Baby Food Dealership business: How to Start a Wholesale Baby Food Business

There are different brands of baby food in the market. The market is highly competitive and requires moderate capital expenditure.
The amount needed to start a wholesale baby food business depends on the number of products, location and size of the enterprise. Baby food business is regulated therefore purchase branded products that conform to food and drug administration requirements.
Choose specific products according to popularity and market demand. There is no need stocking baby food that no one wants.
Starting a baby food wholesale or retail business is highly lucrative. To launch the enterprise lease a shop, source products from manufacturers and secure funding.
You can write a business plan and carry out a feasibility study. Here are a few business ideas on how to start a wholesale baby food business.

How to Start a Wholesale Baby Food Business
Baby Food Products
There are many baby food products you can add to your inventory. Focus on products that have high nutrition and are easily digestible such instant Cerelac baby food.
Other products are baby food maker that contains quality raw materials, baby food banana powder and Lactogen baby food. More include baby containers, food making machines, baby food warmers and food package sets.
A baby food wholesaler can stock baby food related items alongside different baby food.
Registration of Wholesale Baby Food Business
You don’t need many permits or licensing to start the enterprise. Apply for a trade license and get appropriate insurance.
Register a business name and secure a limited liability certification. Find out local or state permits to operate the enterprise.
Locating the Wholesale Baby Food Store
The location of your store is very important to the success of your enterprise. Locate your store in a commercial area that has heavy vehicular and foot traffic.
The store should be visible and easy to find. Sell your products to retailers and private couples. Make your store is visible by printing a huge signboard and don’t forget to provide adequate packing.
Sourcing the Baby Food Products
Secure a wholesale contract with major baby food manufacturers in your locality. They provide marketing support and other incentives. Purchase popular brand names that offer high quality products at affordable prices.
Hire Staff
The staff strength depends on the size of your operation. You need sales girls, security, cleaners and sales clerk.
Hire an account to balance the books and develop a marketing strategy. The company also needs a delivery bus to supply goods to customers.
You can network with grocery stores, malls, supermarkets and small shop owners. The more customers you have the faster the products fly off your shelf.
Build a Website
Hire a website developer to build a befitting website for your company. On the website highlight your products, price, imagery and location.
Add a dedicated telephone number, contact page, about us including email address. Makes sure your website is targeted to your preferred location. Include shipping costs and a shopping cart for online orders.
Write a Business Plan
Write a baby food wholesale business plan and carry out a feasibility study. The business plan would guide the formation of your enterprise.
It will provide information on wholesalers and retailers in your area. Other important information is customer preferences, prices and favorite products. The business plan could help facilitate funding through bank loans.
Financing the Baby Food Wholesale Business
The business is capital intensive due to the high costs of baby food. The products you purchase will take up 55% of your total investment. You need funding to lease shop, shelves and furnishing including other office equipment. Other things that require funding is labor costs, utilities, transportation and marketing.
Marketing the Products
Luckily major baby food manufacturers employ aggressive marketing and branding. The wholesaler leverages on the popularity of the brand and only needs to find their own localized markets.
 Find lots of retail outlets and markets to push your products. Use sales commission agents to reach different markets for your products.


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