How to Sell a Wordpress Hosted Blog on Flippa

There are many market places to sell your hosted Wordpress blog. However the top of the crop is flippa. You can sell your blog by listing it on the site but you need to verify ownership before it goes live.
Things to consider before listing your blog are best marketplace and site verification. You need to provide traffic metrics, sign of profitability and earnings. Others include opening an Escrow account and how to transfer the site to new owner.
How to Verify Ownership of a Site
Before a site is listed on flippa you need to verify ownership. Go to flippa and click launch link in the list builder. 
There are two ways to confirm ownership on flippa. You can either upload a file via the file upload. This process is a simple two step process. The second way to verify is to add a Meta tag to the site.
Verify Via File Upload
You would be asked to place a specific verification file into main directory of web server.  You download the file from verify site ownership. 
To upload the file you use the STP or transfer protocol technology. This could be accessed on the hosts control panel.
Steps are upload file to main directory of web server. Go to listing page for the site for sale then select launch from the list builder. Finally click verify file now button.
How to Verify Site Ownership via Meta Element
To verify via Meta element you need to copy a verification code. Once you copy the code it should go in the section, before the first section. Simply pastes the code into the homepage click verify Meta tag now. It is essential you verify ownership or the site will not go live on Flippa.
The Sites Traffic
The sites traffic is very important during a sale. The metrics are usually based on analytical tools such as Google Analytic API.
To add your site metrics you grant flippa permission to check the traffic. They use traffic data from the actual URL provided and Google Analytic.
The only traffic registered is traffic to the exact hostname. The seller should make sure they entered the correct URL of the site. They should make sure they grant permission to the correct account through admin.
How to Transfer Wordpress Site
The mechanism to transfer your site to a new owner is a little technical. The steps include login details of buyer, export of files, file compression and downloading of compressed file. Then comes the export of database, checking export options, SQL selected and database saved. The process is explained Here
How to Receive Payment
There are two ways to receive payment for a successful sale. The seller could use an Escrow account, Flippa Escrow or PayPal.
Opening an Escrow is free however certain fees and percentages occur after a completed sale. Wire transfer could attract up to 25% fee while additions fees are charged to the buyer.
PayPal payments do not attract wire transfer fees. Things you need to receive payment are IBAN number which is the system used to identify individual banks.
You need to enter your bank details and PayPal email address. Once the wire transaction is made for a sale the seller receives payment within 1-4 days. Same applies for PayPal transactions.


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