Facts on Duck Farming

Ducks are a delicacy in many countries while others consume them in moderate quantity. The bird’s meat is not as popular as turkey, chicken or beef. In a country like Nigeria turkey meat is popular while unpopular in Ghana.
In Nigeria there is no empirical data on number of ducks farmed annually, marketing or consumption. This offers a challenge for entrepreneurs looking to invest in the industry. However the focus on organic, chemical free meat has increased the demand.
Modern living focuses on health consciousness and food safety. For centuries wild-ducks are game birds in aristocratic settings. But are now domesticated and farmed.
Although the interest in duck consumption has raising top poultry meat are chicken and turkey. Poultry meat now extends to quail, duck, ostrich and guinea fowl. Other types of poultry are waterfowl, geese and peafowl.
Why Farm Duck
The meat is a delicacy and a good source of protein. The birds are hardy and not easily susceptible to diseases. It requires small investment, low feeding cost to run a farm. Infrastructure is basic, easy to establish and low cost.
         Good source of protein
         The birds are hardy
         Diseases resistant
         Requires small investment
         Low feeding cost
         Basic Infrastructure
         Easy to establish
Types of Ducks
There are many species of ducks both wild and domesticated. Popular ones are Blue Swedish, Aylesbury. Others include Buff, Muscovy, and White Pekins.
         Blue Swedish
         White Pekins
A farmer can introduce ducks to their free-range poultry farm. This is because they are good companions and natural pest control. They add manure to soil, good source of meat and feathers. The birds also attract premium price in the market.
         Good companions
         Natural pest control
         Add manure to soil
         Good source of meat and feathers
         Attract premium price in the market
How to Start Duck Farming
In developing countries duck farming is almost nonexistence. This is because the meat was regarded as poor man’s food. Poultry farms focus primarily on chicken and turkey production.
To start duck farming you need land space and source of water supply. You can create an artificial pond and demarcate the land with fencing.
The amount of startup capital is small as opposed to chicken farming. Start with a foundation stock of 1 male and 3 females.
Ducks are regarded as waterfowls and the best habitat are regions with high rainfall. They grow well in the tropics, cool and riverine areas.
Pen or Cage
Most farms operate the free range system. This system allows the birds to wander about the farmland. They grow well alongside domesticated chickens.
In many parts of Africa the birds are raised in traditional subsistence rearing system. Free-range birds are varsities, prolific and are capable of raising themselves with very little assistance.
Some farmers raise them in chicken cages or pens. However they need to provide adequate water for the bird.
         Traditional subsistence rearing system
         Pen/cage system
The birds can digest a variety of protein rich food, fiber and non-conventional feed-stuff. They are prolific scavengers, eat insects, worms, grains and seeds. The type of food they eat is low cost and easy to source in the local market.
         Protein rich food
         Non-conventional feed-stuff
         Prolific scavengers
         They eat insects
The waterfowls lay about ninety to hundred eggs per year depending on species. They start laying at eighteen weeks. The reproductive cycle is in three phases, laying (fifteen days). They incubate for twenty eight to thirty days and brooding phase is sixty to sixty three days.
Sell your produce to supermarkets, grocery stores, restaurants. Others are hotels, food outlets, frozen and live food vendors.


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