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5 Businesses Centered on Senior Citizens

Investors interested in providing services for senior citizen have a choice of profitable ventures. A number of businesses for the elderly revolve around transportation, healthcare services, companionship or shopping.
Others are housekeeping, dry-cleaning services and even preparing regular meals. We have dating services, tech teaching, skill acquisition centers and becoming a senior citizen concierge.
 Here are a few business centered on providing service to senior citizens.
Steps to Start a Business Venture
  • Write a business plan
  • Carry out a feasibility study
  • Register a business name
  • Incorporate the business
  • Get insurance cover
  • Find out if the service requires value added tax
  • Do lots marketing
Online Dating
Even senior citizen still need love connections. They get very lonely and the world seems alien as they grow older.
Online dating services include dating agencies for the elderly. Such services are meant to provide companionship and friendship. Sometimes there is a love connection between to old folks.
Setting up an online dating site involves registering a top domain name and host plan. The website should be search engine optimized and targeted at your preferred demography.
It could be community based or focused on worldwide membership. You could also provide traditional matchmaking services.
Teach New Skills
Teach the elderly new skills like tech training, tailoring, bead making or painting. Help them discover an interest to keep them busy.
Open a skill acquisition center for the elder and see your client list increase. Elderly people are always looking for something interesting to fill the loneliness.
To start a skill acquisition center you need a rented hall and teachers. Make sure you also have emergency medical services.
Adult Daycare
The elderly need regular supervision and support. Providing adult daycare services is lucrative and slightly challenging.
To run a daycare service you need lots of patience and first aid training. Organize museum trips, outdoor recreational activities and field trips. To setup a senior daycare company, register the business and get liability insurance.
Senior Concierge
A senior concierge takes care of different needs of the elderly. The job is more tasking than providing a regular daycare service. Common services offered include domestic services, laundry services and grocery shopping.
Senior Transportation Service
Senior citizens need transportation to go grocery shopping or meet medical appointments. Providing transportation for the elderly is very rewarding.
Apart from helping them you are also providing a service and earning income. To start this business you need a commercially registered vehicle and driving license.
Offer your clients unique services and discounts. Senior citizen transportation business includes non-medicaltransportation and taxi services.

Ferry Boat Business: Starting a Ferry Business

Areas with water ways are ideal for ferry boat business. Cities with huge population usually face the challenge of adequate transportation.
The huge population alongside overstretched infrastructure equates to traffic gridlocks and difficult time management. Other modes of transportation such as train services, commercial buses and light rail are usually inadequate.
Smart investors interested in transport business could purchase a ferry. Ferry boats are an effective way to beat traffic and reduce stress.
They a punctual and time management is much easier using this mode of transportation. Commercial ferry boats are either government owned or privately owned businesses. And the destination are predetermined and controlled by sea transport authorities.
Different Types of Ferries
Ferry boats are not exclusively used to transport passengers from one location to another.’ Ferry’ is a generic name that includes both human, animal and cargo transportation. Listed are some common types used in the maritime industry.
Double Ended Ferries-We have the double ended ferries were the prow and stern are interchangeable. They remain constant despite the direction the ferry travels.
Roll-on/roll-off ferries are common to United Kingdom and effective cargo vehicles. They are very dynamic and effective freight transporters. Another type of ferry is the car boats.
Car Boat Ferry is designed to accommodate cars and different types of automobiles. They are common in the America and similar in function to roll-on boats.
Channel ferries are powerful vessels usually found on busy channels. They are capable of going long distances depending on the operator’s destination. Another unique ferry is the catamarans they are fast passenger boats favored by private operators.
Types of Ferries
  • Air Ferries
  •  Cable
  • Train ferry
  • Pontoon
  • Turntable
  • Fast RoPax ferry
  • Cruise-ferry
  • Roll-on/roll-off
  • Catamaran
  • Canoe
  • Hovercraft
  • Hydrofoil
  • Double-ended
How Ferry Boats Generate Income
Ferry boats generate income in four ways. The boat could run a private chatter operation alongside its commercial venture.
A prospective client chatters the boat for a specified duration and date. The primary income of commercial ferry boats are through ticket sales.
However the boats owner could organize tourist tours especially during holidays and weekend. They boat could even serve as an event center for weddings, engagements and parties.
Fares and Tickets
Passenger ferries generate income through the sale of tickets. The tickets are graduated as one way tickets for adults, youths and children under 5 when accompanied.
Other ticket holders are senior citizens, disabled, school groups and short hop tickets. The price varies according to type of ferry location, distance and country.
As a rule a ticket is only used on the route that were originally purchased. Some ferries allow ticket transfer which attracts a discounted transfer fee.
The usually practice is that passenger purchase tickets at a ticketing office before docking or onboard the vessel. Common boarding policy involves ticket confirmation before the trip.
Top players in the industry accept cash, POS credit/debit card and online payments. And most fees are subject to change.
One-Way Fares.
Fares very according to geographical location and distance travelled.  We have listed fees based on ferry services along San Francisco Bay. Obviously the fees differ and very from one operator to the next.
  • Adults $6.6-$6.9.
  • Adults with clip cards $5.00-$5.20
  • Youths 5-18 $3.30-$3,40
  • Children under 5 accompanied FREE
  • School groups $2.20-$2,30  
The distances usually take short periods and the boats can accommodate large number of people. Ferry service boats regularly make many scheduled trips per-day.
Common Guidelines for Ferry Operations
The guideline for ferry operators depends on the country of operation and services. Ferry services most provide baggage security and are subject to federal inspections. The ferry facility should be approved by the USCS before operation. Commercial merchandize are to be declared especially if they are for export purposes.
You need a ferry operational license and your captain should have maritime experience and certification. Other agencies involved in maritime issues are Marine Operational Services, Public Health services, Fish and Wildlife, Immigration and Naturalization and Custom services.
Ferry Boat Business
Write a ferry boat business plan and acquire/ lease appropriate terminal. You need a boat and get all legal permits and licenses.
There is a host of legalities such as boat registration, fire safety, passenger safety, sea worthiness certificate and loads of permits. Hire a professional conversant with maritime business to write the plan.
Another major obstacle is funding the business. Ferry boat business is capital intensive and very challenging.

How to Start a Cargo Van Business

There are three ways to get into the cargo van industry. You could purchase a van, rent short-term or acquire a long-term lease.
A long term lease is rather expensive and based on contractual agreement. You could lease the trucks for expended periods for nothing less than 36 months- 60 months.
Short term rent is relatively cheaper and less stressful. If you have the financial means purchase the vehicle outright.
How Short-term Rent Works
Setup the shipping contract and secure the vehicle when appropriate. Short term lease could run from a few hours, days or weeks.
Determine your price based on rent, millage, and weight of cargo including fuel consumption.  Decide on the terms such as hourly or extended rental.
Long-term Leasing
Leasing truck on long term is a good idea if you have a large customer base. There are many advantages to this arrangement.
The depreciation of the truck is borne by the owner. You also avoid huge amounts spent on purchase and other tax related issues. Usually the owners of the truck are liable for the insurance. How to start a Trucking business
Common Trucks used for Cargo Transportation
The common trucks used for cargo business are the straight trucks and box trucks. The box trucks have cube shaped haulage back and ideal for moving small office furniture or household equipment.
How to Start a Cargo Van Business
Choose a Location
Choose an ideal location close to your target customers. The office should have adequate parking for your vehicle and storage for goods.
Make sure the location is easily accessible and visible. Use signage boards to attract pedestrians and vehicle to your establishment. You would have to pay a small advertisement fee to your local government .
Equip the Office
A standard operational base should have proper equipment. Purchase software to handle inventory and destination orders.
You need a dedicated phone line, fax machine and computer. Make sure the out-office is comfortable for customers.
You could operate the business on your own or hire staff. The staff you need are drivers, secretary, accountant and cleaner.
Try to avoid bank loans because they attract interest rates and collateral. You could try target savings or borrow from friends and family.
The primary expenditure is on vehicle purchase and maintenance. You can start the operation with a used vehicle and upgrade as the business grows.
Cargo van business is very competitive and there are many players. Your small business will come against giants and enterprising small companies.
To attract patronage use newspaper advertisement and offer discounts. Make sure your services are unique, cost effective and punctual.
You can approach companies in your area and home owners. Use traditional print such as flyers, billboards and glossy brochures.
Build a Website
Build a website targeting your locality and include services. Use high definition images and schedules to attract customers.
Increase traffic to your website through guest posts, Facebook adverts, Adwords and yellow page listing. You could try free/paid classified websites to find clients.

Steps to Start a Sea & Air Cargo Company

Freight business involves transporting cargo from location to destination. The shipment could move within state lines or abroad.
 Freight forwarding is a lucrative business however it involves serious logistics, handling, planning and execution. The cargo company may consolidate small cargo or haul large shipments.
To operate a cargo company you don’t necessary need to own the mode of shipment except vehicular transportation. The goods are generally delivered through road, air and sea.
Some operators specialize in only one method of transportation while others offer a broad based service. Operators haul a diverse spectrum of goods such as equipment's, vehicles, food and raw materials.
It is the duty of the cargo company to thoroughly check inventory for prohibited goods before shipment. Business success is not guaranteed however proper networking, handling and efficiency are essential elements.
Here is a step by step guide on how to launch your cargo business.
Write a Cargo Company Business Plan
The job has many complexities so writing a business plan is important. The plan should cover mode of transportation, target customers and demography.
Other important aspects are acquiring appropriate licenses and certification. You need to carefully choose your operational base, management team and network partners.
Others are growth, expansion, future goals, profit/ loss. Another major challenge is sourcing funds for your business.
Steps to Start a Sea & Air Cargo Company
Understand the Cargo Business
To understand the business you need to study the freight forward industry. The business is moderately complicated and involves various permits, licensing, ethics and procedures.
You need adequate funding, networking and extensive knowledge of every aspect of the job. A deep knowledge of foreign markets, regulations, and proper inspection and documentations is very important.
Every country has different custom regulations however there are general procedures along foreign boarders.
What the Cargo Market Entails
The job involves lots of documentation, inspection and cargo movement. You need a receiving outlet or partner in foreign lands.
Other aspects are shipping methodology, warehousing and abiding by strict custom regulations. The company prices should be reasonable and competitive and cargo delivered intact.
Define your Target Market
It’s all good handling different kinds of cargo however you need to define your market. Narrowing the field would allow better proficiency and organization.
 You need to decide the type of freight and geographical location you wish to operate. By doing this you understand the target countries custom requirements and acceptable cargos.
Narrowing your niche, leads to specialization, efficiency and better delivery system. It also affords the company better time management and capacity building.Box Truck Business
Identify you Customer Base
Once you have chosen your preferred destinations and understudy the custom regulations you need to identify your customers. Conduct a survey of specific customers, location and demography.
Use various marketing strategies to target the preferred customer and market. Determine your preferred load volume and purchase appropriate equipment.
Transportation Equipment
There are some transportation equipment’s you need to ease the handling of goods. Common equipment’s are hydraulic pallets, power pallets, tractors and dolly.
You need weighing equipment such as weighing scales and Weight Bridge for heavy goods.  Material handling equipment are x-ray machines, gloves, cargo offloading ramp, four wheel trolleys, fork lifts and low bed.
Cargo Equipment
  • Hydraulic pallets
  • Power pallets
  • Wooden pallets
  • Tractors
  • Vans, trucks
  • Dolly
  • Weight bridge
  • Weight scales
  • X-ray machine
  • Gloves
  • Visual inspection aids
  • Offloading ramp
  • 4 wheel trolley
  • Fork lift
Mode of Transportation
International destination cargo shipment is carried out in four ways. We have ship ownership, third party shipment services, owner cargo plane operations and commercial air freighting.
Ship Ownership
The first and most capital intensive method involves owning your own ship. Ship ownership is no small potatoes and requires serious cash. The ship owner is responsible for the safety of the cargo from port to delivery at the docks.
Provide Shipment Services
The second sea shipment method requires significantly less funding. The funding requirement is targeted at paying the ship to deliver the goods.
Once the ship accepts the goods and delivers the cargo. The company either uses their representative at the destination to clear the good or hands the document to the customer.
Owning an Air Cargo Plane
The same major expense applies to owning a cargo plane. Apart from purchase of the plane you need operational licensing and certification.
There are a host of aviation rules and best practices. The capacity and size of the plane depends on the cargo you want to freight.
Lease an Aircraft
There are two ways to lease an aircraft. You could lease a small aircraft exclusively to carry your cargo or freight the cargo in a commercial cargo plane. The first option requires more capital that using a commercial airline.
Cargo Aircrafts
  • Airbus A400M
  • Lockheed Martin "Hercules" C130J
  • Antonov An-32
  • EADS CASA C-295
  • Alenia C-27J "Spartan"
  • de Havilland Canada DHC-4 "Caribou"
  • Fokker F27-400/700
  • DC-3
  • DC-6
Licensing and Registration
Cargo business is all about proper documentation and certification. Before you get into the nitty-gritty of freight forwarding register your company.
Incorporate the business as a limited liability company and obtain license to ship by sea or air. The Maritime Commission handles sea transportation while Federal Aviation Administration air transportation.
Find out all the requirements and acquire the necessary certification. You will need to submit formal application, fill form, provide evidence, certificates and pass serious scrutiny before getting the operational papers.
The business also has some elements of risk such as lost cargo, damaged goods or impounded goods. You need serious liability insurance cover to protect your business.
Cargo companies face penalties, reparations, damage charges and accidents. Therefore there is no compromise on the type of insurance cover you acquire.
Effective marketing should target only your preferred customers. Use different parameters, surveys and techniques to attract patronage.
A stratified customer most likely would be a repeat customer. Work on efficiency, transparency, due diligence and safety.
 Ship/Air Cargo Business Terms
  • Forwarding out
  • Forwarding in
  • Consignment
  • Cargo 2000
  • E-freight
  • Air transportation
  • Air cargo laws, claims, complaints, insurance
  • Finding partners
  • Customs Act 1962
  • Demurrage charges
  • Bulk cargo

How to Start a Box Truck Business

Box truck businesses are generally one man shows. The business is moderately profitable and easy to setup.
Many company’s and private households need a cheap, effective and reliable way to move furniture. The ideal choice is usually the services of a box truck company
You can register the business as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company. The primary equipment is the cube van or truck.
The job description is defined by the cubical shape of the van used for this business venture. Box truck operator’s generally haul small goods and household appliances.
Common cargo includes furniture, ceramics, kitchen ware and pottery. A truck company could carry the cargo for the customer or rent out vehicles. A top player in the box truck haulage business is U-Haul.
Vehicle used by Box Truck Company’s
box truck
By MobiusDaXter (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The preferred vehicles are cube shaped trucks. The trucks are fitted with sliding back door panels for easy loading and unloading.
Another common vehicle used by truck companies is the straight truck with foot pup trailer. The trailer provides additional storage for goods and furniture.
Types of Vehicles
There is a long list of vehicles suitable for box truck haulage business. Popular choices are the Isuzu, Ford, Mitsubishi Fuso, Dodge, GMC, Chevrolet and Nissan.
Vehicles used for Box Truck Business
·            Isuzu
·           Ford
·           Mitsubishi Fuso
·           Dodge
·           GMC
·           Chevrolet
·          Nissan.
Equipment to start a Box Truck Business
As stated earlier the primary equipment is the van. The cube vans are built to accommodate different weight class ranging from 12,500 ibs-33,000 ibs.
The medium duty commercial trucks are built to accommodate class class3- class 7 models. Make sure the truck you purchase has a fully enclosed body and suitable for freight forwarding.
Other equipment’s you need are generally office equipment such as telephone, computer, fax machine, tables and chairs. You might need a dolly or lifting equipment.
Write a Box Truck Cargo Business Plan
Before establishing the business make sure you write a box truck business plan. You need to determine your target market, services you offer and business structure.
The type of vehicle you purchase is also important. Other considerations are personal cargo handling or providing self service.
Carry out a Feasibility Study
The feasibility study and survey will identify your customer base, Study your competitors, pricing and services. Find an ideal location and provide better service.
Funding the Enterprise
Apply for a commercial loan from any finance institution in your locality. Provide collateral, your business plan and guarantor.
Other requirements include experience and some startup funds. Discuss with your account office about the possibility of securing a loan.
Things you need for the Business
You need a dedicated vehicle, secretary, office and driver. You could do the driving yourself or hire a qualified driver.
You need a driving license and commercial license. Make sure you get insurance cover and register the company.
The business is highly competitive with large, small and medium companies fighting for a share of the same market. If you find a good location with lots of patronage and few competitors you will thrive.
You need to device a good marketing strategy targeted at your preferred demography. Use lots of television advertisements and newspaper publications. Traditional methods also work such as flyers, posters, billboards and sign boards.
13 Transportation business ideas
Build a Website
The website will offer additional marketing opportunities for you business. Hire a web developer to build a search engine optimized site.
Use lots of high definition images and demography location techniques. Include a telephone number, email and social media icons.
Drive traffic to your website through social media engagements, guest posting and online advertisement.

13 Transportation Business Ideas

There are many types of transportation services with huge profit potential. Transportation service business is moderately challenging and you need a vehicle.
To start any of the under listed ideas you need basic business skill, accounting, licensing and good location. You could work from home or a designated office and you need parking and licensed drivers. Here area few transportation business to consider.
1.Senior Service
Due to improvement in healthcare services people in developed countries tend to live longer. Older citizen gradually lose coordination, motor skills and might have bad eyesight’s.
They need more care and medical supervision in their advanced age. Common needs for aged citizens are medical appointments, grocery shopping and general care.
Driving senior citizens to meet these appointments is a lucrative niche market. The job description involves transporting them on appointment.
Startup for this business is relatively low because your primary equipment is a car, commercial driving license and phone number.
2. Medical Transportation
Medical transportation takes care of the elderly, in-firmed and those that require frequent visits to doctors. The vehicle you purchase should easy accommodate a wheelchair and provide head space.
You need lots of patience and good driving skills before you venture into this business. Purchase a van, bus or SUV with ample space.
Learn more
3. Marine Shipping
Marine shipping is big business but capital intensive. Marine shipping involves carrying of cargo from one destination to the other.
Any size of ship or boat is expensive and you require permits, licensing before operation. The shipping company should be registered and type of cargo specified.
4. Ferry Business
A ferry provides local transportation within the metropolis water ways. The business is highly lucrative and capital intensive.
The major expense is the procurement of the ferry. You could buy an old ferry and refurbish, buy new or try hire purchase. There are a few strict laws for operators such as provision of life-jackets for passengers and specific routes.
5. Air Transportation
There is much legislature guiding air transportation. The business is difficult to start due to many bottlenecks you encounter.
However proper planning, good air vessel and experienced pilots will aid profitability. You could start with a helicopter or small plane. You need serious money to venture into air transportation business.
6. Livestock Transportation
In many countries it is not uncommon to see cattle and goats transported by trucks. This venture is very lucrative because the cattle need to access cosmopolitan markets in large cities.
Livestock transportation is not limited to truck transportation and the livestock are also ferried in boats and barges. There are strict regulations on livestock movement across state-lines.
The business is moderately challenging because you need to purchase a large truck specially modified to carry livestock. You also need an expert driver able to drive long distance without rest.
7. Specialty Cargo Transportation
Specialty transportation is lucrative and slightly challenging. It involves moving large, fragile or odd objects on short contract.
Any damage to mechanize might involve reduction in fees. An operator could invest in a truck, van or low bed truck depending on the type of cargo.
8. Specialty Medical Transportation
Specialty medical transportation involves moving medical stuff.  Common cargos carried by medical transporters are human organs suck as kidneys and blood. The job is time sensitive and late delivery could result in the death of a patient.
9. Moving Van
Moving vans provide essential service to people moving furniture. The van should be large enough to accommodate an average household equipment.
You need a dedicated truck, driving license, operational office and clients. The job is relatively straight forward and simple. Don’t forget to hire able bodied movers anytime there is a job.
10. Trucking Business
Trucking business is the high-end area of road transportation. The truck driver ships different types of cargo across state lines on contract.
They usually work within a time frame for cargo delivery. You can start with one truck and gradually increase inventory as patronage increases.
11. Limousine Service
Starting a limousine service is easy to operate. You need a good vehicle and lots of contact.
People hire limousine service for prom-nights, weddings, night outs and other special occasions. Here is an article on how to start a limousine service.
12. Bicycle Rental Service
Bicycle rentals work in small destination towns that accommodate tourists.  Bike riding is recreational and attracts lots of enthusiasts.
To startup the business you need a store from to display your bicycles. You then rent the bikes for duration to tourists and local residents.
13. Taxi Service
Taxi services covers jobs such as airport shuttle, pickup and stationery taxis. The type of taxi service depends on your interest.
Taxi drivers make reasonable earnings daily. If you own a taxi station then your profit exponentially increases. Here is a good resource on how to start a vehicular transport business.

Start a Coin Laundry Business

Coin operated laundry services thrive because of constant demand. We generate tons of dirty cloths daily and they need washing.
We could wash them manually by our self, use home appliance, hire a washer-man or use coin operated laundry services.
The startup of a coin laundry business depends on the scope, size and location of the enterprise.  To maximize funds purchase only equipment you can afford, find a middle class location and install equipment.
Other things to consider are maintenance, leasehold and strategic marketing.
How to Calculate Startup Cost for Coin Laundry Business
To calculate start up cost you need to factor the following. Two year rent and leasehold, cost of utility such as electricity and number of coin operated machinery.
Calculate the amount needed for esthetics additional services such as snack bar or kids designated area. You might need an attendant to monitor the activities of patrons.
Coin operated laundry services revolve entirely on providing an easy way to wash cloths. Most are self service and are operational with either coin or debit card processing technology.
The attendants job could include coin exchange for cash and supervisory services. To succeed your laundry service should be time saving, easy to access and convenient.
You could increase revenue by including a pickup and drop of service at additional cost. Offer your customers multiple services such as selling cold drinks and snacks.
Additional services found in such establishments are free internet access for patrons, mail box rental and mini-mart. Provide a community based atmosphere to attract regular patrons to the laundry.
How to start a Dry cleaning business
Coin Laundry Services
  • Providing coin operated washing machines
  • Providing debit card operated washing machines
  • Supervisory services
  • Pickup-drop
  • Sell snacks, cold drinks
  • Free internet access
  • Mail box
  • Minim-mart
Financing the Business
You can source funds through bank loans or crowdfunding. Find a core investor or borrow from friends and family.
The business is capital intensive and already saturated. Try partnership arrangements or sell startup equity to investors. 
To access funds from financial institutions you need collateral, a guarantor and some cash in hand. Present your business plan and other relevant documentation.
Laundries handle lots of waste water so they need waste pollution control permit. Secure a trade license and other permits based on your services. Get insurance cover and tax related certification.
The primary equipment’s are the coin operated laundry machines. You could buy or lease equipment.
Commercial laundry machines are pricey and highly automated. Startup cost involves rent, equipment, staff wages, utility bills, waste management and furnishing.
Location and Building
You could purchase an existing laundry or build one for scratch. An existing facility would require remodeling and refurbished equipment.
Before leasing or buying any laundry find out the customer base, challenges, profit and loss. An average sized laundry business could set the investor back $500,000.
Use flyers, billboards, sign boards and business cards to spread the word. Other channels include online classified advertisement, radio and television advertisement. Build a targeted website and use social media to drive traffic.