Start a Tire Shredding Business

shredder truck
An entire niche industry is tire shredding business. Shredded rubber has many important applications and good economic advantages.
An investor could earn steady income operating a rubber tire shredder. We find rubber based products in household appliance, industrial machinery, accessories and construction sites.
There are many products made from shredded rubber. Listed below are a few uses of the product.
Shredded Rubber Products
A derivative of shredded tires is used in landfills. Other important uses include carbon for steel mills, road construction and fire accelerator.
Pure rubber is granulated and used in garden beds, play grounds and race tracks. While rubber tires are good for erosion control , barriers and collision reduction purposes
Uses of Shredded Tires
  • Used in Land Fills
  • Carbon source in steel mills
  • Road beds for highways
  • Burning value
  • Shredded rubber crumbs used for pavement
Prepare a Comprehensive Business Plan
Hire someone with experience to write the business plan. You could also use online resources to compile a business plan.
The plan should cover business structure, management team, products and marketing. Other parameters are type of equipment, location and haulage. Don’t forget future goals, fixed/working capital, profit and loss accounting.
Funding the Enterprise
It is capital intensive funding a shredding business. You need large expanse of land, heavy equipment, storage and waste management system.
It could cost $50,000-$100,000 setting up a shredding outfit. The cost depends on geographical location, type of equipment and startup capital.
Tire Shredding Equipment
There are different types of shredders in the market. You have both fabricated equipment and fully automated machines.
Find out the type of equipment popular in your country. The machine your buy should be heavy duty, rugged, efficient and cost effective.
A complete line should process scrap tires or re-purpose them. High quality equipment is cost effective and produces high quality rubber from scrap tires.
The recycling equipment could incorporate shredders, granulators and powderizers. Focus on four basic products such as rubber powder and rubberized asphalt paving. Other products include rubber powder for sports turfs and crumb rubber.
Recycling Equipment
  • Single pass shredders
  • Tire derivative fuel production system
  • Wire free/mulch production system
  • Recycling system
  • Tire de-beading machinery
  • Granulator
  • Powderizers
  • Mobile shredder
Hire Employees
Staff strength includes refuse tire collectors who are paid on commission. You need machine operators, driver, cleaners and casual labor.Tire recycling business
Business Location
The location of the business is very important. If your factory is too far from raw materials you would bare huge haulage and transportation costs.
The perfect location is close to raw materials and buyers. There are strict zoning requirements for recycling and shredding plants based on environmental issues and safety.
Waste management is also a curtail aspect of the business. You need a location with huge space for loading and unloading the tires. The factory should have an administrative area, storage and good road network.
Marketing the Products
There is a diverse range of customers based on what you produce. Find out those in need for your products in your locality.
Contact your customers through telephone, advertorials and sales representatives. You can network with real-estate developers, contractors and builders.


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