Block making: How to start a Building Block Making Business

Block making is a lucrative business venture in developing countries. Block makers make  use of available resources found in any part of the world.
Buildings are constructed with different material such as iron, blocks, bricks, cement and wood. The type of building material depends on the design and construction requirements.
One of the major components used to build houses are either bricks or blocks. They perform the same function and account for 38% of total expenditure during a construction project.
The block making business is done small scale or large scale. And the equipment is auto, semi auto or manually operated.
Setting up a very small enterprise could cost $3000 startup capital. Before starting the business you need funds, landed property, adequate water supply and lots of sharp sand.
Other considerations are company registration, a good business plan and dedicated staff. Block makers sell directly to contractors, retailers and private individuals.
They can also secure contractual agreements and make the blocks on demand. If you are interested in starting a small block making company here are some startup ideas.
By Stilfehler (Own work)CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

How to Start a Block Making Company
Secure Land for the Block Making Company
To guide startup write a block making business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study on competitors and best location.
You need at least one plot of open landed property. You can lease the land or buy the properly.
The plot will serve as you molding station to make the blocks. The best location for your enterprise is close proximity to new developmental areas.
The reason is because many construction projects are common to new urban development areas. An advantage of such locations is supply contracts for other related building material such as wood or iron rods.
Building contractors prefer buying block close to the site because of reduced fees on transportation and logistics.  Once you have acquired the land build a secure watertight shed. The shed is used to store equipment and cement.
Block Making Equipment
The equipment needed to mould blocks are basic and simple to operate. You need wheel barrows, moulding machines and vibrating machines.
Others are mixer, tarpaulin cover, delivery truck and water tank. The moulding machine could be locally fabricated or a brand product.
 A locally fabricated manual moulder costs about $100 while a locally fabricated vibrating machine $1000. Small scale block makers save costs by manually mixing the block components with shovels.
You need a truck to supply your products to building site. However you can use haulage companies to move the products.
Types of Blocks
The type of blocks is usually based on dimension and designs. The three major types according to sizes are 9inch, 6inch, and 4inch blocks. Block builders also manufacture hollow decorative blocks for fencing.
Production Costs
The production costs are based on price of cement bag and sand. Others are water, transportation, lease payment and staff wages. Factor cost of running utilities such as generating plants.
Raw Materials
The major materials used to make blocks are sand, cement, and water. The turgidity and strength of the block depends on the cement - sand ratio.
The type of sand preferred by block makers is the sharp sand. You also need a source of water supply such as borehole, well, tap water or supply tankers.
The water storage tank is needed as a backup supply during water shortage. Make sure you purchase high quality cement because it affects the outcome of the block.
The number of casual laborers you employ depends on the amount of blocks molded daily. The types of hired labor you need are mixers, carries and molders.
The charges are predicated on number of blocks molded if manually produced. The best option is to buy a good moulding machine and pay only for labor. Other staff includes a truck driver, security and sales clerk.
Registration the Block Making Business
Block making is highly regulated and requires permits and licenses. You may be required to join block makers association in your community.
You need to apply for a trade license and insurance cover. The business is a one man enterprise so register as a sole proprietor. You need a business name, dedicated phone number and physical address.
There are a few ways to market your product. Try to secure supply contracts from property developers, building contractors and private individuals.
Offer high quality blocks, competitive prices and prompt delivery. Brand your blocks and attend association meetings. Use onsite signage, posters and flyers to reach customers. Sell to block retailers, property managers and independent contractors.
Concrete Block Making Business 


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