How to Hire the Right Team Member

Hiring the right team member will improve profitability and growth of a company. Growth is linked to effective productivity and proper time management.
There are critical elements to look out for without compromising cooperate policy and growth. Concise decisions are central to properly analyzing the team member to get the best person for the position.
The Hiring Manger and Management Team
The company looking to hire needs impute of top managerial staff and a hiring manger in the employment process. A general rule is to hire highly qualified personnel that fit into the required job.
The hiring manager should have certain traits to spot talent and follow the company’s guidelines. The hiring manager should exhibit confidence, good risk assessment and fast decision making.
The company should have a well-structured recruitment process and the team can be involved in the interview.
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team member
Traits of a Hire Manage
         Ability to spot talent
         Follow guidelines
         Conduct background checks
         Exhibit confidence
         Good risk assessment skills
         Fast decision maker
         Follow well-structured recruitment process
Company Structure
Every company needs a structured recruitment process in place. The process should be flexible enough to accommodate current trends.
A typical structure includes interview process, post-interview and other criteria. There should be team flexibility and accelerated process to complete an interview loop in record time.
Making Quick Decisions
It is important for companies to make quick decisions based on candidates they see. Speed is of the essence to avoid losing a potential team player to the competition. Most candidates attend different interviews within a certain time period.
For effective management of speed the company needs a centralized process. This will enable faster decision making and putting offer letter in qualified candidates hand in a matter of a week.
The company can prepare an offer letter and rescind pending background checks. This condition should be stated clearly for the candidate to know the situation.
Quick decisions and speed are essential if the company wants to hire qualified candidates.
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Making the Offer
The goal of recruitment is to achieve customer success. The team member should be hired on their ability to achieve customer success. This involves serving the customer better for growth of the company.
The hire manger should be empower to hire a person on the spot. However the proper procedure follow the C-suite process that takes longer. It is important to finish the interview loop and present an offer letter within one week. This is pending background checks on the candidate.
Recruit Regularly
Companies that go to long before hiring new staff are missing out on new trends. Hiring is very important if you want to discover new talent. It is imperative to never stop searching for team players with talent to inject new strategies into the company.
Bad Hire
Despite checks and balances a company might make a bad hire. This is inevitable however instituting processes to resolve the situation quickly is the way to go.
A bad hire might be unprofessional, arrogant and interested only in money. To resolve the situation the company should make quick decisions concerning the individual.


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