How to Start a Guava Farm

The guava tree is common to tropical Countries. The delicious fruit tree is also found in South America and Central America. 
The ripe fruits are generally green in color with slight yellow coloration. And a member of 'Myrtaceae' family of small trees with abundant bushy leafs.
There are many industries that use the fruit during manufacture. Common industries are the beverage industry, food and pharmaceutical industry.
An investor interested in starting a guava plantation needs adequate land, good soil and source of water. They also need good seedlings to produce lots of fruits. Other requirements are casual labor, farm registration and permits.
Starting Guava Farm
Types of Guava
The guava fruits have many name variations based on demography it grows.  Its origin is traced to the Caribbean region, Mexico and Central America. Types of Guava are the ripe apple guava and apple guava. Others include the Thai Maroon guava, yellow cherry guava and strawberry guava.
  • Ripe apple guavas (Psidium guajava)
  • Apple guava (Psidium guajava) flower.
  • Strawberry guava, Psidium littorale var..
  • Apple Guava plant leaf.
  • 'Thai maroon' guava, a red apple guava cultivar.
  • Yellow-fruited cherry guava, (sometimes called lemon guava) Psidium littorale var..
Uses of Guava
The fruits have a sweet, better taste similar to lemons. Their outer skin is usually rough, green in color with different variants such as maroon, yellow, pink and off-white.
The culinary uses are found beverages, sauces, fruit bars and dried snacks. More are artisan candles, desserts, blended in alcoholic dinks, eaten raw and made into a dip.
The fruit is also a common ingredient in fruit salad, jams, jellies, marmalades and preservatives. Other uses are found in medicine and the seeds are used in cosmetic products. This is because the fruit has loads of unsaturated fats and linolenic acid.
  • Used in beverages
  • Sauces
  • fruit bars
  • dried snacks
  • artisan candles
  • desserts
  • blended in alcoholic dinks
  • eaten raw
  • made into a dip
  • ingredient in fruit salad
  • jams
  • jellies
  • marmalades
  • preservatives
  • uses are found in medicine
  • used in cosmetic products
How to Grow Guava
There are two ways to plant guava. You could grow them from seeds or seedlings. The most effective method is growing from small seedlings. This ensures 98% growth success rate.
Grow from Seeds
Growing guava from seeds is very challenging because the plants might not germinate and eventually die. The guarantee of fruiting through this method isn’t assured. The outcome is also difficult to predict and establish.
To grow them from seeds purchase the fruit from the open market. Keep them till they become over-ripe.
The next step is to cut the fruit into pieces and boil for 5 minutes. The boiling process animates the seeds in preparation for planting.
The next step is to place the seeds in a saucer plate and cover them with water. Leave till they start germinating into tiny sprouts. This process takes about 4 week.
Before transplanting the seedlings prepare the nursery and grow them into tiny plants. Finally transfer them to the farm for proper planting.
Grow from Seedlings
Planting from seedlings is very easy and stress free. All you need to do is buy the seedlings from a nursery and plant.
Make sure you prepare the soil before introducing the young plants. It is important to maintain some distance between each plant. Guava trees are rugged and can thrive in very hash conditions. Water them twice a week for maximum yield.
Guava Production Method
Prepare the Soil
The first step is to determine the suitability of the soil. Then dig profile pits and remove rocks and roots. Avoid soil that retain stagnate water or is water logged.
To establish the maturity of the soil carry out a soil test to determine the PH level. Prepare a layout, plough and clear the land, peg to demarcate. Prepare the soil and dry out the dugout pit to discourage pests or rodents.
Procure the seedlings
Make sure you procure high quality seedlings for best result. Purchase directly from a horticultural or research facility or popular nurseries. You need high yielding fruit for your commercial venture.
Once your soil is ready plant the seedlings and erect a barrier to prevent farm animals eating the sprouts. While planting the seedling be careful with the roots and use drip irrigation on the plants.
Keep the plant base clean by weeding and removing shrubs and grass. Remove side shoots and prevent water logging situations. Prune the tree by removing the side shoots and mulch to retain soil moisture.
You can choose to sell locally or export the produce. The local consumers are supermarkets, commodity stores, market women, beverage manufacturers and the food industry. Ways to reach consumers is through advertisement and word of mouth.


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