Media kits: What is a media kit and why you need one?

The question is 'what is a media kit and why bloggers need one.'  The layout of your blog is very important because it should be eye catching functional and easy to navigate.
A media kit outlines the major aspects of your blog including statistics. It provides information about your blog and aids marketers and advertisers interested in your brand.
The media kit highlights topics, social media plug-ins and activity. Collaborative branding becomes seamless when your present a media kit to your potential advertisers.
What is a Media Kit?
A media kit is a compilation of information about your blog that is concise, informative and easy to navigate. The media kit contains elements like video, Word document, PDF files and Audio files. The kit can also be a combination of two or three forms.
Why invest in a Media kit
Media kits show professionalism and it saves time. The branding attests to your credibility and reliability while effectively showcasing a competitive template of your brand.
It is concise summary that features all the aspects of your brand to advertisers. A well formatted media kit can be equated to money in the bank.
Media kits also provide collaboration options and pricing including blog topics, social media followers and statistics.
Views some top bloggers Media Kits

media kit
Things to consider when making a media kit
Make the kit informative, easy to read and professional looking. Other things are using complementary colors, text boxes, cool images, subheadings and short paragraphs.
Be truthful, identify sponsored post and have legible titles.
What should you include in your Blogs Media Kit?
1                   A biography is important because advertisers and markers what to know the person behind the brand.
2                   The blog topics gives customers a better picture of you blog
3                   Nice graphics are complementary and brings out the beauty of the blog. Graphic and self portraits reduce the monotony of the blog.
4                   Statistics gives an indication of the size of your audience. The types of statistic include weekly and monthly page views. Others are unique visitors, bounce rate, Subscribers, social and RSS feeds.
5                   A good media kit contains a logo, about site, staff biography and target market.
6                   More considerations are pricing, details of your service, site history.
7                   More are audience portfolio, FAQ sheet, policies and testimonial


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