Start Aloe Vera Export

Cultivated Aloe Vera plants are in high demand in Europe and America. The market is lucrative because of the plants valuable properties.
Consumer products that have aloe vera are ointments, creams, skin lotions and cosmetic products. The short green plant has thick fleshy prickly leaves and serrated leaf margin.
Widely cultivated around the world the popular plant has over 450 species. It is generally grown as an ornamental plant and medicinal plant.
An Investor needs an effective supply chain or network to fill orders. They can liaison with local farmers, collectors or marketers.
aloe vera
Large Scale Production of Aloe Vera
Some countries have large scale cultivation of Aloe Vera plant. Major players include United States of America, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Kenya and India.
Other top producers include Jamaica, China, Mexico, South Africa, Bangladesh, Australia and Tanzania. Major export destinations include china, Australia, United States and France.
  • United States of America
  • Dominican Republic
  • Cuba
  • Kenya
  • India
  •  Jamaica 
  • China 
  •  Mexico 
  • South Africa 
  • Bangladesh
  • Australi 
  • Tanzania.
      Uses of Aloe Vera in Products
Despite little scientific proof of efficacy of aloe vera it still remains popular and highly sort-after. It is found in many commodities, alternative medicine and dietary supplements.
Commodities that have aloe vera are shampoos, sunscreen, incense and moisturizers. More products include soaps, shaving creams, makeup, and tissues.
The ingredient is generally the extracted sap of the plant. Dietary supplements are usually laxatives while traditionalists use it in a variety of mixtures.
  • Shampoos
  • Sunscreen
  • Incense
  • Moisturizers
  • Soaps
  • Shaving creams
  • Makeup
  • Tissues Dietary supplements
  •  Laxatives
Medical Use of Aloe Vera
Some medical uses of aloe vera are both external and internal. Uses include soothing rashes, dry skin, itching and skin infections.
Other applications include use as a laxative for throat irritation and reduced inflammation. The dried concentrated leaf latex is used in herbal products.
  • Food supplement
  • Throat care
  • Skin care
  • Herbal medicine
  • Cosmetic product
How Exporters Market Aloe Vera
The versatile plants sap is used for medicinal purposes. This is exported as dried aloe latex.
Other products are the de-colorized whole leaf extract and aloe gel extract. A major issue in the industry is adulteration of the products.
  • Gel extract
  • Dried aloe latex
  • Whole leaf extract
  • De-colorized whole leaf extract  
Establish access and benefit agreements including export permit. You need proper labeling, certification, trace-ability, quality control documentation.
Others are marketing authorization, manufacturing and collection practices. Quality requirements include moisture content, active ingredient content, residues and no-contaminants.
You might require having ISO standardization. The labeling should have date of manufacture, batch number, net weight and origin. Others are product name, specification, shippers address and recommended storage conditions.
Start Shea butter exportation
The packaging depends on what you are exporting. Buyers usually have strict rules on packaging. Clean, hygienic, dry containers are important for the shipping. The choice of container should prevent contaminants and substance reaction.
The aloe vera business is highly competitive and lucrative. You need to incorporate your company and get liability insurance.
Secure all the export documentation for the destination and the buyer. Approach any commercial bank in your area for loans.
You need an effective supply chain to succeed in this business. Select a niche between aloe for food supplements or herbal medicine.


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