Top 20 High Earning Blogs

Blogging is here to stay and many bloggers are earning huge sums from their passion. The blogs usually start as one man businesses and gradually expands to accommodate staff.
There are a few blogs that have distinguished themselves by providing quality and informative content. They also use effective monetization methods.
Blogging is tough and practitioners labor for several years before generating any appreciable income. To stay motivated as bloggers we have put together top earning blogs.
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How they Make Money
The main monetization methods for the blogs are pay per click advertisement and CPM advertisement. Other methods include affiliate sales, product sales and private advertising.
More are through membership area, Instagram and twitter. The values are simply estimates and could be grossly underestimated.
Those that earn from direct advert placement are difficult to value. The websites listed below are in no particular order.
.1. Gizmodo is owned by Attila Talos, makes a daily income of $3,900 and earns through advertisement banners.
2. Mashable is owned Pete Cashmore, value $12 million and daily income of $15,000
3. Engadget-Peter Rojas-Daily $10,000-Value $7.5million-
4. Problogger-Darren Rowse-Daily-$1,800-value $1.3 million-Advertisement
5. Tuts+-Collis Taeed-Daily $5,000-value $3.5 million-Membership
6. Six Revisions-Jacob Gube-Daily-$1,000-value $1million-advertising
7. Huffington Post-Arianna Huffington-Daily-$30,000-Value-$20 million –Pay Per Click
8. Smashing Magazine-Vitaly Friedman-Daily-$6,500-value-$5 million –advertisement
9. Techcrunch-Michael Arrington-Daily 15,000-Value 11million-Advertising
10. Life Hacker-Nick Denton- Daily $ 4,900-value $3.5 million-advertising
11. Retireat21
Michael Dunlop
12. Revenews
 ReveNews, LLC
13. StandOutBlogger
 Thomas Sinfield
14. BlogBareFoot
FootCarrie Wilkerson

15. Tyler Cruz
Tyler Cruz $74
16. Chris Garrett
      $   49,350
Affiliate Sales
17. Money Dummy
John Paul Aguiar
Affiliate Sales
18. PC Mech
David Risley
Affiliate Sales
19. Timothy Sykes
Timothy Sykes
Affiliate Sales
20. Joel Comm
Joel Comm
Affiliate Sales


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