Tattoo Removal Business Start Up

Tattoo removal industry is the hottest medical aesthetic business today. We have a couple of million people with tattoos averaging 13% of America population.
The number of people that have tattoos in America is astounding. Statistical data points to 39% of Americans within ages of 25 and 45 having at least one tattoo.
Many tattoos are done on a whim and during adolescence. And in time does not correlate with the job description or person’s mindset.
Therefore 10% of the aforementioned demography is willing to pay huge sums to remove them. This provides a huge opportunity for astute investors to cash-in on this new industry.
As a high demand procedure, investors achieve profitability in the shortest of time. The major attraction to this business is huge market, high profit, low startup cost and simple business model.
laser tattoo removal
Things to Consider before Starting a Laser Tattoo Removal Business
  • Local tattoo regulations
  • Write a business plan
  • Affordable office space
  • Buy quality laser equipment
  • Hire qualified staff
  • Purchasing and financing
  • Pain management
  • Insurance requirements
  • Marketing and promotions
Get Trained
It is important to get trained in handling the delicate equipment. There are many companies that offer quality training, and technological support.
Why People get Tattoos
As a tattoo removal specialist it is important to understand why people get tattoos in the first place. The reasons differ and are predicated on lifestyle choices.
The tattoo could be commemorative, based on a relationship, belief or on a whim. No matter the reason laser removal practitioners operate in a highly lucrative niche.
Who can run a Laser Tattoo removal Business?
The best candidate for this business venture is a dermatologist. Other professionals include certified laser technicians, investors and certified physicians.
Qualified personnel allowed to operate laser tattoo equipment are physician, dermatologist, physician assistant and registered nurses. The laws differ in each state or country so find the laws applicable to your location.
Rent an Affordable Office Space
The office space you choose should have a reception area, treatment room and office area. A professional office building that allows medical facilities is your best bet.
The low startup cost is predicated on the small office space and sparse furniture. The majority of the funds go into laser equipment, rent and staff wages. Others are training including licensing and certification.
Here is How to Setup a Tattoo Studio
Licensing and Regulations
Laser removal is categorized under a medical procedure. Therefore there are strict regulations guiding the enterprise.
The practice is governed under the food and drug/cosmetic act. Their statutory duty includes quality control, monitoring and certification of local and imported machinery. Operators of laser clinics need to follow strict compliance to the rules and regulations.
The medical and osteopathic regulatory board’s oversight function is focused on the operator of the laser equipment. They protect consumers from unqualified and sharp practitioners by enforcing regulations.
A laser operator needs adequate training and certification before he/she is allowed to use the equipment. Register you business as a limited liability company.  Then get liability insurance and a tax identification number.
Price of Tattoo Removals
It is rather pricey to remove a tattoo because they are made to last. The removal process is tedious and sometimes complicated.
An average laser tattoo removal season could last a few hours to several sessions depending on different factors. Things to consider before pricing are the size of the tattoo, color and design.
The price varies according to the geographical location of the store and other factors. In general an average laser treatment session costs an astounding $150 to$ 500.
If you consider that potential patients require multiple sessions before the design is completely removed then the figure adds-up. An average client could spend $600 to $2000.
An average treatment attracts $200 and the session lasts 15 minutes. If the client requires 7 sessions to completely remove the tattoo this adds up to $1400
There are three pricing technique you should consider. You could base your price on a cost pricing model, customer or competition based model.
Pain Management
The pain associated with tattoo removal is akin to when you got the design. A clinic should invest in effective and trusted method to dull pain. This sometimes reflects on the amount of clients that prefer your treatment.
Laser Tattoo Removal Equipment
Makes sure the equipment you purchase is high quality. There are many manufacturers of laser equipment. Choose manufacturers that offer extensive consultation services and after sales service.
To attract patronage do lots of creative marketing. Reach out to tattoo parlors, beauty spas and related businesses. Use print and electronic media to attract customers. Build a website and use social media channels including free/paid classified advertisements.


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