French Angora rabbit: How to Breed French Angora rabbit for Profit

french angora rabbit
The origins of French Angora rabbit could be traced back to mid 18th century. The bundle of wool was believed to have originated from Turkish sailors in 1723. Famous for their long wool the domesticated rabbit has been farmed for hundreds of years.
There are basically eight breeds of Angora however only four are recognized. We have the Giant Angora rabbit, Satin Angora, English Angora and French Angora rabbit.
Others are Korean, Finnish, St Lucian, German Angora and Chinese breeds. The rabbit’s major characteristics are the long down coat and large size. The fiber is totally distinct from mohair obtained from Angora goats or cashmere.
The Halo-fullness of the silky textured fiber produces light premium wool. The premium wool costs about $15 per ounce and comes in white, black brown or grey.
 Breeders remove the long wool through combing, plucking or shearing. In humid temperatures the wool felt easily yet retains the most fullness and warmth than many fibers.
French Angora rabbit
French angora rabbits differ in placement of wool and are large cuddly mammals. They are the second largest breed after the giant angora.
Weighing between 8 to 10 pounds the French angora’s origin is closer in ancestor to the original Angora rabbit. They are easily recognized by the high quality guard hairs and small tufts on the tip of its ears.
The straight long hair feels coarse to touch and easier to groom. The higher percentage of guard hair makes it easier to groom and spin yarn.
Another distinct feature that characterizes the rabbit is two coats of guard hair and wool. The lifespan of French Angora rabbits is 6-10 years in ideal conditions.
Angora rabbits suffer from wool block a serious condition that causes clogging of the digestive tracts. The rabbit has a habit of ingesting the wool which gets logged.
Commercial Value
The French Angora rabbit is commercially farmed in many countries. The oval shaped rabbit is bred for meat and wool.
The major breeder is China and there are over 300,000 angora rabbits farmed around the world. The wool is highly priced and attracts premium price per ounce.
However in recent years there are major concerns pertaining to the harvesting methodology of some commercial farmers.
Angora Breeds
The four major breeds as classified by the angora breed association as English, French, giant and satin. The beautiful satin breed was derived through cross breeding.
Satin angora is a mix between the French angora and satin. The rabbit is characterized by its semi-transparent high quality sheen wool that reflects light.
It is easy to groom and lacks feet, face and ear furnishing similar to its French ancestors. The wool has a good luster, silky texture and stronger that other breeds. ARBA approved varieties are self, pointed white, wide and agouti and they generally weigh about 4kg.
Giant Angora
The largest among the rabbit is the giant angora. Weighing at an impressive 6kg it has huge commercial value.
The giants coat consists of 3 types of wool the awn hair, awn fluff and under-wool. Giant Angora rabbit has furnishing on ears and face and resembles the German angora.
The 6-class animal is commercially viable because the wool grows 9cm in 3 months. The giant is prolific at producing wool that is harvested every 90 days. The wavy wool has a gentle shin, strong and soft to touch.
French Angora Temperament and Maintenance
Most angora rabbits display a gentle temperament. French breed are mellow, easy to handle however require regular grooming.
 To maintain the rabbit you need to clip the wool at least thrice yearly.  Clip toenails two times a month and apply regular brushing to prevent clumps.
 Farmers use blowers to clean the hair strands and maintain a nice shin. Other care involves fiber rich diet and proper monitoring to prevent wool block.
Major health concerns involves wool block, lack of urination, poor feeding and lethargy. Regular check by a veterinary doctor is essential to the well-being of the animal.
French Angora rabbit Care
French Angora rabbit care involves raising the rabbits, feeding and health requirements. Others are breeding the rabbit and the type of feed needed for rapid growth.
You can grow angora indoors or outside in cages or pens. Buy ready made cages or build your own and makes sure the cages are durable, easy to clean.
Rabbit feces are full of harmful bacteria including a strong ammonia stench. Therefore proper cage and maintenance is imperative.
Build the cage with wire mesh and Keep them separate in each cage. Out door cages should have a good roof and the cage elevated from the ground. This is done to prevent predators and insects attacking your rodent. To prevent stained or matted wool keep the cage clean.
Feed the mammal rabbit pellets rich in protein and timothy hay. Make sure you provide adequate water including papaya, carrots, bananas and broccoli. They need at least 13 percent fiber in their diet.
Grooming equipment include scissors, wire brushes and combs. Remove loose hair and brush once every three days.
You also need blowers, clippers and brushes. Harvesting is done every 90 days depending on the type of rabbit you farm.
Harvesting is done through pulling, trimming to remove fibers. Expert groomers take about an hour to remove the wool from each rabbit.
There are international standards and laws guiding grooming practices. Wool block is a serious problem that clogs the digestive system in angora rabbits.
 Signs of ingestion are loss of appetite and rapid weight loss. Early detection and prevention are the best ways to deal with wool block. The highest grade wool is plucked from the upper sides and back of the rabbit.
Setting the rabbit Farm
To setup the farm register the business name and incorporate the business. Secure bank loans and a trade license. Follow health and environmental provisions guiding the business. You can lease or purchase suitable farmland and build cages. Find a good source for your rabbits and stock rabbit feed.
Other things to consider are working tools, high labor cost. Before embarking on the project write a business plan and carryout a feasibility study.
Study fast changing international prices and competitors. You need to develop a good marketing strategy to reach potential customers.


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