Earn Extra Cash with Mylot

Mylot provides an interesting platform for discussions and sharing. They have a large membership and approach general topical issues.
The bad news about Mylot is that certain countries are not allowed to earn on the platform. According to them they are only following Office of Foreign Assets Control regulations.
Certain countries are prohibited to receive money thus the exemption. However they are allowed to participate in discussion groups. They share information, provide help and meet new people.
The site accommodates different topics that cover a wide range of issues. Common topics are sports, finance, technology and love. Others include dating tips, beauty, and general advice.
  • Sports
  • Finance
  • Technology
  • Love
  • dating tips
  • beauty and general advice
How to join Mylot
Join Mylot, register to become a member and create an account.  The members are allowed to remain anonymous and a Mylot email is assigned to each member. They also disclose only the user’s country and username.
There are a few benefits to joining the site. The site provides each member a Mylot email are spam free and a safe platform.
Others are self-regulated network, contact with people around the world. You gain lots of knowledge and even earn from discussions.
  • Mylot email
  • spam free
  • safe platform
  • self-regulated network
  • contact with people
  • gain knowledge
  • earn from discussions
Earning Sources on Mylot
You are paid for you contribution to discussions and quality posts. There are many earning potential found on Mylot.
Earning sources are shared photos, discussions and comments. You earn from commenting, referrals, posting new threads and commenting on new threads. Post quality content and check on daily earnings as appropriate.
  • contribution to discussions
  • quality threads
  • shared photos
  • comments
  • referrals
Payment Method
All members are required to have a PayPal or e-gold account. Payment threshold is $10 and paid monthly. The transaction fees are strictly borne by the member. Mylot retains the right to withhold payment without recourse.


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