Start your Own GPS Tracking Business

The gps tracking industry has witness a tremendous growth in the last couple of years. You have small privately run companies and huge multinationals vying for the same market.
The gps tracking business is highly competitive and technology dependent. There are two ways to start a tracking company.
You could develop the technology yourself or use white label software. A white label solution is the fastest and easiest way to start the business.
gps tracking
Things to Consider before Launching a Tracking Company
  • Write a gps tracking business plan
  • Carry out a feasibility study
  • Get funding through target savings/bank loans
  • Find ideal location
  • Register the business
  • Choose a white label solution company
  • Choose a niche
  • Purchase hardware
  •  Select software
  • Advertise your company
What is White Label Business?
A white label company offers a developed product and allows branding. You purchase the tracking product and brand with your company name.
This cost effective methods elements huge funds on technology development and research. White label solutions are not only found in technology transfer and are common in food, beverages, drinks and electronic.
The major advantage is lower startup costs and quick turnaround.
White Label GPS Tracking Products
The major products you need to run your gps tracking business are software and hardware. The hardware transmits while the software receives and monitors the signals. You are at liberty to purchase them separately or together.
What to Look Out For in a White Label Partner
Finding the right partner is equivocal to your success. Make sure the technology they offer fits your business model. The partner needs to be dependable and trustworthy.
They should also offer training and product repair or maintenance services. Other features are quality product, after sales service and consistency.
Choose a Niche
The business has a broad base canvas in different industries. Trackers are used on cargo, trucks, haulage companies and individuals.
You need to select a niche and specialize.  You could decide to track fleet of cars, trucking company vehicles or cargo.
The niche you choose will determine the type of hardware and software technology you need.
Select the Hardware
Once you have chosen a niche the next step is to buy the hardware. The hardware you choose should be high quality, functional and easy to use. You also need to consider price, features, durability and practicability.
Choose Software
Make sure the software has a proven record of accuracy. There is a host of software’s to choose. Contact the white label company for software or recommendations.
Choose software that allows monthly, quarterly or yearly subscriptions. Subscriptions are a major earner for tracking companies. The software also provides a way for clients to track assets.
The software you choose should be cost effective, easy to install and manage. Two quality software to consider are cloud gps software and server gps software.
Software Features
  • Good software design
  • Usability
  • Simple
  • Compatible to many tracker brands
  • Good admin and control panel
  • Customizable
  • Full software branding
  • High quality
Gps Tracking Services
There are a few services a gps tracking company could offer. Common services include having a subscription plan and gps installation.
You can add fleet management solutions, gps monitoring and offer a verity of products. More tracking solutions include cargo tracking, car tracking and mobile tracking.
You can add tracking app to your software and offer individual tracking solutions.
Register the Business
Register the business as a limitted liability company or proprietorship. The company should be registered with relevant security organizations such as the police.
You can hire sales representatives to reach out to potential clients. Major clients are banks, insurance firms, multinational companies and petrochemical companies.
Others are haulage companies, security outfits, government agencies and cargo companies.
Build a Website
Build a website and choose a host plan/domain name. Optimize the site with social media integration and include e-commerce solutions. Drive traffic to the site through online advertisements and quality posts.


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