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By David Monniaux CC-BY-SA-3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons |
The sugarcane stalk is made up of water, fiber, sugars. Farmers can produce 16 kilograms per square
meters however optimally cultivated plantation could yield 100 tons per
To extract the juice the miller crushes the sugarcane to
shred the stem and juice boiled to remove water. Sugarcane milling is a
lucrative business venture however it is capital intensive.
The majority of equipment used for making white sugar is
fabricated. To launch your enterprise you need to write a business plan and
carry out a feasibility study.
Focus on raising capital, equipment procurement, and
technology. Other things to consider are company registration and licenses.
Apply for a trade license and incorporate our company. Search for a suitable location for your factory with ample space and proper road network.
Secure loans from commercial banks in your area or sell
startup equity in your business. We strongly recommend factory automation for
product quality control and consistency.
to start a Sugarcane milling Business
Sugarcane Mills Operate
A well equipped sugarcane mill should produce several
tons of white sugar, bagasse and molasses. Once the sugarcane consignment is
weighed it goes through a shredder.
Sugarcane mills process the cane to produce white sugar
and other important byproducts. The sugarcane goes through a few processes
before becoming white sugar.
They first receive the cane from the farmers then cut and
shred into bits. There are two ways to extract juice from sugarcane. One is the
diffusion method or milling method.
Diffusion Method
The diffusion
method extracts the sucrose from cane. The shredded cane is fed into the
diffuser and hot water introduced.
You then get higher concentration of sucrose than the
diluted juice. The diffusion process is then repeated over 15 times.
Milling Method
The milling method is different because the sugarcane
goes through squeezing under high pressure. This is done using iron rollers
while imbibitions water facilitates better extraction.
Hot water is added
to the last milling process while the squeezed juice goes through several
processing and pumping averaging about 6 times.
Clarification, Evaporation and Crystallization Method
Once the sugarcane has gone through cutting, shredding
and extraction the next step is juice clarification. Juice clarification is
removing suspended solids from the juice.
The solids are usually fibrous, wax and mud. Juice
clarification involves adding lime to juice in order to adjust the juice PH to
The limed juice is then super-heated through boiling. At
saturated temperature impurities are precipitated then the juice is transferred
to clarification tank.
Clear juice is removed from clarifier while suspended
solids settle underneath. To saturate the clear juice it is sent to evaporators
to make syrup.
The juice is then vacuum- boiled and concentrated. After
the crystallization process there is a separation of sugar crystals through the
centrifugal process. The sugar is then dried and package for stalls and
White Sugar
Receiving cane – shredding –juice extraction – juice
clarification – juice evaporation to obtain syrup – crystallization –
centrifugal separation – sugar drying – packaging - delivery
Processing Plant and Equipment
To start your sugarcane mill you need to purchase
equipment. There are a few equipment's you need for your sugarcane mill
The equipment's are capital intensive and are usually
fabricated onsite to meet your specifications. There are many reputable
companies that design and manufacture sugar processing plants.
Find equipment that reduces wastage and increases
efficiency while producing high quality products. Choose sugar processing
equipment that has guarantee and a wide range of spare part for replacement.
Other things to look out for when selecting equipment is
improved life cycle costing, few maintenance problems and less down time.
Machinery and equipment used in processing sugar includes
clarifiers, dryers, coolers, filter press and centrifugal s. Other important
equipment's are standard laboratory equipment, filter press, cane mud Filter and
list of Equipment for Sugar Processing Plant
Refinery filter
Screening Machinery
Cane Mud Filter
Filter Press
Sugar vacuum filters
Industrial fume extraction system
Screw conveyors
Auto Filter
Casting cooling system
Sugar juice Clarifiers
Laboratory Equipments
Sugar juice heaters
Rotary juice strainer
Distillation equipment
Material handling equipment
Vertical crystallizers
of Cane Sugar
There are two types of cane sugar the crystalline and non
crystalline. Non crystalline vary in color from dark brown to golden brown.
They are processed as either lump sugar or granular
sugar. White sugar also comes in granulated form or lump form.
of Cane Sugar
Brown granulated sugar
White granulated sugar
White lump sugar
Guyana sugar called Demerara
Non centrifugal sugar
The sugar mill needs to provide a good platform for
wholesalers. They can offer discounts, after sales support, delivery and
The popularity of the product and effective branding adds
to the success of the product. You need to employ serious advertisement
strategies and awareness programs.
Other things to consider is attractive packaging,
appropriate licensing and competitive pricing. Maintenance, labor costs,
working capital and efficiency are other parameters to explore.
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