Where to Find Completely Free eBooks

There are some websites that offer free eBooks including Nook, Kobo and Kindle eBooks. Some of the eBooks are compatible with many android devices including iPhone, tablets and Smartphone’s.

You can find many websites showcasing free eBooks but most books on such sites are only free for a limited duration. Many kindle books are offered free during the period when the author is promoting his book. And the period of free promo doesn’t exceed 7 days maximum before it reverts to its priced format.

Others only include snippets of the actual book to tantalize the reader and get a potential sale after the promotion. There are basically three major ways free eBooks are presented to the public for reading.

The book might be presented as a digital download directly to the device, or might have an online URL address where the reader is directed to the book. Another method is sending the eBook to a certain location like an email.

It is difficult to see newly published books that are totally free of any copy write except an author specifically publishes a free sample. Usually this is done many to showcase his writing style and to direct the reader to other paid publications by the same author.

Books that are completely free usually have a stipulated time when the publication becomes public domain property according to US laws. But an absolutely free public domain book might still have some restrictions according to copywriter laws of other countries.

Public domain books

What exactly constitutes a public domain book? The answer is complex because many countries a guided by their own laws which might be different each other. The major three determinants of works considered public domain property are if the legal right of ownership expires. Others are when the legal right of ownership is forfeited or becomes inapplicable.

Most old books regarded as classics like stories credited to Shakespeare or silent moves like those featuring Charles Chaplin. Some copy write might be residual, under license or given certain permissions.

When does copyright expire?

According to Berne Convention the copyright expire when the author dies or a duration ranging between 50 to 70 years. Some copy write owners could apply for an extension of copy write under the copyright duration directive.

Some families decide to grant the general public many license rights virtually making the book a public domain property. Others who want to offer the public access to the book might choose to donate the book.

Websites that have absolutely free eBook

Planetebook:  Planetebook offers its subscribers over 80 free classic downloads daily, with publications like little wom
Manybooks has classics served absolutely free and a library of over 24,000 titles.
Classicreader; They have expired copyright books you might like.
 Amazon bookstore has many free eBooks but many become paid after promo.


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