List of Revenue Sharing Article Submission Websites

Do you love to write then you are in luck. You could earn income by writing articles on a revenue sharing website.
Article submission sites are good places to develop your blogging skill, learn the intricacies of blog posting and writing viral content. There are six ways to make money writing articles online.
The first is your own blog, writing for revenue sharing sites, and commission articles. Others are upfront payment for articles and offering them for sale, and writing reviews for cash.
1. Commissioned Articles
There are millions of websites and blogs on different topics. Content is king and there are many websites/blog looking for good articles.
The webmasters are willing to pay writers to develop content for their websites. Such clients usually have article topics they desire and are willing to pay writers to develop the content.
2. Reviews
If you already own a blog or popular social media site you can earn from reviews. Reviews usually cover company products, books or services. The webmaster is paid by the company to add a review on their social platform or blog.
3. Offering Articles for Sale
There are two ways this works, pitching an article to a popular website or selling directly to prospective buyers. The websites are usually niche based established sites with huge following.
They offer fixed rate and accepts only top notch original articles. These websites pay upfront from $50-$200. However you need to pass strict requirements before your article is accepted.
4. Revenue Sharing Article Submission Sites
There are hundreds of revenue sharing article submission sites. The writer usually has a sub domain or page for his articles.
The Writer retains the copyright and earns based on traffic and clicks. The websites are usually monetized through advertisement networks. Some add affiliate networks like Amazon and eBay.
List of Advertisement Revenue Sharing Article Submission Websites
Unlike the good old days the list of ad sharing sites has drastically reduced. The top player is hubpages with over 15 niche sites for writers.
Gone are the days of bukisa, yahoo contributors and Here is a list of site that share advertisement revenue with contributors.
5. Snipsly
6. Writedge
7. InfoBarrel


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