How to Get Free Premium Hosting for your Website

To create a website or blog you need a host and domain name.  The cost of a .com domain name and host provider can gradually add up. Small business owners and new entrants into the cyber space might find it daunting choosing the right package. Did you know you can get free premium hosting and a .com for free? Here are a few things to consider.
Domain Name
There are lots of domain extensions to consider. However the best domains are .com names. .Com is not specific to a country and advertiser love the extension. They also rank well on search engines and are scalable.
Different Types of Hosting
There are two main types of hosting free host and paid host. The free hosting comes with a sub domain name or a limited bandwidth. The free host accounts bandwidth never exceeds 2GB and they limit the number of visitor to 10,000-100,000 a month.
If you want to build a top website/blog with huge traffic this arrangement is not ideal.  Premium hosting offers unlimited bandwidth disk space.  Here are the differences between free hosting and premium hosting.
web hosting
Free Hosting
The free hosting comes with lots of challenges. The blog owner is not entirely in charge of the blog. The blog is usually on a slow server and could be down for several days in a month.
Other challenges are ugly looking advertisement by host provide on your site and no guarantee of up time. The bandwidth space is insufficient and would not exceed 2GB.
Some come with an annoying sub domain name and don’t accommodate .com domains. The free hosted website would face re-direction causing slow loading and running of the blog. Finally the host provider is at liberty to delete your website or suspend your account without warning.
  • slow server
  • ugly looking advertisement
  • no guarantee of up time
  • low bandwidth space
  • annoying sub domain name
  • does not accommodate .com domains
  • lots of re-direction
  • slow loading
  • host provider can delete the blog
Premium Hosting
Premium host server is fast loading with very few or no re-directions on the host plan. You are the owner of your blog and control any advertisement on the site. The premium host guarantees 99% up time for your website. They also use Linux hosting and offer unlimited bandwidth.
How to Get a Free Premium Hosting
Here are a few steps on how to get a free premium domain.
1. Create an account at Hostinger
2. Once the account is created choose a free hosting and sub-domain name
3. Create a free Cpanel Hosting. To get a premium hosting you are prompted to upgrade. Don’t do this unless you want to pay for the host plan.
How to get a Free Premium Package
4. Go to Cpanel Hosting Account and navigate to top of the page.
5. You will see a referral button. Once you click on it a new page appears and you get your referral link.
6. All you need to do is promote the link and get 3 referrals to the host provider.
Once they create an account and they become active you have your active referral. For every 3 active referrals you are given the option to upgrade to premium hosting for 1 year.
This process can be done every year to get an addition year of free premium hosting. To get free renewal all you need to do is bring in 15 active referrals. Same applies to getting a free .com domain name.
How to Get an Active Badge
Before you can access their upgrade facility you need to have an active badge. To get the active badge you should be registered with Hostinger for 30 days. The website should have content and client should have created a website.
Earn Money
The referrals also come with money making opportunities. For subscribers in India you earn 290 INR for 5 referrals and 5800 INR for 1000 referrals.


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