How to Start a Printing Business as a Broker with Zero Investment

The print business is very lucrative and moderately challenging. Opening one would require huge startup capital. The funds are used to purchase equipment and rent a shop. Other expenditure includes staff wages and high utility bills.
Luckily there are ways to start the business with zero investment. If you are cash strapped then consider print brokerage.
Starting a print brokerage business is relatively easy and you don’t need any equipment. The broker relies on a laptop computer, internet access and a smartphone.
How to Start a Printing Brokerage Business
  • Learn the trade
  • Use a virtual office
  • Build a portfolio
  • Build a website
  • Outsource printing
  • Carry out extensive marketing
screen printing
1. Learn the Trade
To provide excellent service and quality jobs you need to learn the trade. To learn the trade you can become an assistant or go for training. Learn through books, online courses, trade workshops and apprentice programs.
  • Become an assistant
  • go for training
  • read books
  • online courses
  • trade workshops
  • apprentice programs
2. Use a Virtual Office
To run a print brokerage business you need a virtual office. You can operate from home or rent a virtual office. There are such establishments with a single receptionist that accommodate different businesses. It provides a professional look while removing the huge cost of a large office.
3. Build a Portfolio
It is very important building a portfolio. The portfolio should showcase your expertise and jobs you have done. This is the only way to convince clients of your expertise and proficiency. You can also create a large job board for clients to see.
4. Outsource Printing
Since you can’t afford to buy expensive printing machines you need to outsource. A broker networks with other printers and printing presses.
The type of job would determine the company you use. There are companies that offer cord printing, cutting and trimming services. Others use only offset machines, typesetting and scanning.
5. Build a Website
A good way to reach customers is through your website. Build a website for the business and add images of completed jobs.
You could add description, prices and contact information. To build a website you need a good host plan, domain name and beautiful design. You could hire a web designer to build the site at a small fee.
6. Marketing
Marketing is very important if you want to reach potential customers. Use flyers, posters, banners and business cards. Take your advertisement online and use Adwords or Facebook ads.


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