Non Emergency Medical Transportation Business

vanThere is a huge market for people unable to use public and city transportation. This could be due to advanced age, disability or location.
The may require to meet doctor appointments, grocery or scheduled meetings. Non medical transportation provides this essential service to such customers.
The niche transportation industry is rapidly gaining popularity and huge customer base. The business is highly lucrative, easy to startup and requires moderate investment.
A Non- medical transportation service ideally focuses on the healthcare industry. They provide stop a gap no emergency transportation service.
Why Start a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Business
The immediate benefit is huge financial remunerations. Others are self employment as an independent contractor.
You are at liberty to set your own hours and build any business model you like. The type of services and client base are also based on your discretion.
How to start a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Business
Carry out a Feasibility Study and Survey
You need to research your competitors in you local market. Who are the target demography and how much do they charge.
Areas with few or no competitors are a gold mine. Other attractive locations are residential areas with huge number of elderly or retired people.
Target Demography
Your target demography and customer base include handicapped and aged people. Others are retirees, people living off the grid and people without transportation.
Client Demography
  • Elderly
  • Sick
  • Pregnant women
  • Handicapped
  • Retirees
  • People without vehicular transport
  • Adult daycare
  • People living off the grid
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing homes
  • Geriatric doctors
  • People with mental/physical disability
Find an Ideal Location
To determine your business location you need statistical data of customer base. The best locations are in residential areas close to hospitals, clinics and healthcare clinics. Others are retirement homes, group homes, dialysis centers and adult care centers.
Best Locations for non-emergency business
Retirement homes, handicapped homes, adult daycare centers clinics hospitals group
Buy the Vehicle
The vehicle is your primary equipment to start the business venture. You can buy a new or used vehicle such as van, bus, SUV, mini bus.
 Make sure the vehicle is fitted with a hydraulic lift apparatus for wheelchair bound clients. Appropriate vehicle should accommodate wheelchair and have a raised roof
Register your business as a limited liability company. Get auto insurance cover for your vehicle.
Others include general liability insurance and join a public transport association. Make sure you have a valid driving license or chauffeurs license.
To set a price schedule you need to take a few things into consideration. Your charges should be calculated based on distance, fuel, cost of insurance and maintenance.
Non-emergency transport providers work on contract bases or pay-per-drop. Contracts are usually between medical facilities or organizations.  You are at liberty to contract regular clients at a discounted sum. 
trucking business checklist
Operational Hours
Majority of transport owners work 5-6 days a week. The preferred working hours are 7 AM – 5 PM daily. 
Hire Staff
Your business template determines the number of staff you hire. You could run the business alone and hire staff as the business grows.
Driving staff are required to have valid driving license and knowledge of the streets. While hiring driving staffs evaluate the person’s temperament. You need calm and courteous staff with defensive driving knowledge to ferry your clients
Promote the Business
The number of clients you service equals huge profit or loss. The more clients you have and regularity the high your profit margin.
Promote the business through the use of business cards, a website, directories and referrals. Use news paper publications, flyers, billboards, signage boards and word of mouth.
The emergency medical transportation company should be certified. Determine your scope of work and area of operation.
Purchase the right vehicle and hire trained staff. Set appropriate prices based on fuel, insurance, distance and hours.


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