How to Rank on Google First Page without Any Backlinks

Although backlinks equate to better SEO it is rather difficult to accomplish. A website needs such links from high authority sites to make any impact.
Do you know that some webmaster out of desperation result to grey hat techniques. Grey hat techniques are not only bad for your website but could damage it.
You can understand our dismay when we stumbled on a top SEO provider making huge earns by selling such unwholesome strategies. One of such dangerous technique includes setting up a private blog networks or using auto Backlink tools.
There are more simpler and safe ways to rank on Google first page. Don’t take our word for it type 'Tie and Dye Business' on google search. And you find us number on the search page. We have a huge number of articles showing at the number one spot.
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How Did We Do It
There are simple ways to rank high on a competitive keyword. You don’t even need to stress about backlinks.
The main purpose of ranking high in search tools is to drive organic traffic to your website. Organic traffic converts and improves the ranking of your site.
The most important aspect of writing a blog article is the keyword. The keyword you choose should be competitive and attract high bids per click.
Site with high domain authority have paid their dues and accumulated lots of link juice. The question is 'How can a webmaster compete with huge traffic sites'. The simple answer is Google loves quality content.
How to Produce Quality Content
The first step to creating quality content is research. You need to identify a keyword and study your competitors. Read their posts and find out if they have effectively covered the topic. A good way is to narrow the perspective and focus on the core message in the text.
Solve a Problem
The content you create should solve a problem. People search online for answer to different issues. They browse for learning, fun or leisure. Make sure your content address the question explicitly.
Offer Solutions
Once you have solved the problem then offer solutions. The value of your writing depends on the quality advice or solution. Make sure you present in-depth analysis of the subject matter.
Engage your Visitors
A good way to get article topics is to engage your visitors. There might be something specific they are looking for and can’t find enough information.
Search through the comments on your website to feel the pulse of your audience. Many top websites have developed great content from the visitor’s comments and requests.
What Google Loves
The user experience is dear to Google’s heart. A website that consistently produces valuable content and good users experience would rank better. The content you create should have images, good structure and reasonable word count.
How to rank on Google First page without backlinks
Type of Keywords
The most important aspect of writing content is keyword. You need to look for keywords with low competition and high search volume.
There are good tool to aid the search such as keyword discovery and Google Keyword Planner. The Keyword planer is an excellent tool to find high search volume, low competitive words.
Other SEO tools are buzzsumo and SEO power suite to study competitor’s backlinks on specific keywords. The most attractive keywords are those with high search volume and few articles.
A keyword with little information would provide a better chance at ranking high. The beauty of such words is no link building and proper one-page optimization. The powerful Google algorithm would find the quality content and rank accordingly.
Google Alerts
Google alerts offers suggestions, emails or content similar to those on your site. You also get alerts for latest news and trending topics
Google Trends
Google trends provide topics on trending issues. Trending posts drive huge traffic to websites increasing the site rank. Look for trends on popular keywords on subject identical to your niche.
New Topic
The golden goose is being the first to write on a topic. You get one-page optimization and huge backlinks. You also find your article on page one number one of google search.
Use Long Tail Keywords
Long tail keywords are a treasure chest for small niche sites. They rank well on google search and dominate their niche.
A search quarry on google search brings up suggestions using the keyword. These are long tail words for the quarry.
These words rank nicely without backlinks and generate lots of traffic. You can experiment by writing keywords of interest and choosing from the suggestions. There are other ways to find long tail keyword with other search tools.
Keyword Density
The keyword density in your article is very important. The number of times it appears should be natural and limited. Too many of such words in one article could be considered spamming.
Unique Title
The title of your post is very important. You need to make the title unique and keyword rich. A good title will rank nicely and attract loads of organic traffic.
There are software’s you can use to generate good titles. Some title generators are Blog Title generator by SEO Professor, Blog Title Generator by Impact or HUB Spot Blog Title Generator.
Long Form Writing
Generally long form writing generates better views and ranking. The word count could range from 2000 to 3500 words. However a long post is not the only criteria for organic traffic. You can write a moderate post of 500 words and still come up first on search.
To get first page feature you need to write quality posts. Include images, videos and loads of useful content. Write article with word count of 750+ and include a good title. Use long tail keywords to beat the competition and follow new trends.


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