How to Start a Smallholder Farm

Over 70% of farms in Africa are smallholder farms. They collectively contribute huge amount of agricultural produce. Despite a host of challenges with proper farming techniques and management they can succeed.
Production is only a piece of the puzzle because they need proper marketing. It is important to judiciously manage natural resources. Conserving the soils natural nutrients and waste water is very important.
Challenges of Smallholder Farms
The challenges of smallholder farms are many. They lack proper funding, overused fields, poor seed stock and illiteracy.
Smallholder farms employ labor intensive technique, poor skill acquisition. Another major challenge is lack of innovation. The farmers are generally stuck in their old ways of doing things.
         Lack proper funding
         Overused fields
         Poor seed stock
         Labor intensive technique
         Poor skill acquisition
         Lack of innovation, motivation
         Stuck in their old ways of doing things
smallholder farm
Government Intervention
The majority of smallholder farms are run by very poor individuals. They do not have enough capital to grow or produce large scale. African governments are not doing enough to encourage or boost smallholder farms.
Ways government can improve their lot is through public private partnership. They should also reduce the complexity in the agricultural sector.
Skill Acquisition
Smallholder farmers need to acquire the appropriate skill. To earn considerable income, sustainability they need hands on training. There are many agricultural, research institutions willing to pass-on knowledge.
They also offer improved seeds, organic fertilizer and modern tools. The farmer could seek an established mentor, read books, and attend seminars or workshops.
         Hands on training
         Improved seeds
         Organic fertilizer
         Modern tools
         Seek an established mentor
         Read books
         Attend seminars
Farm Management
The farmers need a sound organizational, management and financial skills. The farmer needs to maintain financial records, save judiciously. To succeed they also need entrepreneurial and marketing skill.
How to apply for unsecured loan
Building Capacity
Experts believe capacity building starts with rural communities working together. This includes joining a group, association or farmers union.


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