How to get Paid Testing Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps go through an extensive period of testing. The tests are carries out by the developers and test companies.
Many use public opinion to fix issues and produce a robust experience. If you have a passion for games and applications this is a plausible business opportunity.
App Tester Requirements
There are a few things you need to become an app tester. Apart from passion for the job you need certain equipment.
Purchase a laptop, modem for internet connection. You need a webcam, powerful smartphone and microphone.
You also need a PayPal account to access payment. PayPal is free and easy to join and you need lots of passion for the job.
mobile app

  • laptop
  • internet connection
  • webcam
  • smartphone
  • microphone
  • PayPal account
What is Paid mobile App Testing
You are paid to give your opinion and testing products. The tester is given a set of instructions based on the app developers test parameters.
Beta testers carry out specific instructions and follow set rules and guidelines. The duration of a comprehensive test usually lasts 30 to 60 minutes.
While performing the tasks a visual capture of your responses are sometimes recorded. You give your opinion through reviews or spoken word through the aid of microphone. 
Make suggestions and explain certain action, likes or dislikes. Provide as much useful information to help the developer improve the product.
  • You follow specific instructions
  • visual capture of your response
  • record
  • give opinion
  • reviews
  • spoken word
  • Make suggestions
  • Document likes and dislikes
Types of Tests
There are different types of tests done by test companies. Common test include product, surveys, electronics and videos. Others include websites, video games, apps and mobile sites.
  • Product testing
  • Surveys
  • Electronics
  • Videos
  • Websites
  • video games
  • apps and mobile sites
Earnings as a Mobile App Tester
Mobile App testing is a part time business and remunerations small. The number of jobs depends on your proficiency and test companies focus.
Top testers get regular gigs and earn steady income. Beta testers are usually sourced from Europe and America. Some test companies accept global participants in the scheme.
Some tests are age specific, demography, and participant’s sex. A completed project earn from $5 to $15. If you are proficient the amount gradually builds up monthly.
App Testing Websites
There are a few websites that seek members to test apps for cash. Some are UpWork, Beta Family, Ferpection and UserFeel. Others include TestBirds, Userlytics and UserTesting. Many conduct a sample test before accepting testers. Don’t pay to join any of the sites and avoid fraudulent sites.
10 Companies That Pay to Test Websites


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