How to Become a Successful Farmer

Having a fair knowledge of the product is the first step to becoming a successful farmer. A crop farmer has a huge variety of choices. They can grow rice, beans, corn, wheat, cotton, tomatoes and citrus fruits.
Crop farmers should understand weather conditions, soil pH, water level and type of soil. Other knowledge include specie of crop, growth and harvest period. More specialized knowledge includes spraying techniques, pruning, fertilizing and grafting.
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Things to Consider as a Livestock Farmer
Livestock farmers have different options in animal husbandry. The farmers need a deep understanding of feed type, body to fat ratio and medication for the livestock.
Other things to consider are common diseases, habitat and breed. It is important to develop basic business knowledge, accounting and record keeping. The farmer should study market trends, market fluctuations, demand and supply.
         Deep understanding of feed type
         Body to fat ratio
         Medication for the livestock
         Understand common diseases
         Develop basic business knowledge
         Record keeping
         Study market trends
         Understand market fluctuations
         Demand and supply
Things to Consider as a Crop Farmer
Things to consider as a crop farmer are crop selection, crop yield, growth-harvest period. You need to know the type of climate, weather conditions, winter, and annual rainfall.
Others are soil type, waterlogged or well-grained soil and nutrient content. More are natural hazards like hailstorms, snow, flood or drought.
Intensive farming requires huge land, mechanized equipment and regular water supply. The farm land should be accessible with good roads, electricity. It is also very important to study the host community before establishing the business.
         Crop selection
         Crop yield
         Growth-harvest period
         Type of climate
         Weather conditions
         Annual rainfall
         Soil type
         Waterlogged or well-grained soil
         Soil nutrient content
         Natural hazards
         Size of land
         Mechanized equipment
         Regular water supply
         Accessible roads
         Study the host community
Farm Selection
The type of farming will determine the geographical location and type of farm. Things to consider are location, kind of farm, lease or purchase. Crop farmers need highly productive fertile land for the crops to thrive.
While livestock farmers need a secure land with perimeter fence, pens and cages. A farmer could consider renting if the farm already has the required facility. Buying a farm land involves long term investment in the business.
Make sure the region is familiar to avoid unwanted surprises. If there are successful crop farms in your area of selection then you are in good company. This is because the soil type and climates supports that particular crop.
If you are into poultry farming choose an area with successful poultry farms. Such areas have good support system, offers networking.
Gain Experience
It is important to develop the perquisite experience and hire knowledgeable professionals. To gain experience start as a farm hand and slowly learn the business.
Other ways are through tutorials, seminars or trade institutions. To succeed the farmer should have the necessary skills to manage his own farm.
         Develop the perquisite experience
         Hire knowledgeable professionals
         Start as a farm hand
         Use tutorials
         Attend seminars or trade institutions
Start Cautiously
As opposed to owning a farm outright you can start by renting a farm. This way you will gain enough experience without tying down huge funds. The experience will also determine your level of interest and commitment to the business.
If you wish to buy focus more on history of the land than brokers looking to close a deal. Leverage on farming communities, groups, organizations and agricultural agents for advice.


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