Start a Tanning Salon

Starting a tanning salon is moderately easy however you need appropriate equipment and knowledge. The business venture is popular in countries with cold climes.
Tanning salons sprang up to fill people needs to look good and have healthy looking bronzed body. The business could be placed under lifestyle, health and beauty industry.
Every business venture requires appropriate knowledge of the business, and lots of dedication and commitment. The business also requires lots of customer service, marketing, management and interpersonal skill.
The downside is the business is seasonal and not applicable in countries with hot weather. Before setting up your salon consider every aspect of the operation.
You need to do proper planning, site selection, promotional and offer comprehensive service. There are a few ways to start a tanning salon such as franchise arrangement, starting from scratch or purchase an existing outfit.
You might need expert advice from market leaders specialized in the tanning industry. Other important aspects are the type of product mix, staff training and start-up funding.
Things you need to start a Tanning Salon
  • Learn the trade
  • Write a business plan
  • Source Funding
  • Equipment and mix selection
  • Site selection
  • Salon design analysis
  • Product mix and pricing strategy
  • Registration and permits
  • Services
  • Staff
  • Marketing
Tanning Salon Target Customers
Your target customers are people who take physical beauty seriously. Individuals committed to look their best at all times are frequent customers in such establishments. Tanning salon is not an essential service and thrives on lifestyle choices of individuals.
How is Revenue Generated
Revenue is generated on per each client bases. Once you client works through your doors and proceeds to get a tan you get paid.
To increase revenue a salon might invest in multiple tanning beds. This should be done with care and start-up with only a few tanning bed and purchase more beds as customer patronage increases.
There is an optimum point of saturation based on number of beds per clients, popularity, location and repeat patronage. Analyze your marketing strategy based on frequency and number of customers you attract. While an average tanning procedure usually takes about 15 minutes per season.
Size of Tanning Salon
Tanning salons are generally small enterprises. Register the business as a sole proprietorship business or Limited Liability Company.
The business is community based and services local residents. Bigger establishment operate a franchise format and locate in large cosmopolitan cities.
Skills required running a Tanning Business.
If you have business knowledge you can start a tanning salon. The major challenge is purchasing quality equipment, staff training, leasehold and marketing.
Good interpersonal skill is very important. An additional provision is dermatology knowledge of effect of tan on skin.
There are a few tanning training institutes where businessmen could develop a keen knowledge of the business. Other ways to build knowledge is through tutelage, apprentice programs and books.
There are lots of online resources such as videos, tutorials and e-books. You could attend a seminar on tanning business. Become a Bridal Make-up Artist
Cost of Running a Tanning Salon
Tanning salons as stated earlier a small enterprises. You need space to accommodate the tanning beds and a spray room.
It is better to offer both bed tanning and Airbrush spray tanning to customers. This will exponentially increase your revenue and profit. 
Startup costs include leasing a shop, buying equipment such as tanning bed, and spray equipment. Other cost considerations are maintenance, staff wages and marketing.
You could purchase used or new equipment based on your finance and budget. A stray tanning machine costs $600-$5000 depending on your preference.
While tanning beds start from $10,000 per bed.  Some items you need to run a tanning salon is eye protectors, cleaning supplies and upgraded electrical. Others are lamps, lotions, timer system, cash register including marketing paraphernalia.
Equipment to Run a Tanning Salon
  • Airbrush Spray Tanning Machinery
  • Tanning Beds
  • Eye protectors
  • Lotions
  • Lamps
  • Cleaning
  • Supplies
  • Upgraded electrical
  • Cash register
  • POS credit card equipment
  • Brochures, posters, banners, flyers
Permits and Registration
There are a few legal considerations such as federal, state and local licensing and permits. Prolonged UV radiation is harmful to skin therefore tanning salon owners a by law mandated to provide information on the harmful effect.
 A binding document must be signed by customers before any season to avoid litigation. Other requirements are age restrictions of customers less than 18 years old.
You need to obtain operational licensing and permit including zoning formula. Every town, state or province has specific regulations and provisions regarding tanning business.
Although you could register as a sole proprietorship however to reduce personal liability register the business as a limited liability company.
Tanning Charges
Tanning charges differ from each geographical location to the other. Customers are generally charge per visit or package deals.
An average tanning season attracts $5-$25 per season. The cost depends on the location and earning potential of your customer base.
A tanning salon located in a highbrow area would offer higher charges than one in a middleclass area. The duration of the visit is another consideration in a pricing chart.
Spray tanning attracts considerable higher fees. A season could attract $20- $50 per visit. Major expenses are staff wages, marketing and energy bills.
Tan beds use a considerably large amount of electrical energy monthly. Other expenses involve equipment maintenance and cleaning expenses. You need lots of cleaning agents to keep your salon sanitized.
Tanning Salon Profit
Tanning profit revolves around customer patronage and frequency. A tanning bed could make about $1000 per month.
Supply and energy costs per visit depend on the amount of cleaning agent and power consumed. The profit depends entirely on the number of tanning bed and customer patronage.
An average tanning salon can make profits of $55,000 a year. To increase profit offer both airbrush spray tanning and UV bed tanning.
Introduce your customers to a variety of skin and healthcare products. Some smart investors also include spa and facial treatment in their services.
Staffing and Marketing
Employ only well groomed and experienced staff. Staff with lots of communication and interpersonal skill will be an asset to your establishment.
They should have a deep knowledge of the risks of tanning to educate customers. You can attract patronage through print and electronic media.
Print flyers, billboards, posters and banners. Advertise in local media and use newspaper publications. Another effective strategy is promotions and word of mouth advertising.


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