How to Open a Frozen Yogurt Store

girl holding yogurt
Yogurt is a popular brand consumed in large quantities worldwide. The delicious ice cream attracts premium price, easy to make and lots of fun.
Before you can launch your enterprise you need to determine the type of frozen yogurt business you want to run. From first hand experience one of our most profitable ventures was selling frozen yogurt. 
There are three sub sectors such as producing the yogurt, buying directly from manufacturers or run a yogurt store.
To produce yogurt you needed to develop a good tasty product with competitive prices. Entrepreneurs could leverage on established a brand name for the product.
They could adopt self-service, sell to stores or to wholesalers. Whatever the sector, yogurt business is highly profitable and interesting.
To start the enterprise write a business plan and carry out a feasibility study. Find an ideal location and register a good band name.
How to Open a Frozen Yogurt Store
Locating the Yogurt Store
The business location should be visible and easy to find. Locate your enterprise close to heavy vehicular or foot traffic.
Other ideal locations are close to tertiary institutions and leisure parks. Provide adequate parking for your customers and design an appealing interior.
Finally Install appropriate equipment and hire cheap labor but skilled.
Permits and Licensing
You need a trade license to sell your produce. Create a unique name for your product and register it with the appropriate authority.
Others are food handler’s permit, standardization of product and value added tax. Register your enterprise as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company.
There are no clear and cut standardization rules guiding the yogurt industry. However they should be safe to eat and ingredients boldly displayed so customers are empowered to make a choice.
Find out local government and state licenses in your locality. Your enterprise might require Health inspections to accreditation your business.
Purchase Equipment
 Equipment needed to run a yogurt shop includes spoons, cones, freezers, mixers, blenders and containers. Office equipment's are kitchen, table, chairs and packaging equipment.
The interior and exterior of your store should be attractive.  So you can hire a qualified interior decorator to furnish your store.
Write a Yogurt Shop Business Plan
The business plan should cover fixed and working capital. Carry out a comprehensive feasibility study to understand customer’s needs.
It will help identify popular trending brands, tastes and prices.  The feasibility study will identify the best locations for your business, management structure and staff.
Create a Good Flavor
You can either buy established brands or create your own flavor. If you want to create your own recipe learn different flavors and toppings.
You can learn from books, manuals and tutorials. Other places to acquire knowledge are websites, blogs and seminars. Common flavors are chocolate, vanilla, strawberries and cream.
Funding the Enterprise
The amount of money you need depends on the size and scope of your enterprise. Secure loans from commercial banks, target saving or from friends and family. The major cost involves leasing a property, hiring staff, equipment and marketing.
Hire Staff
The staffs you need include cashier, sales girls, and storekeeper and accounts officer. Other staffs are production staff, drivers and packaging staff. You can work with sales representatives to push your brand to different markets.
Marketing the Yogurt Shop
To leverage your yogurt shop for profit taking there are a few things to consider. Advertise the shop on electronic and print media.
Print lots of flyers, posters, complementary cards and billboards. Print colorful brochures and build a website. Make sure your website is targeted to your locality and include a shopping cart.
You can network with store owners, supermarkets, and malls. Sell from you shop or offer franchise agreements to small business owners.
Other sales channels are small bike riders, buses and local street vendors. Try press release, use online classified, offer discounts and fun promotions. To remain relevant and competitive make sure the price of your products are fair and reasonable.
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