26 Profitable Business Ideas in Kenya

Kenya is a beautiful country with many small business ventures. Investors have a wide range of businesses to consider.
Some require education, technical knowledge and creative skill. To start any business you need to first write a business plan. The plan should be followed with a feasibility study and survey.
Things to look out for are good location for the business and adequate funding. Other requirements are equipment, licensing, marketing, staff and company incorporation. Listed are 26 business ideas to do in Kenya.
26 Profitable Business Ideas in Kenya
1. ECommerce Consultancy
Ecommerce has become big business and practitioners actively seek guidance. A professional in e-consultancy stands to gain lots of money providing valuable service. The customer potential is huge with many companies and individual going online.
2. Ebook
Did you know that writing an eBook is financially rewarding.The author needs to write a quality book and find a good publisher? Top platforms to consider include Amazon’s kindle direct publishing and lulu.
3. Music Video Production
Kenya pop culture is thriving with new acts creating good music. The increase in youths in entertainment has opened new expression for videographers. Music video producers tend to make good profit doing what the love.  Music videos aren’t cheap and costs huge sums to produce.
4. Event Planning
Event would always take place since human beings are socially inclined. There are many business opportunities for event planning.
The planner needs to gain valuable experience and offer a robust service to customers. Common events are child naming, weddings, anniversaries and political events.
5. Content Writing
Content is much needed in magazines, newspaper publications and blogs. A content creator has a vast market to consider. The content writer should be proficient and master his craft. The writer could work as a freelancer or join an established organization.
6. Private Taxi Services
Private taxi services are fast becoming the norm. They are clean, elegant, comfortable and very efficient.
There are various ways to get into the taxi business however using an app will provide lots of business opportunity. The driver only needs to own a car, sign up with the cab company and select fares.
7. Disc Jockey
The multitude of musical artists in the country use the services of DJs. Disc Jockey also earn at birthdays, anniversaries and even political events.
8. Car Wash
The huge number of cars in Kenya requires occasional wash. To start a car wash you need a good location, car wash equipment and staff.
9. Car Hire Business
Car hire business is still relevant however the owner needs to stock classy vehicles. The vehicles should be insured and safeguard from theft with tracking technology.
10. Tourism Business
Kenya is a beautiful city with lots of tourist destinations. Operating a small tourist business is very profitable.
To attract patronage you could build a website and advertise on travel magazines and Destination sites. Other requirements are security for guests, transportation and hotel accommodation.
11. Trash Collection
Trash collection business is highly profitable. You need a dump truck, dump site and government or state license.
12. Aquaculture
Aquaculture is highly profitable and easy to accomplish. You need a large pond, fish fingerlings, feed and source of clean water.
13. Phone Store
Everyone has a phone to communicate with friends and loved ones. There are thousands of brands and millions of potential customers.
14. Become a Private Tutor
Teachers are ideal for private tutor business. The tutor could operate from the student’s home or open a learning center.
15. Auto Mechanic Shop
Once a car is bought it starts to depreciate in value. Along the line it will develop mechanical faults and needs the services of a mechanic. Make sure the mechanics are properly trained and know how to fix cars.
16. Consulting
Consulting covers a huge range of job disciplines. You could consult in any field of specialization and earn good money. Consultants are usually retired office workers, teachers or CEOs of top companies. The consultant needs to have a full grasp of the subject matter to succeed.
17. Build a Blog
Blogging could be profitable but very challenging. You need to post regularly, provide good content and have a good command of the written word. The blog needs a domain name, host plan and easy to navigate template. Monetize the blog through advertisement, affiliate or direct sales.
18. Open an eCommerce Store
It is easier than you think to open an eCommerce store. The store only needs images of what you intend selling and a checkout platform. The goods could be sourced from different store, in-house products or affiliate items.
19. Baby Sitting
You need some type of credibility to get baby sitting jobs. The job is more suited to teenage girls and best practiced in a specific demography. However safety is the top priority and common sense.
20. Computer Repair Business
You can develop the technical skills to repair a computer. The learning curve may involve becoming an apprentice, going to a technical institution or attending several workshops.
You could provide outcalls or work from a dedicated location. You need to purchase appropriate tools to carry out the job.
21. Security Service
There are two ways to join the security business. You could learn the rudiments and become a security consultant or join a private security outfit. Other ways is to incorporate your own security unit and offer private security services to banks and corporate entities.
22. Soap and Detergent Making
Soap making is practicable from home or a store. First learn how to make soap and print labels. Sell your soap to small stores in your area or supermarkets. You can also sell the product directly to people in your neighborhood.
23. Open a Restaurant
Food is a necessity and everyone eats at least twice a day. Restaurant business is very profitable and moderately challenging. You need a good location, serve quality meals while offering good prices. The size of the establishment is negligible however the food should be delicious.
24. Poultry Farming
Chickens are high maintenance birds not suitable for home breeding. If you have a large parcel of land you could go into eggs or meat production.
25. Open a laundry Service
Laundry services provide a valuable service to busy individuals. Laundry service operators earn good money based on the number of customers and location. The business requires basic equipment and labor.
26. Real Estate
The real estate market is huge and plenty opportunity for new entrants. You need to decide which aspect of the industry you wish to work.
You could go into constriction, property sales or become an estate agent. Other areas include building contractor, building supply, cleanup crew and raw material merchant. 


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