Starting a Home Based Business

Any business venture requires proper equipment and an office location. Stating a home business is cost effective and lucrative. However the business owner needs focus, proper networking and an enabling environment for good productivity.
Apart from office equipment you need proper involving, storage facility and software. There are web based software for tracking orders and outsourcing opportunities.
business owners
What are Your Skills?
In assessing your skill level you could start with your qualification. If you have a Bsc in accounting you could concentrate on offering accounting solutions.
A graphic artist could offer logo design, advertisement or monogram services. Developing the business based on your interest or educational knowledge would provide an edge over your competitors.
Brainstorm a Business Idea
The way to brainstorm a business idea is with people of like interest. The business ideas should reflect your interest and services needed in your geographical location.
There are lots of business possibilities such as craft making, bookkeeping, consultancy and secretarial services. More includes web development, graphic artist, voice over technician or blogging. Once you have listed the ideas, narrow the field to choose a single niche.
Choose a Niche
The first thing to do is to choose a niche. The niche should align with your talent, certificate or interest.
Make sure you are passionate about the business or eager to learn. Self employment is tough and you need hard work and dedication to succeed. You also need lots of perseverance, innovation and entrepreneurial skills.
Office Equipment
General office equipment needed for smooth running includes a desktop computer and printer. Other equipment’s are fax machine, scanner, and a landline.
You need stationeries such as pen, writing pads, bond papers and pencils. You need a modem for internet connectivity, video conferencing, digital voice mailing and other services.
Build a Website
Build a website for your business by choosing a good domain name. Purchase a host plan and design the website. If you have an ecommerce site add products, description, price and shopping cart.
Make sure the website has an about us page, privacy policy and contact information. Don’t forget to add a dedicated phone number. You might need merchant services, drop shipment and other deliver systems.
Printed Items
Printed items used by businesses include letterhead papers, invoice, receipts and complementary cards. For advertisement purposes you need flyers, billboard, signboards and posters.
  • letterhead papers
  • invoice
  • receipts
  • complementary cards
  • flyers
  • billboard
  • signboards
  • posters
Dedicate an Office space
It is important dedicating a space in your home for office work. Furnish the space appropriately with your laptop, printer, scanner, phone and note pad.
  •  Laptop
  • Printer
  • Scanner
  • Phone
  • Note pad
  • Stationery
  • Modem
  • Land Line
Home Based Suitability
Not every business is practicable from home. Make sure the business you choose is practicable from home. Browse online to find a list of home based businesses based on your talent. Once you locate the business make sure it has good profit potential.
Business Planning
Many home based businesses fail in the first year after implementation. This is because the business owner has not done adequate research.
Find out if the product could provide sufficient income and is popular.  A good way to remain solvent is to run a part time business alongside your home business.
Product Pricing
The product pricing should be competitive and offer good margin. To succeed the business owner should earn enough to pay utilities, rent and make profit. Other considerations are internet connectivity fees, hosting and domain name.
Write a Business Plan
Once you have all the parameters write a business plan. The plan should highlight product, pricing, advertisement and wages. The product could have both online and offline applications. The plan would show the viability of the business.
Advertisement is very important to the growth of a business. That’s why huge conglomerates spend millions on advertisement. Use newspaper advertisement, print and online resources.


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