnout within a relatively short time.
3. Get Rid of Nightmare Clients
A self employed individual should always strive for excellence. The clients expect good services to keep coming back.
However there are clients that are nightmarish to work with. They have bad habits and unattainable expectations.
Although there is an adage that the customer is always right. This is not applicable to nightmarish clients. Get rid of such clients and focus your effort on those that appreciate your quality service.
4. Create Time
You need to make time for yourself and have a work, leisure balance. Create time for your family trips to the zoo and other such leisure activities.
Work within a schedule and develop new hobbies. Working endlessly on projects would adversely affect your health and productivity.
Always find a way to strike a balance between work and play. Many self-employed people struggle with a balance between work and downtime. Don’t lose touch with your personal life in a quest for wealth.
5. Switch of the Computer
Sometime you need to switch of the computer. This is harder than you think same applies to yours truly. This is my first article in a couple of days and it took real will to switch of for just a few days.
For a healthier work life balance you need to disconnect and relax. This would aid better understanding of your work requirements and a relaxed working experience.
6. Get Organized
The key to success as a freelancer is organization. You need to organize your working hours, job schedule and home life.
Try to prioritize your work life and set personal goals and targets. Try to avoid taking on more jobs that you can handle and always strive for quality. There are many tools to plan your jobs along preferences, duration and work scope.
7. Avoid Burnout
Most freelance professionals face burnout. To avoid this unpleasant feeling you should not take on more jobs than you can handle. Try to prioritize and lay a solid foundation and work ethics. Don’t forget to network with professionals in your field and delegate work accordingly.


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