Wedding Planning Business: How to Become a Wedding Consultant

The job of a wedding planner is very challenging. The consultant faces different personalities, ideas and concepts.
The planner should be flexible, innovative and unique to succeed. Several challenges include working within a budget, event location and logistics. Here are a few things to consider before starting your career as a wedding planner
Attributes of a Wedding Planners
  • Organizational skill
  • Passion
  • Honesty
  • Dedication
  • Problem solving
You need lots of organizational skills, commitment and passion for the job. The job is not time restricted and events may continue late into the night.
You face lots of unscheduled calls and consultation during the planning stages. A genuine passion for the job equates to longevity and success.
Be Honest
The best strategy for a planner is honesty. There are many elements in the planning of an event.  This involves color choices, flowers, bridal gown, meals and entertainment. Make sure you meet your client’s needs and expectations.
Solve Problems
It is essential you develop the habit of solving problems. There are many aspects to wedding planning and you face different challenges along the way.
Thinking on your feet and solving such problems is part of the job. You need to take control of every situation and think outside the box. Use creative thinking to solve unusual situations to avoid a disastrous occasion.
Network with Vendors
A planner needs to network with people in the industry. Building a good relationship with vendors would aid the business. The vendors may provide credit facility when appropriate or offer advice.
Use referrals to build a network of professionals in related fields. Try to network with bridal dress makers, cake makers, event centers and limousine drivers. Other professionals are disc jockey, master of ceremony, caterers and ushers.
Remain Calm
You need a clam personality to handle weddings. Wedding days are full of joy, anxiety and emotions.
You are working in a highly charge stressful industry. No matter the challenges the occasion should be hitch free and memorable. Learn to control your emotions and gain experience.
There are a few planners who opt for formal training. That said the wedding planner industry is not regulated. Apart from registering your business anybody can start the business.
However some countries have professional associations.  Membership of such association provides credibility, networking and builds your reputation.
You learn about new trends and best practices. There are also seminars, online courses and books to develop the skill. Some agencies even offer grandaunts a certificate.
  • formal training
  • join a professional associations
  • attend seminars
  • do online courses
  • read books
The amount a wedding planner earns depends on the frequency of work and size of the event. Large society weddings attract good earnings and referrals. An average wedding planner can earn $80,000 to $100,000 a year.
To get gigs the planner needs serious marketing. Reach your clients through newspaper advertisement, radio and print. 
Print flyers, business cards, posters and billboard. Build a wedding planner website to showcase your services and portfolio. Add phone number, images, description, videos and contact information.


Wow! I loved your post. I am a budding designer and very soon I will be assisting a wedding planner for a wedding that will take place in one of the LA event venues, I am looking forward to it and this post is really helpful. I am super excited for this project now.

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