How to Start a Shipping Container Storage business

The storage business is capital intensive and requires huge investment in infrastructure. Containers are bulky and need adequate space and handling. Haulage provisions are also challenging and expensive.
The storage container industry is getting more popular by the day and provides lots of job opportunities. If you have appropriate capital setting up the enterprise is relatively easy.
There are a few things you should consider before starting the business. Top on the list is sourcing the containers, transportation and site approval. Others are funding, location, legalities and marketing.
Types of Storage
The type of Storage Company depends on your business plan. There are three types of storage companies, the traditional storage facility and on-site facility. The third type combines both off-site and on-site storage.
The traditional storage facility has fixed structures fitted with garage doors for individual clients. Traditional storage refers to storage containers clustered in a centralized location.
This method is capital intensive and requires huge land space and adequate security. While a container on client’s site attracts delivery and pickup fees.
shipping container
Locating the Storage Company
The location of the storage company would account for the success or failure of the business. The location should centrally accessible to people in the locality.
A middle-class area that attracts lower leasehold is ideal for the business. The site should have utilities, accessible road network.
Building a storage company with shipping containers is challenging and expensive. A good strategy is to invest in a few containers and gradually increase inventory as the business grows.
Write a Business Plan
Write a storage container business plan and carry out a feasibility study. Conduct a survey to find the best location and understand the local authorities zoning formula.
You need to find a credible source for your containers, provide security and staff. Staff requirements are receptionist, security guards administrative staff and drivers.
Storage Company Services
There are three main services offered by container storage companies. They offer container delivery, pickup and storage facility. Some include refurbishing, removal and upgrades.
  • container delivery
  • pickup
  • storage facility
  • refurbishing
  • removal
  • upgrades
Price of Storage Containers
The price of storage containers depends on the size, condition and demography. There are two options when choosing containers. You could spend more and purchase new containers or less and buy used ones.
The popular sizes are 20 ft. 40 ft containers however 20ft are the best options for storage facilities. Storage companies charge around $50 to $150 a month for storage space. You can buy a used container for $1500.
The cost of a container varies depending on the source. The price of new or used 20 ft containers range $1000 to $2700.
Storage companies are able to break-even with full capacity occupancy within two years. And marketing involves newspaper adverts, networking and traditional methods.


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