50 Free Search Engine Optimization Tools

Search engine’s index web pages according to quality and relevance. Ranking high in search results equates to higher traffic, better visibility and earnings for monetized blogs.
There are many tools and resources to aid the webmaster optimize the site. The tools use analytics, applications, search engines, and powerful software.
The keyword tool is used to study consumer behavior. The tool uses google Auto complete engine to generate long tail keywords.
It predicts search suggestions and terms and can generate up to 750 suggestions. You also see Google Adwords competition, search volume and CPC.
You can also build a spread sheet for future analysis. You are at liberty to overlay metrics using the google keyword planner.
Common metric include CPC, traffic volume, search position, monthly local and global search. Others are related landing page and competitiveness.
Search Metrics Website Analyzer
The search metrics analysis tool offers on-demand database for content performance and search. They claim to have over 250 billion pieces of information on backlinking, social links, keywords and regular search.
To access the huge global database you register for free. You are then offered a pricing upgrades such as essentials, essential pro and suite ( 3 version) the plans operate on monthly or yearly plans.
XML Sitemaps
Every website or blog needs to have a sitemap. The sitemap makes it easy to crawl websites and index new content.
The file is an xml file that contains url updates, robot text and url extensions. The sitemaps protocol format is primarily based on xml tags, UTF-8 encoded or plain text list. Element definitions tell the crawlers about the action to take.
Check out my sitemap
Keyword Planner
The keyword planner is used by both advertisers and webmasters. You search for keywords, group ideas, keyword lists and multiple keyword lists.
 Advertisers use the search tool for ad campaigns. To use the keyword planner you need to sign in to Adwords. Use a Gmail account to sign in and access the features. Benefits include historical statistics, finding keywords and traffic forecasts.
PageSpeed Insight
The tool allows measurement of your pages performance. The performance is measured on both desktop and mobile devices.
The tool provides a score reference from 0-100 and categorize the content into poor, needs work and good. It also calculates page loading time, above fold loading time.
Copyscape uses Google Web API and other algorithms. It was built to detect plagiarism and check for identical text. You can use it to find content thieves and fight content fraud.
Keyword Rank Checker
A keyword rank checker found on serps.com has free trial, pricing, tool and login for members. The tool features the Google Location Changer and a Keyword Search.
The tool instructions has keyword search including search for specific domain search. You can also select the search engine and location. Others include select device and search exact location which is optional.
The tool is designed for SEO Agency software and mobile keyword ranking tracking. Others are local SEO software franchises and local tracking software. The site also has useful blog posts such as how to measure website speed, writing a SEO proposal and how to charge for SEO services.
Schema.org Structure Data
Structured data allows search engines understand the content of HTML. JavaScript object Notation is a solution for integrating schem.org structured data.
This structural data tool is less cumbersome than microdata attributes. JavaScript can be placed anywhere on your page. They also have tools that help programmers implement JSON-LD and JSON –LD schema generator, schema App.
SEO SiteCheckup
The SEO SiteCheckup is useful for small business owners, webmasters and SEO agencies. It is a user friendly analysis and monitoring service.
Just type the URL in the search and your website gets analyzed. SEO makes search engine optimization easy.
Advanced services include white label SEO, SEO report, SEO monitoring. You can check your websites backlinks, analyze competitor strategy, create automated checkup including custom branded SEO reports.
Microsoft SEO Tool
The tool helps SEO agencies, webmasters and host providers improve blogs search relevance. The resourceful tool kit includes site indexes, sitemaps, exclusion modules and analysis module. It also has editing tool for sitemaps files and Robots.
Free Search Engine Optimization Tools
  • Robot txt Generator
  • Microoft Free SEO Toolkit
  • Structured Data Testing Tool
  • Copyscape
  • Searchmetrics Website Analyzer
  • SEO Site Checkup
  • XML Sitemaps
  • SimilarWeb
  • SERPs Rank Checker
  • Google Trends
  • Quicksrout Website Analyzer
  • Google Search
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Analytics
  • Google URL builder
  • Open Site Explorer
  • Bing Webmaster Tools
  • Google Webmaster Tools
  • Google PageSpeed Insights
  • Keywordtool.io
  • Schema Creator
  • Quetext
  • Search engine submissions
  • Syndicated feeds

20 Poplar Search Engine Optimization Tools

Search engine Optimization is the bread and butter of blogs and website. It enables proper visibility, easy navigation and lots of organic traffic.
 Webmasters needs to build their websites the proper way from the get go. Search Optimization techniques include alter-text for images, description and appropriate use of keywords.
The quality and uniqueness of the content is also of great importance. A major part of SEO involves using different free and paid optimization tools.
The tools are used to get data and study the performance of the site before implementing appropriate changes. Here are 20 Popular SEO tools blog owners use to build top sites.
How to Use the Tools
To find the tools all you need is a simple search. Write the tool name as listed below on google search bar and relevant websites will to highlight.
Once you find the tool write the websites URL on a search bar, then click start/search. The toll should fetch appropriate data on the site.
There are lots of free tools online however the accuracy of the data is subjective. Some SEO websites offer paid membership and a variety of tools with more accurate data and recommendations.
Keyword Density Checker- this tool is to check the keyword density in an article
2. Website Page Size Checker
3. Google Cache Checker
4. Mozrank Checker
5. Website SEO Score Checker
6. Domain Age Checker
7. Alexa Rank Checker- to check the world ranking of the site according to Alexa
8. Backlink Checker- used to check the backlinks to the site
9. Spell Checker-
10. Page Authority Checker
11. Reverse Image search
12. Website Ping Tool
13. Google PR Checker
14. Keyword Position Checker
15. Article Spinner/Re-Writer
16. Plagiarism Checker- to ascertain if the content is plagiarized
17. Grammar Checker-used to check the grammar
18. Image Compression Tool
19. Backlink Maker
20. Domain Authority Checker- used to check the domain authority


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