How to Open a Cosmetology School

Starting a cosmetology school is rather challenging because of the various laws guiding the enterprise? You need to secure approval and accreditation before launching the business. 
Any school has to pass a difficult approval process which includes submission of application form and letter of intent. The school should meet the minimum equipment requirement and pass building code standards.
The level of qualification of your staff and curriculum will also need to pass intense scrutiny. The Bureau of Private Post education Schools will conduct an inspection of equipment and school premises.
If the school is boarding then there are a host of other legalities before approval. Some include food and safety requirement, security, water treatment plant and fire safety protocols.
The building code in such establishment has specific minimum dimensions for hostels and classes. The approval process could take 1-2 years before approval and accreditation.
Starting a cosmetology school is capital intensive and very lucrative. here are a few ideas on how to start the business.
cosmetology school
How to Open a Cosmetology School
  • Secure a business license
  • Meet state laws
  • Find ideal location
  • Financing
  • Hire staff
  • Procure equipment and supplies
  • marketing
Write a Cosmetology School Business Plan
Stating any school is a daunting task because of the different elements. Your business plan should focus on the schools management structure, building requirements and curriculum.
You need to secure license, provide equipment and hire qualified staff. Include future projections, student’s welfare, and profit/ loss.
Carry out a Feasibility Study
Conduct a survey and carry out a feasibility study of your locality. You need to study your competition, customer base demography and ideal location.
What are the other institutions in your locality doing and how can you improve on the template. A good strategy is to offer your students unique programs and quality education.
Secure a Business License
There are two types of cosmetology schools, the small trade school with very few students or a large institution. Both business formats require accreditation and certification as schools.
A small cosmetology school that offers students short term courses is easier to setup. Your school has to create a curriculum, hire qualified tutors and equipment. Before approval the school needs to meet the state or local requirements.
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Find an Ideal Location
A good location should have ample space to accommodate the number of pupils you want. Small establishments are practicable in commercial buildings.
While large cosmetology institutions need to build the hostels and classrooms from scratch. Make sure the location is easily accessible, visible and has lots of human traffic. Find out the zoning formula from local and state authority
Running a large institution is capital intensive in comparison with a small cosmetology school. Funds are needed to acquire landed property and build structures.
You need to purchase school equipment and provide necessary amenities. The investor needs to procure a school license and pass accreditation.
Other financial involvement is staff wages including license fees. Secure funding through crowdfunding, core investors, bank loans or sell startup equity. Your business model dictates the type of funding and startup capital you need.
Funding the cosmetology school
  • crowdfunding
  • core investors
  • target saving
  • bank loans
  • sell private equity
  • use credit unions
  • underwriting startup professionals
Procure Equipment and Supplies
Make sure the equipments complement the institutions curriculum. Purchase high quality equipment, furniture and teaching aid. Use lots of practical workshops, video presentation and assignment to convey learning.
Hire Teaching Staff
 It is important you hire highly qualified teachers. The qualification of your teachers is one of the criterion technical school management boards use during accreditation and approval.
Create a Curriculum
The curriculum is very important to the success of the institution. Make sure it is in line with recommendations form the federal government.
Hire an expert in such knowledge to assist in writing the curriculum. Professionals that could assist are deans of other cosmetic schools or federal institutions.
Apply different marketing tools to attract students. Use print and television media to introduce your institution.
Make sure you have a large signboard in front of the school. Other marketing techniques are building a website and using social media.


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