10 Ways a Delegate Use Live-Tweet at Events

Live tweets increases your chance for new contacts and a good back-channel resource for delegates. It enlarges your online networking, offers viral following and interactive walls including reconnecting new and old acquaintances.
Prior event engagement
Although twitter has been around a while not many people understand the power of a tweet. Tweeting offers event organizers to engage with companies and individuals. It offer personal insight for bonding, meeting and interactive opportunities.
Know the hashtag
To avoid getting overwhelmed at the event or conference be prepared. Delegates in attendance should make sure they get the hashtag of the event.
Search for twitter handles of speakers, event hashtag through online research. Visit websites, blogs, online entertainment magazines, twitter.
Live-tweets offer top level insights
Live tweets capture the essence of a conversation. There is an air of razzmatazz, excitement and frequent updates.
The audience should be paramount while sending a live-tweet. The on the spot tweet will enrich your wide audience while offering valuable insight for onsite participants.
Keep the conversation flowing?
Learn how to keep the conversation flowing by providing an insight or agreeing with a tweeted statement. You need to develop the skill and find mutually interesting aspect of the event.
Get visual
Compelling conversations can carry so far however adding visuals will increase atmosphere. Use your smartphone or camera to take visual pictures of speakers or important participants.
Use special apps to increase the definition of the images and photographs. Use pictures to create ambiance such as buffet table, popular guests or take selfies with guests.
Connect with delegates
Tweeting live significantly increases your follower. Leverage on the event hashtag to appear in the live stream. This will effectively increase your social footprint and following. To create new connections it is important to follow some of the new followers.
Quote speakers accurately
Quote speakers correctly and add their name when sending a tweet. This is to avoid confusion as to who is speaking at the time.
Always attribute authorship and twitter handles to the right speakers. It is very important to get twitter handles of speakers in advance. Find out if speakers are on twitter then get their handle.
Tweet after the event
Some delegates stop tweeting immediately after the event. This is a wrong strategy because there are lots of after event things to do.
Use the events hashtag to send summaries, photo albums or after event analytics. You can comment on popular blogs, websites or entertainment magazines.
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