How to Become a Flee Market Vendor

Someone that sells products or services at flee market is a vendor. Setting up your store is easy and straightforward however you need seed money and transportation. The business is practicable full time or part time.  You could run the enterprise alongside a tertiary store, online store or while on full time employment.
Things to Sell
Finding the right things to sell will guarantee success. Study the competition and find out their best selling items.
Carry out a research by visiting different flee markets in your locality. Another way is to find good deals on items. You could start by clearing your house of unwanted inventory.
Startup Fees
The amount you need to start the enterprise is small. Most vendors spend less than $1300 to launch the business.
Organizers charge a nominal fee at a daily or monthly rate. Recurrent costs include space rent, transportation costs and inventory. You can start the business through personal savings or small loans from friends and family.
New entrants into the business should rent daily and avoid monthly costs. This is an effective way to study the location, customer respond and interests. You don’t have to tie down cash to find out popular products.
flee market
Type of Space
The Type of space depends on the infrastructure and location. The space could be in a large hall with an open plan or demarcated into small stalls. Others are organized in an open field, street corner or permanent location. They could offer booths, covered areas or tables.
  • large hall
  • open plan
  • small stalls
  • open field
  • street corner
  • permanent location
  • booths
There are not many restrictions for vendors. However organizers need government and state permission to run a flee market. Vendors need sales tax identification number and value added tax for some items.
Other restrictions include food handler’s health certification and some prohibit items. Common items not allowed are animal fur, ivory products, or endangered animals. Business registration is not mandatory and you find many private individuals selling their wares.
How to Find a Flee Market
Finding the right market could differentiate between success and failure. The market should fit your inventory, attract lots of customers and is cost effective.
Find one in close proximity to your residence to reduce transportation costs. Use online directories such as Clark’s Flea Market Directory to find markets. Others are and U.S Flee market directory.
Another way is to visit your local government and find out if they have a list of flee markets. There are also impromptu locations were vendors sell from the back of their vehicles.
Where Flee Markets are organized
Flee markets are organized in parks, street corners and open fields. Other locations are within large halls, parking lots, supermarkets and convenient stores. You also find them in social gatherings, pedestrian walk ways and church premises.
How to Sell
Flee markets are highly competitive with vendors selling different items. To get ahead of the game, stock quality items and provide good customer service.
Make sure the items are priced appropriately and accept multiple forms of payment. You could accept cash, and use a POS machine. Provide simple packaging such as paper or nylon bags and issue receipts.


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