11Profitable Backyard Business Ideas

There are many business ventures to start at your backyard. You don’t need a license if you keep to the rules. The size of the enterprise, amount of livestock and other parameters determine the legality.
Startup is usually low and the businesses are practicable part time. To start any business you need to draw up a business plan. The next step is to choose a niche, select a space and buy equipment. Here are some profitable backyard business ideas to consider.
quail birds
Profitable Backyard Business Ideas
1. Produce Vermicompost
Vermicompost involves using worms to make manure. The compost is highly organic and attracts premium price. To produce vermicompost you need to dedicate area for the composite. Sell the compost to farmers and amateur gardeners.Read More
2. Snail Farming
Snails are a delicacy in many countries. They are economically viable because the amount of money to start the business is small. They don’t need lots of space to grow and reproduce. Based on their physiology each snail is capable of producing young.
3. Rabbit Raring
Rabbits are the champions of reproduction. A few rabbits would rapidly multiply in a very short time. Some people prefer rabbit meat to beef or fish.
4. Quail Farming
Quail birds are fast becoming a delicacy. The eggs are highly priced despite their tiny size. Find a good location for the aviary and stock appropriately. Sell the quail eggs to supermarkets stores and neighbors.
5. Plant Nursery
Anyone can build a plant nursery at home. Carefully select the plants and grow accordingly. Basic equipment you need is a wheel barrow, shovel, rake, diggers and hand tools. Make sure you provide adequate water for the plants.
6. Ornamental Fish Farming
Ornamental fish are those found in aquariums. They are difficult to breed in captivity unless you know exactly what you are doing. The most common of ornamental fish are goldfish. To sell your fish list them on free classified websites and newspaper publications.
7. Catfish Farming
Catfish is easy to grow in a controlled environment. You need a pond, fry, water source and fish food. The fish are rugged, fast growing and consumed in many homes. To sell the fish approach market women or fish mongers.
8. Mushroom Farming
Mushrooms are a delicacy that attracts premium prices. You can successfully grow mushrooms in the backyard shed or shaded area. Make sure you source the spores from reputable sources. Sell your products to supermarkets, stores and food dealers.Read More
9. Small Poultry Farm
Poultry is the number one source of meat after beef. The birds are easy to rear and are highly profitable. You can keep them to produce eggs or for meat. Make sure you have adequate space and good waste disposal system. You can sell your produce at farmers markets or a dedicated store.
10. Candle Making
Candles are fast running out of fashion because of battery powered bulbs. However ornamental candles, scented candles are still used in restaurants. Candle making is easy and requires basic equipment. What to learn more about candle making Read this...
11. Bakery Business
If you have the perquisite baking skill why not produce pastries. There are many snacks to consider such as doughnuts, meat pies and cakes. You have buns, bread, pan cakes, biscuits and sausage rolls. Start with your home oven and later expand once the business is established.


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