101 Ways to Promote and Market Your Books

You have toiled day and night to create your book. Then found a good publishing company to handle your publication.
Then what?
Your book is gathering dust and selling at a snail pace, not because it’s no good but very few buyers can find your work. Not surprising when you consider the millions of books published every year.
Writers have never had it so good and tough at the same time. They can choose to publish under trade publishers, subsidy publishers or self publish.

Decent book sales should be the priority of authors because it comes with a little gratification. How do you go from low and moderate sales to the bestseller list?
Publishers and authors need to promote and market their work to make decent sales.
We will show you 100 ways to promote and market your book. Most books come in ether digital format or print which provides lots of opportunities to promote them.
You also have the print on demand publishers doing their thing. Here is a list of a hundred ways you can include in your book publishing strategy.
How to Promote and Market Your Book
1. Make a budget. You need to make a budget because you are going to spend some money marketing your book. Big publishing houses have special allocations for marketing.
2. Know your audience. Who is the book for is it fiction or non fiction a children’s story book, an anthology, illustrations, romance, or a thriller. Identifying your audience is the first and most important step in marketing.
Promoting your book to the right people will dramatically increase your readership.
3. Make a book trailer. The visual media is a very strong tool to promote your book. Many people will rather watch a movie than buy the book about the same story.
4. Have a Marketing plan. You can’t just jump into book promotions without knowing which steps to take.
5. Start a free book promotion. Kindle direct publishing allows authors give away their book for a short duration of time usually between 1 to 5 days.
Free kindle promotions drive readers to your publication and turn some into loyal fans.
6. Build an email List. Webmasters know that there is money in the list. You can build your list through subscriptions and freebies.
7. Build a Brand. Top authors especially fiction writers have built formidable brands.  Famous examples are Dean Koontz, Agatha Christie and Steven King.
By Creating a good brand results in loyal followers and fans.
8. Target advertisement. Advertisement is a very effective method in spreading the word. There are several advertisement platforms such as Adwords, YouTube Ads, and Newspaper Ads.
9. Get Book Reviews. Book reviews are very important in gaining new readers. A good five star review is worth more than targeted advertisement.
10. Word of Mouth. Word of mouth goes a long way in promoting your book. People underrate word of mouth but it’s also an important marketing tool.
11. Post your book links. The URL to your books page in the marketplace is a perfect way to get traffic to your book. You can post the link in emails on blogs, websites and even forums.
12. Use forums.  A forum that deals with books, publishing and topics related to the content of your book are good places to direct traffic to your sales page.
13. Start a blog. You can feature your books on your blog for more exposure. Blogging is easy and you are at liberty to use either a pay or free host.
 14. Twitter. Link your book to trending topics on twitter and watch the traffic increase.
15. Social media. Social media share brings more awareness of your book. There are hundreds of social media sites you can use. Some top sites are Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and twitter.
16. Your bio. Many authors hardly give proper consideration of the content of your Bio. A well written Bio would attract readers to your publication.
17. The books synopsis. This is an area authors fail miserably because they put little thought to writing a good description. A synopsis gives the new reader a brief insight to what the book is about.
A potential buyer would decide to purchase or decline in a matter of seconds.
18. The Books description. The books description is far different from the synopsis. The description has other elements like page length and more elaborate detail about its content.
19. The cover Art Even when your book is a bestseller and it’s well written without a nice cover it might be doomed to fail. The book cover is the first point of contact with your audience.
A shady job with a presentable cover would make better sales on the short run.
20. Content is king. With great content comes good reviews and good reviews equals more readers. Nothing beats great content except effective marketing of your book.

21. Develop creative strategies. The theme, time period and content of your book can inspire creative marketing. If your book is set in the Victorian era, organizing a Victorian style launch will attract curious readers.
22. Proper pricing. Your book should be priced according to competitive market. Giving your book an unreasonably high or low price might be counter productive.
23. Online freebies. There are many methods to giving out your book free. If you are confident about the quality of your work use this medium to get reviews and email listing.
24. Time your release. Timing is everything especially if you align your release with an important event or occasion. Leveraging on the crowd it attracts is a god marketing strategy.
25. Turn your audience into buyer. Webmasters make money by turning their audience in to buyers.  If you have a dedicated social media account, blog or group that have huge follower ship then turn them into buyers.
26. Offer discounts. There is nothing better than freebies and discounts. Even mighty publishing houses like Amazon have discount countdown promos.
27. Professional Author Photograph. Don’t take a hurried picture of your self and paste it at the back of your book. Invest in a professionally taken photograph for you book. It is better not to have a photograph than to feature a badly taken one.
28. Have s press release. A press release is important because it gives your audience, reporters and bloggers an insight to you work. There are many press release distribution website choose only the top sites.
29. Use multimedia platforms. One of the best ways to market your book is via multimedia platforms.
30. Schedule an Interview. You can schedule and interview with a popular media house to get more readers. Interviews are a powerful tool when used properly.
31. Newspaper publications. Millions of people read newspapers daily so taking out an advertisement makes logical sense. A newspaper publication is a very effective tool in your marketing strategy.
32. Radio jingles. Radios go a far way in informing your audience about your book. If your book is a business idea or self help publication you will gain lots of followers with your radio presentation.
33. Organize a reading club. A reading club can gain new readers for your work. This method is not as effective as media publications but you can become a local hero.
34. Use Google +. A Google+ hangout is an interesting way to promote your book.
35. Build an expert reputation. You can build a reputation as an expert by regularly commenting on topics related to your book. Facebook groups and forums related to your area of expertise is a good place to start.
35. Goodreads giveaway.  If in print then Goodreads giveaways will generate reviews and a buzz around your book. Your work should be top notch because the reviews can be brutal honest.
36. Do a local presentation.  A local presentation of your book can create a small buzz. The book would gain word of mouth marketing and localized buyers.
37. Be flexible. You can post excerpts of your book at scribd or Facebook business page.
38. YouTube Channels. YouTube is very popular and attracts millions of video addicts. Make a YouTube video around your book in an interesting and presentable way.
How to videos are very popular especially if your book is about a particular business venture.
39. Market to Schools. This strategy works if your book is children literature, illustrations or educational. If a single school adopts your book you get lots of regular orders.
40. Create a readers Guide. A reader’s guide should contain a helpful discussion guide.
41. Guest post. Guest posting is a good way of attracting new audience. If you guest post on a popular website with lots of traffic you will benefit from the webmaster loyal fans.
42. Advertise in book sites. Popular book site encourage advertiser to their websites for a fee. The amount is usually reasonable and for a specified duration.
The exposure you get from such top sites is very organic.
43. Outsource your marketing. If you are not technically savvy or you are time strapped then outsourcing your book promotions and marketing is a very effective strategy. It also depends on your budget and purpose.
44. Use bookstore. If your book is in print then use bookstores to sell your publication. The strategy to use is handing out your books to numerous book stores who latter remit your earnings.
If you book become popular they will place orders and pay upfront.
45. Make your book a series. An author on Amazon kindle made over $100,000 dollars using this format. His novels are about a contract killer and his adventures.
His earlier publication had little success but when he made them into a series he smiled all the way to the bank.
46. In- page advertisement. A simple but effective strategy is to advertise your previous books in your current publication.
You can even sneak a link to the sales page of your past work.
47. Improve your Amazon page rank. The quickest way of improving your book rank on Amazon is positive reviews. The more good reviews you get the higher you book ranks on Amazon. The higher it get the more visible it gets and the circle continues.
48. Create $0.99 Books. Create low priced book to advertise your main book. The low priced book could be a teaser with a dedicated url link to your main Book.
49. Podcast. Create a Podcast tour to increase the visibility of your book.
50. Email marketing. Email marketing tells your audience about your new publication. You can also update your email signature with a link to your book.
51. Get your book translated. Get your book translated to various languages is a good way to get new readers.
52. Start a Facebook group. Facebook groups attract people of similar interests so you are conveniently building targeted audience.
53. Display your books content. You can display your book cover and content on Wordpress with the appropriate app. The look adds to the mystery and might attract more buyers. Add rotator is a nice plug-in that offers these features.
54. Network. You can network with other writer, readers and publishers to gain more interest in your book.
55. Attend book expos. Book expos are good places to discover what other writers are doing. You can also earn new marketing trends and techniques.
56. Organize a seminar. The beauty of organizing a seminar is the financial benefit and potential buyers. You can make money from the seminar while including your book in the package or selling it separately.
57. Traditional Book signing. Traditional book signing attracts lots of interest for your book. Book signings are fun and they show a more approachable side of the author.
58. Write a powerful blog post. Write a powerful blog post dedicated to the content of your book. You can also include reviews, freebies, and synopsis of the real thing.
59. Kindle free promotions. Kindle free book promotions is an interesting way to gain new audience. You offer your book free for a duration not exceeding 5 days. The strategy works because it draws lots of attention to your publication and in the process make sales.
There are a number of free e-book submission websites you can use to promote your kindle book.
60. Video testimonials. Video testimonials give credence to your book. The testimonials should be truthful and done by actual readers.
The testimonials spread the word and you can add url links to your sales page.
61. Use popular article directories. If you are a contributor to top article directories then write a review on your book. Many article directories allow their contributors write on any topic.
Some even allow merchant links to external sources. Top directories like hubpages has a good reputation, high ranking and reputation.
62. Virtual book tours. Virtual book tours build excitement, and create large number of followers. Your book tour should have regular posts, prizes and even interviews.
63. Search engine Optimized Title. Search engine optimized book titles make you book easier to find. Although this method is not always practical it works.
64. Create a promotion kit. A promotion kit saves time and is easily distributed on request. In your kit include graphics, illustrations, images and excerpts of your book.
65. Kindle select. Kindle select requires exclusive publishing of the book for a few months in their site. For making your book exclusive to Amazon they showcase them on their various market places around the world including a share in a global fund.
You can also do free kindle book promotions and countdown offers.
66. SlideShare. SlideShare is an important medium to share your book.  Create short presentations and share them on SlideShare.
67. Promote your books at book fairs. Book fairs are made to foster interactions with publishers, writers and buying audience.
68. Contact Information. Make it easier for your audience to contact you. Add contact information to the book, blog, email and website.
69. Offline and online presence. Make sure your offline and online has a professional touch. Work hard on your brand so it stands out both offline and online.
70. Content is everything. If you create good content then submit your article together with your link and contact information to top websites. Websites are always interested in high quality content especially if it comes free.
They gain from such contents while you gain new readership and even sales.
71. Don’t do everything yourself. Team up with merchants, book tours, store owners, bookshops and event planners to boost your book.
72 What is your story? The top writers have a visible profile that easily identifies them. Let them know your interests, how many dogs you have and what inspired you to write the book.
73. Pinterest. You can use Pinterest to publicize your book using creative images.
74. Promote your book constantly. Don’t run marketing and promotion campaign and stop abruptly. You should sustain the promotion until it becomes a little viral. 
75. Book readings. Book readings connect the author to the audience. It drums up excitement and provides an insight into the publication.
76. Purchase advertisement. The major advertisement platforms you can use for your campaign are Google Adwords and Facebook.
There are also book promotion blogs that accept direct advertisement.
77. Give your readers options. It is wise and economically beneficial to you if you give your readers options. Create a bundle package which includes print on demand, printed books and ebooks.
The book offered to readers in various formats helps create a wider audience.
78. Turn your fans into marketers. Referral and affiliate programs targeted at your book are a great marketing tool. Your fans sign up with companies that offer these programs and encourage them to place links on their websites or blog.
79. Make a deal. Store owners will eagerly showcase your book for a cut in the profit. You can offer them a flat sum per book sold or a percentage of the profit.
80. Create a themed merchandise. A themed merchandise related to your book can be used as a promotional tool. There is no guarantee that this marketing method would work but some writers have made huge gain.
81. Link your book to trending topics. Trending topics have a life of their own and they attract lots of viewership. By linking your book to such topics you leverage on the buzz around them.
82. Create a Bookmark. Your bookmark should contain a hook, QR Code, book image, location of book like a sales page or website including contact information.
83. Write an engaging article. You can write an engaging article related to the topic of your book then submit to popular blogs that do link round ups.
If your article is high quality it would be included in the blogs which generates back links to your book.
84. Build good will. You can build good will by promoting others, doing book reviews and interviews. This would build a reciprocal effect that could be beneficial to your marketing strategy.
85. Mobile advertisement. Turn your car into verified mobile unit by designing your book cover to attract customers. You need to get approval from advertisement regulation agency.
Make sure your book title, and phone number is clearly displayed.
86. Posters rock. Create beautiful posters both offline and online to attract more readers.
87. Make a billboard. Billboards are meant to attract people to the goods and services on offer. A billboard is an effective marketing tool for authors and book publishers.
88. Facebook groups. Post your free and paid books to Facebook groups related to your genre. People interested in your topic would most likely become fans of your work.
89. Sell to family and friends. You family and friends should support your creativity by buying into your book project. Selling to family and friends is a good way to kick-start a promotion.
90. Amazon reviews. Get at least 20 Amazon reviews for your book. Positive reviews will improve your raking and attract more buyers. Get your friends to buy your book and write reviews.
91. Email blast. You can target organizations that send thousands of email daily. Get your book reviewed and included in their newsletter.
92. Advertise on YouTube. You must have noticed those annoying advertisements on YouTube videos. The might seem unsolicited but they actually work due to large numbers attracted to a popular or viral video.
93. Get early reviews. Months before starting your book promotion campaign you can gather as many reviews as possible. Reviews are a powerful tool authors use to build followers.
94. Build a website. Blogs have their limitation but websites offer far more. It show professionalism and gets higher rating on search engines.
Things to include in your website are chapters of your book, link to sales page, a complete media kit including book reviews and blurbs.
You can also schedule interviews, conferences and add contact info.
95. Create a book pitch. A book pitch is useful when potential buyers request for more information about your book.
96. Do Charity. Organize a charity event and giveaway your books. The event should attract some media attention and it should be related to the books topic.
97. Build traffic to your blog. Without adequate traffic your book blog will remain hidden. You can build traffic by writing quality articles. Another way is link your site with high PR sites including SEO techniques.
98. Use hashtags. Hashtags point your book link to the right direction.
99. Make sure your book is presentable. The book should have a banging cover art, well written content, good bio photograph and other elements for success.
100. Price your book correctly. The number of pages, type of book and other parameters should be considered when setting a price.
The price should be competitive and within the range of other publication similar to your work.
101. Decide on a marketing strategy and stick to it. When launching your marketing strategy decide on the method that appeals to you. Consider different techniques and leverage only on the ones that show appreciable increase in viewership.
It takes time to build a loyal audience eventually you will see an appreciable interest in your work.


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